MIDTERM - kahoot Flashcards
an acute/ chronic inflammation of the paranasal sinuses
condition that results in the production of purulent sputum for at least 3 months in a row over 2 consecutive years
chronic bronchitis
disease that causes enlargement of air spaces distal to the terminal bronchioles & destruction of the alveolar walls
chronic inflammatory disorder characterized by bronchospasm (narrowing of airways in lungs), is reversible over time
this sinus drains superiorly into the nasal cavity & prone / side-lying (must be horizontal) allows for it to drain
which sinus drains laterally into the nasal cavity & supine position allows for it to drain
this sinus drains into the top of the nasal cavity & supine position allows for it to drain
this sinus drains into the posterior portions of the nasal cavity & supine position allows for it to drain
the following are true about bronchitis EXCEPT
-bronchial glands & epithelial goblet cells are sources of mucus
-airways become inflamed from ongoing irritation
-can lead to pulmonary hypertension, heart-failure & death
*NOT: patients tend to lose weight (patient tends to gain weight)
which type of respiration is an active process
resting inhalation
forced inhalation
forced exhalation
which type of respiration is a passive process
relaxed inhalation
during respiration, which one does NOT occur
-diaphragm contracts & flattens
-scalenes elevate the first 2 ribs
-external intercostals contract, lifting ribs
*NOT: thorax volume decreases & pressure in lungs increases
during forced inhalation, which one does NOT occur
-accessory muscles of inhalation are recruited
diaphragm descends
-accessory muscles of inhalation relax
*NOT: diaphragm ascends
T/F - the vocal fremitus & mediate percussion tests are used to assess for areas of congestion
when considering patient positioning (chronic bronchitis), which one is correct
prone = improve ventilation & oxygenation
when providing postural drainage, which position is correct with regard to the lobes of the lungs?
upper lobes = patient seated
T/F - centrilobular emphysema is most associated with smoking & affects the central portion of the lungs
which of the following is correct with regards to asthma
air-trapping occurs when mucus plugs trap air
NOT: there is a normal response of the airways, there is decreased mucus production, hypo-responsiveness as a consequence of chronic underlying inflammation
which of the following is correct with regard to the symptom picture for the grades of asthma
severe = daily wheezing, severe nocturnal symptoms, poor quality of life