Mindfulness in the workplace, schools and sports Flashcards
What are some of the benefits Sutcliffe and Dane have found in their review?
Mindfulness has :
Increased employee outcomes: engagement, performance, turnover
Collective Mindfulness: Increased customer satisfaction and resource allocation.
What are some of the facts regarding worker well-being and mindfulness?
It is associated with trait mindfulness
MBI are affective at reducing work related stress.
Workers get better sleep
Workers report less emotional exhaustion and higher job satisfaction
How is collective mindfulness and emotional exhaustion related as Vagus and Colleagues showed?
History of adverse events: Collective Mindfulness useful
Low Adverse events: Collective mindfulness exhausting
How is Overall performance effected by mindfulness?
Overall performance was positively associated
Those with high trait mindfulness are more responsive to ethical leaders
Trait mindfulness of supervisors are positively linked to employee well being and performance
Well being of one person can effect all organisation
How is task performance related to mindfulness?
Mindfulness increases creativity
Mindfulness and meditation helps to overcome rigid ways of thinking
Mindfulness increases cohesion in design making
It has also been negatively associated with implicit learning
Klat et al found what with regards to MBI in high stress environments?
When using an adapted MBSR programme: 1hr for 8 weeks
Found workers increased engagement and resilience.
Huang et al found what with regards to MBI in factories?
144 employees with poor. mental health were split into control and active.
MBSR without the full day administered.
Findings: Less distress, exhaustion, but no impact on work
Inactive control
All subjects well educated
No homework measure
What are the possible psychological underpinnings of mindfulness in workplace?
1: Non-reactivity
2: Emotional regulation: Less emotion exhaustion, More control of actions (no autopilot)
3: Perception of surroundings: Preventative
What did Zenner, Herrnleben-Kurz, and Walach find in their meta-analysis.
24 studies, 1348 students and 876 controls
Cognitive performance
All improved.
What did Kuyken et al find in mindfulness in schools?
Age 12-16
522 kids
9 weeks of MBI
Measured by:
Warwick-Edinburgh Well being scale
Mental Health (Perceived stress Scale and Centre for epidemiologic Studies in Depression Scale
Depression were improved post and follow up.
Stress and well being score improved at follow up
Improved mindfulness was associated with Well being and Stress improvements at follow up.
Short Follow up
Variety of schools needed.
What are the considerations and adaptions when using MBI for children?
Training was designed for adults
Teachers would be trained too.
Use of manuals
Variety of resources (booklets)
Variety of interactive and teaching
Shortening of practice
Teaching mindfulness explicitly
What was the start of positive psychology?
Martin Sellegaman presidency in Psychology 1999
What is positive psychology?
The study of positive emotion, engagement and meaning.
Includes: Joy, hope, pride, gratitude…
What makes people flourish (A state of positive mental health) not languish.
Associated with high levels of goal setting and perseverance.
What is “The broaden and build: theory of positive emotions?
Barbara Fredickson
Positive emotions help develop the following resources: Intellectual Social Psychological Physical
Which all help:
Problem solving, social bonds, CV health, resilience and goal orientation.
How can mindfulness improve positive psychology?
Hamilton et al:
Mindfulness and positive psych share common components: Attention regulation
Kashdan et al:
Mindfulness enhances positive mood and repairs negative mood.
Mindfulness facilitates positive appraisals about self and others
What did Malinowski and Lim find?
299 full time workers:
meditators vs non
Found: Self-reported mindfulness will predict work engagement and well being
Relationships are mediated by positive job related affect.
Limitations: Cross sectional survey-results kept over time?
Indicates that increased dispositional mindfulness could:
Directly improve well being
Increase positive effect
Engage broaden and build
Higher work engagement and wellbeing in the work place
What are the main issues facing athletes psychologically?
Need for self-confidence and attentional focus.
Difficulty in controlling cognitive processes.
Mindfulness can increase acceptance rather than control
What did Scott-Hamilton et al find regarding mindfulness and cyclists?
Increases mindfulness and flow, while decreasing anxiety and negative cognition.
8 week or waitlist control
Weekly mindfulness workshops, home meditation, mindful bike training.
Finding: Significant positive effect on mindfulness, flow and pessimism.
Changes in mindfulness related to changes in flow.
Small sample
Withdrawal of controls
Use of self report only
What study echoed the findings of Scott
Kee and Wang found more mindful students were more likely to experience flow state.
Is what way is flow similar and different to Mindfulness?
Both require sustained attention to present moment
but, mindfuless requires focus on internal and external phenomenon
What did Sheldon et al find regarding mindfulness and flow?
They looked at the differences in mindfulness and flow
They pointed out:
Mindfulness is maintaining self awareness, Flow is losing self awareness.
Flow Short Scale: Absorpstion: Being engaged with a task with min self-consciousness
Control: Being in control not reactive or autopilot
Findings: Reflective awareness negatively associated with flow absorption
Reflective awareness positively or non to flow control
What is mindful based coaching?
Coach helps individual maintain focus and emotional detachment.
Coachee manages stress and develops resilience
What are the pathways for integration of mindfulness into Coaching Virgilli suggests?
Mindful Coach: Presence
Mindful-Information Dicussion Change Acceptance Conscious responding
Mindful based coaching:
Teaching formal and informal skills