Migration Flashcards
What is migration?
Migration is when someone moves to a another location or country for more than 2 weeks
What are push factors of migration?
Unemployment, lack of food, expensive, poor education, war, low wages and farm is too small to make money
What is a push factor?
A reason for migration that makes a person leave a place
What is a pull factor?
A reason for migration that makes a person want to move to a place
what are the barriers of migration?
expensive housing, war, leaving behind family, cost of moving, dangers of travel, ing distances and expensive transport
what is a barrier or intervening opportunities of migration?
a reasons why moving may be difficult
what are pull factors of migration?
to join family and friends, high wages, better schools, jobs available, better hospitals, good food supply, cheap housing and improved standard of living
what are the different types of migration?
internal, rural to urban, urban to rural, regional, international, short term, long term, voluntary and forced
what is internal migration?
migration within a small area
what is regional migration?
from one part of a country to another part
what is international migration?
from one country to another
what is short term migration?
one day to a few months
what is long term migration?
for several years
what is voluntary and forced migration?
through choice and having to leave
what countries have Syrian refugees fled to ?
turkey, jordan, Lebanon, iraq, Egypt , Germany, Sweden, serbia, hungry, austria. bulgaria, netherlands, Denmark, Libya, Belgium, spain, france, UK
why have Syrians fled to certain countries ?
a majority of Syrians have fled to countries such Lebanon, turkey, Jordan and Iraq is because they are close to and boarder Syria and you can walk to them so you don’t need a passport, visa or money although it is a very hard and tiring journey. many countries such as Germany, France, Belgium and Spain are examples of Schengen areas which are countries which don’t need a passport or visa and many Syrians don’t have a visa or passport so they can travel there
how do Syrians travel to european countries?
they travel by boat as many of them don’t have a passport or visa so they can’t travel by plane even though a plane is $350 and a boat is $1000 and much more dangerous
why have the Syrians left Syria?
a form of forced migration as of the civil war going on in Syria has caused many deaths (100,000)and violence is everywhere with the rebels, ISIS and Assad fighting. 3 million children are at high risk and 6.8 million need humanitarian aid, resources such as clean water or food are low, many houses, buildings have been destroyed from bombs and people are at risk from being taken hostage by ISIS
what are the causes of the Syrian crisis ?
- assad family not allowing any political freedom, one party system and one religion allowed, free speech and freedom not tolerated
- draught in syria caused by global warming causes rural to urban migration (as crops die)
- overpopulated city means jobs and resources are scarce and human rights abuses and Assad isn’t doing anything
- teenage boys grafted against ba’ath party and assad and were arrested and tortured
- protests of civilians against torture of teenagers lasts for months and delete with force by Assads army
- protesters formed rebel army against assad and his army
when was the civil war announced ?
in july 2012
what is ISIS?
(islamic state of iraq and syria) an extremist group fighting in syria against assad’s military declaring land across northern syria and iraq starting in july 2014 capturing land in raqqa and mosul and government are fighting them off to regain land. UK and US have tried to bomb ISIS. as it recaptures more territory it increases syrian refugees and also blindfolding hostages and executing them increases refugees
how could syrian refugees be helped ?
by Britain allowing more refugees into the countries as it has many opportunities such as education, jobs and housing. also jobs in decline that no one wants such as a bus driver syrians could take. also there is lots of space in wales and scotland which syrian could take up and we could adopt syrian children . we could send boats out to retrieve syrians or put them on a plane to london . we could donate to charities, send them essentials or help in camps