MIL Flashcards
involves necessary skills that let a person interact using different media platforms and get access to information around the globe
Media and Information Literacy
transferring information from one place, person, group to another
communication is described as a ___ of an individual to socialize
natural ability
the various means of communication used to transmit information, messages, entertainment to a wide audience
ability to use language effectively to comunicate and comprehend information
encompasses the broader understanding and application of language in various contexts
Literacy is a ___ that empowers individuals to engage in a wide range of activities
fundamental skill
capacity of an individual to understand the functions of media and determine relevant use and worth of media platforms
Media Literacy
ability to critically analyze and interpret various forms of media to understand their messages, biases, and impact
Media Literacy
is a great way to connect, interact, and communicate while living separately
acquiring of data or facts related to the use of media information
Information Literacy
involves careful and thoughtful way of gathering information legally
Information Literacy
ability to locate, evaluate, and effectively use information from diverse sources
Information Literacy
Information and media literacy enables people to become ___
a RESPONSIBLE USER AND PRODUCER of media and information
skill to manipulate technology in an efficient and suitable way
Technology Literacy
these skills are needed to access knowledge and communicate information in a legal and ethical manner
Technology Literacy
when posting, think first if the information you are going to post is accurate, informative, positive
Think before you click
do not let others know your password
Keep your password safe
share positive and uplifting posts and avoid negativity
Spread positivity
society relies heavily on ___
media and information technology
The 4 Stages of Media
Pre-Industrial Age (pre-1700s)
Industrial Age (1700s-1930s)
Electronice Age (1930s-1980s)
Information Age (1900s-2000s)
People discovered fire, developed paper from plants, and forged weapons and tools with stone, bronze, copper and iron
Pre-Industrial Age (before 1700s)
The 2 Periods of the Pre-Industrial Age
Stone Age
Metal Age
this age began i the 18th century in Great Britain
Industrial Age (1700s-1930s)
People used the power of steam, developed machine tools, established iron production, and the manufacturing of various products
Industrial Age (1700s-1930s)
the invention of the __ ushered the electronic age
The invention of the transistor ushered this age
Electronic Age (1930s-1980s)
this age marked the beginning of modernization
Electronic Age (1930s-1980s)
the Information Age is also labeled as
New/ Computer Age
this age gave birth to new media and digital technology
Information Age (1900S-2000S)
it paved way for faster communication and the creation of the social network
The 4 Roles of Media
Resource Center
media provides opportunities for people to communicate, share ideas, speculate, tell stories and give information
media can expose corrupt practices; creating a space wherein governance is scrutinized
media is the gateway of information for the society’s consumption
Resource Center
media, through its diverse sources or formats, bridges the gap of digital divide
Media act as a catalyst for democracy and development, helping to make public participation
Positive role of media
If media is biased, corrupt and favors only a particular party or few individuals, it can prove to be very dangerous for the smooth functioning of democracy
Negative Aspects of Media
7 Stages/Elements of Information Literacy
- DETERMINING SOURCES of information
- CITING OR SEARCHING for information
- ANALYZING and EVALUATING the quality of information
- Using information in an ETHICAL, EFFICIENT, and EFFECTIVE way
- CREATING and COMMUNICATING new information
Being an ___ individual will be of great benefit in determining and classifying types of media
Information Literate
the various means by which information is recorded for use
Information Sources
media of paper and ink
Print Media
media that uses airwaves as medium
Broadcast Media
media that evolved with the advent of digital technology and the internet
New Media
New media emerged with the advent of __
digital technology and the internet
means meeting at a point
happens when two or more media sources join together
Media Convergence