MIH Flashcards
Which cells form enamel?
what is the stimulus that triggers ameloblasts to form enamel ?
dentine deposition
what happens when ameloblasts are triggered?
they secrete matrix proteins and then they become calcified to about 20% (initial calcification)
what function change do ameloblasts go through after the matrix proteins secretion phase?
they secrete enzymes which remove organic component and allows full mineralisation to 99% (maturation stage)
How does removing the organic content allow full mineralisation?
- the crystals are trying to expand and the organic component is takin gum loads if room and preventing the expansion (Maturation stage) = 99% mineralisation
which three stages do we see problems occurring ?
- secretion of matrix proteins
- calcification stage
- maturation stage
what happens when you have a disruption during the laying down of the enamel matrix
- physical disruption
- less enamel matrix
- matrix will be mineralised normally but we will have less of it
- reduced bulk or thickness of enamel
- enamel never formed
what happens if the problem occurs in early initial calcification stage or maturation stage?
- disturbance of enamel formation therefore reduced mineral content
- less mineral in enamel therefore less calcification
- AKA hypocalcifiaction or hypo maturation
how can enamel defects be classified?
systemic or local
List the different ways in which we can get local enamel defects.
- trauma
- infection
list the different ways which we can get systemic enamel defects.
- environmental
- genetic = amelogenic imperfecta
what can environmental defects be further classified into?
- CHRONOLOGICAL = this defect has occurred at a very specific point in time as that enamel forms therefore specific teeth are affected. eg. MIH
- GENERALISED = the insult has been there for a longer amount of time eg. fluorosis
how can we describe enamel defects? (3)
- DEMARCATED = distinct, clear boundary, yellow, white or brown
- DIFFUSE = no clear boundary; lines patches
- HYPOPLASTIC = loss of enamel, pits and grooves
Give an eg of demarcated defects?
give an eg of diffuse defects?
Give eg of hypoplastic defects?
localised legions
give an eg of a condition which have all 3 defects ?
ameleogensis imperfecta
define MIH?
hypo mineralisation of systemic origin of one or more first permanent molars as well as affected incisors