Midterm Review: Canada's Identity Flashcards
FLQ (Front de Liberation du Quebec)
separatist terrorist youth group; violet to achieve goal
Union Nationale
political party in Quebec, Canada (Maurice Duplessis)
Maurice Duplessis
nationalism; introduced Flag of Quebec
-kept Quebec outdated/in the dark
Quiet Revolution
Jean Lesage; Wanted more equal partnership w/Can
-> Rapid reform & modernization
“Maitres chez nous”
slogan (Masters of our own house) Jean Lesage
Quebec had desire to be a sovereign country
Rene Levesque
Parti Quebecois; passed 101 Bill (non-violent separatist movement) French in Quebec!
Royal Commission on Bilingualism & Biculturalism
Recommend steps to take to obtain Canadian Confederation
Canadian flag
Maple Leaf- Lester Pearson
Official Languages Act
French & English = official languages (provide services in French&English)
Immigration policy changes
Official Multiculturalism Act
-preserve & enhance - Trudeau
October Crisis
FLQ James Cross
James Cross
British Trade Commissioner
Pierre Laporte
Vice-Premier (kidnapped & killed)
War Measures’ Act 1970
Random searches/investigations of people who (may be) related to FLQ
-> Rumors/Plots 2 overthrow Gov.
Parti Quebecois
Rene Levesque; Belief: Quebec & Canada would do better if they split peacefully
Bill 101
French the only official language of Quebec
Quebec Referendum 1980
The first election that determined Quebec position in Canada. Lévesque: Quebec = politically independent but will maintain close economic association with Canada. 40% yes, 60% No
Quebec Referendum 1995
Jacques Parizeau Whether they Quebec should separate from Canada
-> Supreme Court “decision not up to Quebec b/c can affect entire country”
Sovereignty Association
made-up by the separatists to calm down the fears of the more moderate supporters
British North America Act 1867
Independent. Created the self-governing dominion of Canada
Canada Act 1982
Made Canada its own; French & English =
-Rene didn’t sign -> 1980 Referendum
Amending formula- no longer require British Consent to change it
Patriation of the Constitution
Created BNA; Canada has it’s own constitution
Amending formula
Alteration to the Constitution; whether modification, deletion, or addition is accomplished.
Charter of Rights and Freedoms
free and democratic society
“Kitchen Compromise”
Trudeau renewed efforts to patriated the Canadian Constitution (promise from Referendum)
Notwithstanding Clause
allowed the government to overwrite the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom (outcome of Kitchen Compromise
Robert Bourassa
Premier involved with Oka
Reform Party
Canadian federal political party
Preston Manning
Leader of Reform Party
Meech Lake Accord
Failed constitutional amendments to constitution of Canada; Designed to influence Quebec to accept Canada (get their own distinction)
Elijah Harper
Aboriginal Key player in the rejection of the Meech Lake Accord (Disagreed; Quebec NO diff distinction over them)
“Distinct Society”
uniqueness of the province of Quebec within Canada
Lucien Bouchard
Premiere Bloc Québécois
Bloc Quebecois
Quebec Federal separatist party
Charlottetown Accord
Package of Constitutional amendments; Canada Clause: defined the nature of the Canadian character and political society
Jacques Parizeau
Premier; Quebec Sovereignitist
Clarity Act
Define the rules for the secession of a Canadian province (Supreme Court “wasn’t up to Quebec”)
Official Multiculturalism Act
Preserve & Enhance multiculturalism in Canada
Cultural Mosaic
Mix of ethnic groups, languages and cultures that co-exist within society
Aboriginal vote
Aboriginals wanted to self govern; Gave them right to vote
Residential Schools
Abandoned 1969; government realized they were wrong
White Paper of 1969
Trudeau: End reserves to special status; to be seen as Equal/Canadian
-> Protest-> Removed
Phil Fontaine
Aboriginal Canadian leader;chief of the Assembly of First Nations
Harold Cardinal
Berger Commission
Mackenzie Valley Pipe line Inquiry; Cultural impacts,self respect, identity
Aboriginal rights (land claims)
Prove that their ancestors once inhabited continuously and exclusively on the land
Indian Act
Allowed Potlatch; government realized they was wrong; important
Indian Reserve
Reservation set aside for the use of Indians
Oka Confrontation
Quebec wanted gulf; forced them to sell Indian burial site (Mokawks land)
-> Protesters
Nisga’a treaty
Nisga’a give 2000km of land inturn for money, self governing, hunting & finishing rights
Land claim with proof -> applied to other parts of Canada
1999: Parts of NWT; First Nations own powers to control; self government (own powers,leaders,control,education,justice,resources) :D