Midterm Review: 1930s Flashcards
Protest parties
Progressive Party
Cooperative Commonwealth Federation (CCF)
Appealed to Canadians who were >:( with the government’s response to the Depression (farmers, laborers, socialist, intellectuals)
Regina Manifesto
Argued with the government:
- Supported social programs 2 assist people in need of money
- urged government to spend money on public (created employment)
Social Credit Party
1935 ALBERta- led by William ABERhart “Bible Bill
- promised “basic dividend” $25/month
- Fed. gov wanted right of province 2 have own currency; social credit was disallowed by Supreme Court
Union Nationale Party
1936 Quebec- Maurice Duplessis
- Nationalist French-Can Party (support from RC church)
- Blamed Quebec’s economic/social problems on English minority
William Aberhart
Lead Social Credit Party; believed that government should release $$$ in economy
Maurice Duplessis
Former Conservative; Brought Union Nationale Party in power
Rowell-Sirois Commission
Created by King
- recommend gov should have control over taxation
- give equalization payments
- responsible for unemployment insurance/ social benefits
Caused tension w/ fed & provincial gov.
Relief Camps: 20 cents/ day (build projects)
Government intervention
Interferes with the operation of free markets (ex.imposing taxes, tariffs, regulations, subsidies)
1963- Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
-Distract themselves from Depression
Region Riot
Trekkers attempt to leave Regina; stop by RCMP
(Trekkers vs RCMP) 2h battle.
On-to-Ottawa Trek
1935: Relief Camp Worker Union rant 2 Ottawa; Trekkers ride freight cars thru Parries (gain supporters)
Outcome: PM Bennett “y’all trouble makers”
Prairie drought
- No wheat ; families = :-‘( -> Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration Act (help farmer build irrigation sys & reservoirs)
The New Deal
US prez Franklin Roosevelt; Created public work programs 4 unemployed and farmers
Work Camps
Volunteered (free to leave); 3 meals /day, medical care (YUCKY!)
Communist Party of Canada
Leaders in the trade unions and organizers of new unions (Trek thing)
“Riding the rods”
Hobos on the roof or clung to the rods
underneath the train
King’s 5 cent speech
R.B. Bennett
PM of 1930; Won King b/c 5cent
- raise tariffs by 50%
- feared communist party
- created work camps
period of severe economic and social hardship, massive unemployment, and terrible suffering
Making foreign good more expensive to protect domestic market -> Slow down in world trade
North Murica gov kept involvment in economy to MINIMUM!
Relief payments
Pogey; given to no alternative source of income
Payments obligated to make Great Britain and France to compensate for war damages
Prejudice against Jews :(
- forbade 2 apply 4 job
Must declare financial fail; prove being evicted from house (never enough 2 cover expenses)
Padlock Law
Act to protect the Province Against Communistic Propaganda
France & Britain do nothing when Hitler violate Treaty of Versailles
WHY? no1 want 2 fite ok??
Hitler’s Invasion of Poland
1939- Agreed to split Poland between Hitler & Stalin
Dictatorship: a form of government ruler is absolute dictator (not restricted by a constitution or laws or opposition etc.).
League of Nations
(British & France) FAIL! Jap withdraw (attack Manchuria) League do nothing; Italy attacked Abyssinia League reluctant 2 punish
King’s opinion of Hitler 1937
Affectionate & loves fellow man
Causes of depression
Wheat market crash! High tariffs, Close ties with US..?
Tariff increases
PM Bennett “blast a way” to world markets and out of Depression -> Barriers against Canada
State of Canadian Armed forces during depression
unemployed men enlisted in the military
SS St. Louis Steam-liner
1939- Jew refugees refused permission to dock -> return 2 Europe and x{