milgrams research Flashcards
what is the background of milgrams original research
germans are different hypothesis: they have a basic character deficit and have a rediness to obey
milgram believed the sitiuation lead to inhuman behaviour
put out an advertisment in the newspaper, 296 people replied, balance of age and occupation
what is the aim of milgrams original study
invesitgate what level of obedience would be shown when pts told by authority to administer elcetric shocks
what is the method of milgrams original study
- 40 males 20-50 years from New Haven area doing a study of memory and learning at yale paid $4.50
- psychology lab introduced to experimenter wearing lab coat with stern and emotionless expression
- victim played by Mr Wallace, mild mannered and likeable
- shock generator 15V to 450V with written labels
- told they were investigating effects of punishment on learning
- rigged draw to chose roles
- Mr Wallace strapped into electric chair
- sample shock of 45V given
- learner had to pair words 3 wrong:1 correct
- standardised prods given : ‘please continue’ ‘the experiment requires that you continue’ ‘it is absolutely essential that you continue’ ‘ you have no other chocie you must go on’
- filmed and notes taken
- debriefed using open ended questions and reunited with vivtim
what are the results of milgrams original study
100% to 300V
65% to 450V
nervous laughing, seizures from 3 pts, 1 violent seizure
most thought it was real
what is the conclusions of milgrams original study
social influence is strong and people even obey when it causes them distress
evaluate milgrams original study
+ standardised procedure, same for every pts, easily replicated, Burger, reliable results
- Perry said experimenter deviated from the scripts 20 prods given, not as standardised as claimed, reliablity
+ improved piolet training, challenge errors made by captain, first officers often hesitant putting others at risk, challenging can save lives
- may have only obeyed because they didnt believe shocks were real but went along, reducing internal validity
- just because they are volunterrs doesnt justify the psychological harm, make people lose faith in authority and jeopardise the reputation of psychological research
what is the aim of milgrams experiment 7
test if relationship between pts and experimenter would have an important consequence for obedience
what is the method of milgrams experiment 7
experimenter left lab after instructions and gave the rest by phone
all the rest the samewh
what are the results of milgrams experiment 7
22.5% obdedience
administered lower shocks
what is the colclusions of milgrams experiment 7
physical presence of authority figure is an important force of obedience, proximal relations between authority and subject
evaluate milgrams experiment 7
+ same procedure, helps with comparison, internal validity as everything was consistent, any difference in results is caused by variation not EVs
+ other research supports findings, sedikides and Jackson in New york zoo, obedience decreased as distance increased
- not natural setting, lacks ecological validity, pts acted as helper to find scientific evidence, not in autonomous state, lack validity
- pts may not have believed shocks were real, questions over validity
what is the aim of milgrams experiment 10
relationship of obedience to a persons sense of contex, apparatus mved to an office building in bridgeport
what is the method of milgrams experiment 10
same procedure but in a 3 room office suite that was somewhat rundown, pts informed that they were in a private firm conducting research for industry, sparsely furnished and respectable in apperance
what are the results of milgrams experiment 10
47.5% obedence, not significantly lower, not a noticeable reduction in tension
what are the conclusions of milgrams experiment 10
for instructions to be percieved as legitimate they must occur in some sort if institution but doesnt need to be a reputable ot distinguished institution
evaluate milgrams experiment 10
+ using office block adds ecological validity as it took place in real world, more real than yale adding legitimacy
+ standardised procedure from original, cause and effect conclusions
+ quant and qual data, reanalysis, deeper understanding
- validity questioned as obedience didnt fall much, still lab experiment
- should measure real obedience but controlls, generator and prods show pts are far from real, lack validity
- 47.5% obedience was seen as not significant to 65%but could be worth persuing, enough to claim yale lacked validity
what is the aim of milgrams experiment 13
invesigate influence of authority by removing ecperimenter and replacing with an ordinary man
what is the method of milgrams experiment 13
first confederate = victim
second confederate - record times from clock
experiment goes through usual instructions, phone call takes him away but told to go on as normal
cond=federate 2 says he has a good system to administer shocks and takes on authority role
what are the results of milgrams experiment 13
20% obedience despite persuasive arguments
what is the conclusion for milgrams experiment 13
for obedience to occur a person has to be seen a legitmate authority
evaluate milgrams experiment 13
+ same procedure, direct conparisons, reliable, apparatus all same, done at yale
+ authority was sucessfully reduces, accomplice was another pts just like himself
- milgram addmitted there was still a lot of authority, scientific looking apparatus, approval from yale, lack validity
- lack of ecological validity, artificial setting,
- experimenter still explained initial instructions, obedience may be even lower in situations where all orders come from ordinary man, lack of internal validity