Biology Flashcards
In cytogenetics, what term describes the entire chromosomal complement of a cell which may be observed during mitotic metaphase?
These seven characteristics are necessary features of living things. They often remembered using the acronym MRS GREN.
Movement, Respiration, Sensitivity, Growth, Reproduction, Excretion, Nutrition
This is the term for a subatomic particle’s angular momentum.
What are “Bacillus” bacteria shaped like?
“Bacillus” means “rod-shaped.”
Immunoglobulins, which attack foreign substances inside you, are aka these.
What is the name for any of various bacteria having a round or ovoid form, including those that cause strep throat, some forms of pneumonia and meningitis, and staph infections?
This is the term given to the group of pigments that determine skin color in humans. The less a human has, the lighter their skin will be.
In botany, this is the term for a tiny opening in the epidermis of a plant (especially abundant on leaves). In biology, it’s any opening in a body, like the oral cavity of a nematode. In medicine, it’s an opening in a body surface created by a surgical procedure. What is this term?
The disease beriberi is caused by the absence in one’s diet of vitamin B1, a vitamin that is also known commonly by what name?
What’s the only letter of the alphabet that’s both a DNA base code and chemical element symbol?
C is used for both carbon and cytosine–which happens to contain plenty of carbon atoms.
A vane, rachis, calamus, and barbules are among the components of what biological epidermal appendages?
What adjective, a relative neologism found almost exclusively in scientific contexts, is most commonly used to describe, as a formal term, DNA molecules produced by merging genetic material from two or more different sources via genetic engineering? The word is represented by the first letter in the typical four-letter designation for this type of DNA molecule.
What is the common name of the tissue that forms the majority of a tooth’s mass, between the outer enamel and the pulpy core? It makes up the entirety of elephant ivory from tusks.
Malarial & iron deficiency are 2 types of this condition that can lead to paleness.
What term from biology and soil science, not to be confused with a certain Levantine condiment, is defined as the dark, thick material produced when organic matter decays?
What is the name for the tiny holes that control the amount of air that enters or leaves a tree?
Give either the name or the three-letter abbreviation for the genetic disorder in which one’s body lacks an enzyme needed to metabolize the amino acid phenylalanine.
Phenylketonuria / PKU
You can learn your ethnicity using DNA in your autosomes (non-sex chromosomes). Most people have this many sets of autosomes.
What genus of bacteria, which can cause a serious form of food poisoning, is named for a British surgeon who pioneered antisepsis?
Naming Listerine after the great Dr. Joseph Lister is a fitting tribute, but naming Listeria after him just seems mean.
In humans, the two most important and most common systems for blood grouping are the ABO system and a system involving a factor known by what six-letter name—so-named for the primate species in which the factor was first recognized?
The two-empire system of biological classification divided all cellular life into prokaryota and eukaryota. The more current and prevailing three-domain system retains eukaryote and splits prokaryota into two domains. Name either of these two.
Bacteria, Archaea
What is the name in biochemistry for the pyrimidine base, part of the genetic code of RNA, that pairs with adenine during the process of transcription and is replaced by thymine in DNA?