Midterm: Low Back Pain Flashcards
How long does back pain have to happen before it becomes chronic?
12 weeks.
-anything greater is chronic
Does acute back pain need treatment, most of the time?
No, 80% of the time it will resolve
What are some risk factors for back pain?
Lifting at work Smoking (nicotine makes everything feel worse) Depression Obesity Inactivity
What are some protective factors from back pain?
Regular exercise with good form
Top four causes of back pain?
- MSK (70%)
- Degenerative Disc (10%)
- Radicular (7%)
- Compression fracture (4%)
In ____ etiologies of back pain, there will be no change in pain due to position
-only 2% of the cause of back pain
A ____is an injury to muscle. Which muscles are involved in MSK back pain?
- Paraspinalis
- Erector spinae
- Q. lumborum
A _____ is an injury to ligaments. Which ligaments are involved in MSK back pain?
-Iliolumbar and sacroiliac
What is the pain pattern for a sprain?
aching pain right over the structure
What causes piriformis syndrome?
Hypertonicity of the piriformis muscle and entrapment of the sciatic nerve
Symptoms of Piriformis syndrome?
Aching/burning in gluteal region, parasthesia down the posterior leg
How do you diagnose piriformis syndrome?
FAIR test
-It can also be worse when sitting, so can rule out as a diagnosis of exclusion
Is piriformis syndrome worse when sitting or standing?
Origin and Insertion of Piriformis?
Anterior sacrum–>greater trochanter
Etiology of Psoas Syndrome?
Chronic hypertonicity of psoas muscle
Origin and Insertion of Psoas?
T12-L4–>Greater Trochanter
A patient that haunches and flexes lumbar spin, with pain originating at thoracolumbar junction or hip pain can be a sign of?
Psoas syndrome
When is Psoas syndrome worse?
When extended/Standing straight
How do you diagnose Psoas syndrome?
Thomas test, pelvic side shift, palpation of psoas
Which way does the pelvis shift in pelvic side shift test?
Will translate away from the affected side
Which way will the pelvis shift for a left psoas syndrome?
to the right!
This syndrome is due to overuse. Pain will be over the lower back and is worse when walking. Created by a sacral unleveling leading to stress imbalance in muscles.
Short Leg Syndrome
Which way will the pelvis shift in a right short leg?
To the left!
How do you treat short leg syndrome?
Heel lift therapy
-1/8 or 1/16 of inch until fully replaced
What would cause an acute short leg syndrome?
Hip surgery!
-so just immediately replace the full heel length
This condition is a nonspecific pain that is due to age. It is worse when bending forward or sneezing, and is diagnosed via radiograph.
Degenerative disc disease
-up to 80% of older adults have this
This condition is common in young athletes due to repetitive stress creating a stress fracture. It is worse in hyperextension. X-ray confirms with scotty dog sign.
-most commonly L5
Step off injury first created by spondylolysis. Pain is non-specific and worsens with activity.
-aging is a risk factor
This condition is usually due to old age, menopause, and malignancy. Can happen if an older lady sneezes too hard. It is worse when sitting, in extension, and with movement. You can diagnose via x-ray
Compression fracture
What are the three causes of radicular pain?
Spinal stenosis (most common)
Spinal Disc herniation
Cauda equina syndrome
This condition is due to narrowing of neural foramen. Presents with a unilateral numbness and tingling over L4-S1 nerve roots. it is worse when standing or walking, best at rest. You can diagnose with MRI.
Spinal Stenosis
What is the shopping cart sign a (+) sign of?
Spinal stenosis
-better when leaning over in flexion
Pain between L4-S1 due to a compression of the nerve root from herniation.
Herniated disc
What position makes a herniated disc worse? How do you diagnose?
Worse in flexion
Diagnose with MRI
Presents with numbness and tingling in perineum, fecal/urinary incontinence, numbness and weakness of legs. What should you do?
Emergency surgery consult for Cauda Equina
How do you diagnose cauda equina?
What are some red flags for back pain?
Progress LE weakness
Saddle Anasthesia
Deep bone pain/unexplained weight loss
Should you do any imaging before 12 weeks for back pain?
Start with conservative treatment, unless red flags, as back pain often resolves within 12 weeks
Should you order imaging within the first 6 weeks?
What is Greenman’s Dirty Half Dozen?
- Muscle Imbalance
- Lumbar Spine Type 2 DsyFxn
- Pubic Symphysis dysfxn
- Short leg
- Sacral extension dysfxn
- Innominate shear
What are some invasive ways to treat low back pain if all else fails?
Epidural injection
Facet injection
Radiofrequency ablation
Spinal surgery