Midterm review Flashcards
What are the Five Themes of Geography?
Place, Location, Region, Human/environmental interaction, Movement.
Absolute VS. Relative location
Absolute Location- Actual GPS location with coordinates, (Site: unique characteristics).
Relative Location- Location relative to landmarks. (Situatuion: relative location when it comes to infrastructure/connectivity (highway, bridge)
Region: formal, functional, perceptual
Formal- 1 shared characteristic. Ex) Great Plains, Rocky Mountains, Ring of Fire.
Functional- Serves a purpose or a function. Ex) school district, delivery service.
Perceptual- (AKA Vernacular) No clear border or boundary.
Choropleth map
A map that shows differences using colors and shading.
Reference Map
Political, physical and topographic maps.
Large map scale VS. small map scale
Large scale- Small area (1/10), town
Small scale- Large area (1/1,000), continent
Robinson map
Size/curve of the earth, distorts the continents.
Mercator map
True distance for naval travel (straight lines).
Can’t project a curved surface on a flat map.
Cultural landscape
Visible imprint of humans on earth’s surface.
Contagious diffusion
Physical contact, like spreading a disease.
Hierarchical diffusion
Passed down by connected individuals.
Stimulus diffusion
“Playing” catch up (adopting a new trait based off a competitor).
Relocation diffusion
Leave the hearth and the culture will move too.
Completely absorbed into the dominant culture. (Native Americans).
When you adapt only certain elements but retain original culture.
Environmental determinism
The theory of how the environment controls human behavior.
Environmental possibilism
The theory that people can adjust or overcome an environment.
Cultural ecology
Human-Environment interaction. Determinism and Possibilism.
Distance decay
The further you are from a hearth, the less likely you are to adopt.
Arithmetic population density
Measures the total population of a country relative to its land size.
Physiologic population density
Number of people per unit area of agriculturally productive land.
Doubling time
Time it takes to double a population.
Dependency ratio
The ratio on which the country depends on their elderly or children.
Population momentum
Your population still grows when your rate falls because as your life expectancy increases.
-Natural increase rate
-Crude birth rate
-Crude death rate
-Infant mortality rate
-Total fertility rate
- Live births minus deaths
- Live births per 1000 people
- Live deaths per 1000 people
- Kids ages 0-1 who pass away. Little medical care and low status of women.
- Average number of children per woman of child bearing age. Having an average of 2.1 means your population is still growing.
Carrying capacity
The amount of people a country can hold in their population.
Expansive population
National conception day. Money rewards. Ways to grow your population.