Midterms_Cells Flashcards
Can be stablished from root tips taken from many plants.
Root cultures
complex convoluted membrane system
Endoplasmic Reticulum
mixtures of terpenoids and used as flavors, fragrances and solvents
Essential oils
Three (3) Environmental requirements for bacteria
Gaseous Environment. pH and Temperature
Common agents used for biochemical processes
Microbial Cells (such as bacteria and fungi) & Enzymes (from a bacteria and fungi)
clear, semi fluid materials containing other cell components
Outer surface of the cell wall is covered with a slimy, gummy coating called
Nutritional Requirements of Animal Cells
Carbon source (Glucose), Nitrogen Source (Amino Acids), Vitamins, Hormones, Growth factors, and mineral salts, and mammalian blood serum.
Why cultivate plant cells?
for the production of secondary metabolites
[microbial nomenclature] small rods
Established from embryos removed from sterilize sees, ovules, fruits.
Embryo culture
They are free living, and have simpler morphology than molds and exist as single cells with 5 to 80 um length and from 1 to 5 um width.
The tissue or outgrowth form the primary explant is mechanically and/or enzymatically dispersed and cultured either later attached to a solid support or a suspended in a culture medium
Cell culture
Typically eucaryotic cells, usually bound together by intracellular material to form tissue.
Animal Cells
membrane bound organelles responsible for osmotic regulation and waste-product storage
What are the nutritional requirements for bacteria?
Energy source, carbon source, nitrogen source, P and S source, metallic elements and Vitamins
Growth of protoplasts in solid or liquid medium; applied to micropropagation of plant: after protoplast divisions
Protoplast cells culture
acts as selective barrier between the cell interior and external environment.
Cell Membrane/Plasma Membrane
Organized plant parts are transferred to culture medium where growth continues with the structure preserved.
Organized Growth
Examples of unorganized growth
Callus culture, plant cell suspension culture, protoplast culture
Cells which survive and multiply when a piece of animal tissue after disruption is placed in an appropriate nutrient liquid.
Primary Cell Lines
Crystalline, physiologically active nitrogen-containing compounds extracted from acidic solutions and used in pharmaceutical industry.
Bacteria in microbial insecticide
Bacillus thuringiensis
The three-dimensional shape and biochemical differentiation of the tissue is retained, in part, by culturing at the liquid-gas interface (on a raft, grid or gel)
Organ Culture
Examples of organized growth
Root cultures, embryo cultures
Yeasts in the production of single cell proteins
Candida utilis
Organisms which obtain the energy for their activities and self-synthesis from the chemical reaction that can occur in the dark.
Molds in production of cephalosporin
Cephalosporium acremonium
responsible for secretion of proteins and site for glycosylation in some biomolecules.
Golgi bodies
Membrane bound particles that contain and release digestive enzymes
Initiating Cell Cultivation (3) includes:
Organ culture, primary explant culture and cell culture.
Cell or cell aggregate, growing dispersed in liquid medium
Suspension cell culture
survive temp bet. 40 to 75 C
Organisms that can thrive on an entirely inorganic diet using CO2 or carbonates as the sole source of carbon.
survive only in a non-oxygen environment
survive both in the presence or absence of oxygen
Yeast in the production of ethanol
Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Tissues lacks any recognizable structures of the original intact plant; occurs frequently when whole pieces of plants are cultivates in vitro
Unorganized growth
Dormant form of the cell, capable of resisting heat, radiation and poisonous chemicals. It is a form of survival mechanism of some bacteria when conditions are not conducive for growth.
Relatively small microorganism usually enclosed by rigid walls.
Organisms which are capable of employing radiant energy.
Microbial cells small in size (0.5- 3 um)
Simple structure
No defined nuclear membrane
Easier to replicate
survive temp bet 7 to 45 C
Organisms which require one or more organic substances such as glucose
Cells which survive and multiply when a piece of animal tissue after disruption is placed in an appropriate nutrient liquid.
Primary Cell Lines
survive only in presence of oxygen
spherical or avoid shaped rod shaped
cocci bacilli
Bacteria in exopolysaccharides (SPECIFIC PRODUCT: Xanthan Gum)
Xanthomonas campestris
False. Plant cells
protects the integrity of cell from its external surroundings
Cell Wall
Long, thin, “wavy” tubular structures that arise within the membrane and pass through cell wall
similar to flagella except they are short and generally appear straight
True or false:
All algaes are eucaryotes
False. Blue-Green Algae is procaryotes
This type of culture lacks structural organization
Cell Culture
[microbial nomenclature] small milk rods
Bacteria in enzymes (SPECIFIC PRODUCT: Proteases)
Bacillus subtilis and bacillus amyloliquifaciens
What is the growth rate of animal cells?
Days to weeks
The first generation cells that survive after culturing the primary cell lines into a fresh medium.
Secondary cell Lines
Can remain alive for many years and can germinate back into normal cells when conditions are growth favorable
contains chromosomes (DNA molecules) enclosed in a membrane and complexed by proteins to form the chromosomes
They are known spore formers
Bacillus sp. and Clostridium sp.
Amorphous cell aggregates, arising from explants on an aseptic solid nutrient medium.
Callus culture
survive temperatures between -7 to 35 C
Powerhouse of eukaryotic cells which utilize oxygen during metabolism
A fragment of tissue is place at a solid-liquid interface, where after attachment, cells grow.
Primary Explant culture
contains genetic information of the cell and which is not complexed with proteins to form a chromosome
nuclear region
Include phenolics, tannins and flavonoids, saponins utilized as dyes, food flavor and pharmaceuticals
Embedded in the rough ER
sugar addition
Usually categorized as whole-cell mediated process or enzyme catalyzed reaction.
Biotechnological Reactions
Biological agents that have limited applicability
Plant Cells (production of secondary metabolites) and Animal Cells (production of injectable polio vaccine)
Yeasts are reproduce by ___ or fission
Bacteria in antibiotics (SPECIFIC PRODUCT: Gramicidin)
Bacillus brevis
Have simpler and faster metabolism
Microbial Cells
Long thin filaments in molds are called ____ and the highly branched structure is called _____
hyphae, mycelium
survives in minute amounts of oxygen
structure inside the nucleus which stains differently and the site of ribosome synthesis
Molds in production of penicillin
Penicillum chrysogenum
False. High value and low market volume
Bacteria in industrial chemicals (SPECIFIC PRODUCTS: Acetone, butanol)
Clostridium acetobutylicum
spiral or helical shaped
Grainy spots in cytoplasm containing RNA molecules and site for protein synthesis
Secondary cells which survive and grow after successive “passages”
Stable/Established/Permanent Cell Line
Filamentuos fungi