Military History- WWI--The Great War Flashcards
What years made up The Great War?
Due to having the inferior military and no alliances, and many citizens of German decent, President ___ declared a policy of strict ___ in 1914
Woodrow Wilson, neutrality
What chain of events started WWI on Aug 4, 1914?
- Austrian arch duke Franz Ferdinand and wife shot
- Austria threatens Serbia
- Russia defends Serbia
- Germany threatens Russia
- France defended Russia
- Germany invades Belgium to get to Paris
- UK warn Germany to withdraw troops from Belgium
- War is declared
The German War plan that called for an attack passing through Belgium to capture Paris, France. (WWI)
The Schlieffen Plan
5 reasons the US got involved in WWI:
- unrestricted submarine warfare
- American propaganda stressed German barbarism
- German dictatorship
- US Business interests
- Zimmerman note
What was the Zimmerman note? (WWI)
Note from Germany asking Mexico to enter war against US
When did US declare War in WWI?
April 1917
What was the Selected Service Act of 1917?
All Americans between the age of 21-30 were required to register for military. About 24 million registered, and 4 million ultimately drafted. 50% served overseas.
What is AEF and who was commander? (WWI)
American Expeditionary Force, Gen John Pershing
What was the group of soldiers sent to France to defend the Western Front during the 3rd Battle of the Aisne and at the Marne called? (WWI)
American Expeditionary Force
Pershing provided clear guidance that American soldiers were to only be led by ___ during WWI.
American officers
Aside from wounds, about ___% of WWI American deaths was from ___
50, disease (mainly influenza)
American 369th Regiment of African-American soldiers that fought beside the French during WWI.
Harlem Hell Fighters
A significant element of WWI was the ___. Often only ___ apart. No mans land was filled with ___. Soldiers were very ___
trenches, 25m, barbed wire and land mines . dirty and prone to disease.
The first use of poison gas (chlorine gas) as a weapon. Central Powers killed Canadians who soaked handkerchiefs in urine for protection. WWI
Battle of Ypres 22 Apr-25 May 1915
Over 1.2 million soldiers died in this battle. German machine gun posts were supposed to be destroyed by British but werent. Only advanced 11 km. WWI
Battle of Somme 1Jul-28Nov 1916
France built a continuous line of sunken forts to defend against German invasion, which initially failed. French General Henri Philippe Petain fought back with the motto “They shall not pass!” He regained their original position. WWI
Battle of Verdun 1916
Canadian General Arthur Currie had troops practice over and over. The Allies took over German strong hold in only a few days. WWI
Battle of Vimy Ridge 9-12 Apr 1917
Drainage ditches were destroyed and battlefield began to flood by North Sea. Many soldiers and tank sunk in mud and died. WWI
Battle of Passchendaele 31 Jul 1917
First American offensive operation. Successfully assaulted German village and defended counterattacks Proved America could fight on its own. WWI
Battle of Cantigny 28 May 1918
Last time Americans fought under French commands. Marines nicknamed “Devil Dogs”. stormed Belleau Wood and held off German advances. “Rock of the Marne”. WWI
Chateau-Thierry May-Aug 1918
Under Gen Pershing, first time Americans operated independently on foreign soil. First time Americans used armor on the battlefield. WWI
St. Mihiel 12-16 Sep 1918
The final, and largest, American offensive of the war. Defeated the Germans. WWI
Meuse-Argonne 26 Sep-11 Nov 1918
Leader of Germans during WWI
Max von Baden
Wilson proposed the ___ Program to serve as basis for signing of the Armistice. WWI
14 Points Peace Program
5 Major powers responsible for defeating the Central Powers. WWI
US, Britain, France, Italy, Japan
Signed at The Paris Peace Conference. The treaty ended WWI. Germany admitted cause of war, paid reparations, gave up territories, placed limitations on military strength.
The Versailles Treaty
Chlorine gas destroyed the ___ of its victims and led to a slow death by ___. Soldiers were eventually given efficient gas masks and anti-asphyxiation respirators
respiratory organs, asphyxiation
Describe the aircrafts designed by: Henri and Maurice Farman: Hugo Junkers: Gabriel Voisin: Ferdinand Zeppelin:
- Farman MF-7, MF-II- French aircraft proved successful for Allies
- Junker V-I, CL-I– German all metal plane, best ground attack plane of War
- Viosin III/V- first Allied plane to shoot down enemy aircraft, first bomber armed with cannon.
- LZ-3 Zeppelin- successful German long range bomber, vulnerable to attack and bad weather
What was the first name of the prototype tank?
When was the tank first used in battle?
Little Willie, 1915
Battle of Somme, it failed
What 2 tanks proved successful for the Allies in WWI?
Mark A “Whippet” (lighter)
Mark V
What was Big Bertha?
a German mobile howitzer that could fire a 2,200 lb shell over 9 miles.
In ___, ___ invented the world’s first automatic portable machine gun known as the ___
1884, Hiram Maxim, Maxim Gun. British
The ___ was the most devastating weapon used by the infantry during WWI
machine gun
Nearly all infantrymen in WWI used the ___ rifle, invented by Scottish immigrant ___
bolt action, James Paris Lee
In WWI, the ___ was the most popular rifle of American troops.
Springfield M1903