Midterm 3 - Lecture 27 Flashcards
Where does fertilization and embryonic development occur?
In the germinal disk of the yolk
Is polyspermy normal in avian fertilization?
- several sperm penetrate membranes of the germinal disk and form male pronuclei
- 1 male pronuclei positioned adjacent to the female pronuclei
- 1 male pronuclei fuses with the female pronuclei, forms a zygot and mitotic divisions begin (other male pronuclei do not contribute)
At time of laying, how many cells does the embryo contain?
- 30,000-60,000 cells = good start on embryonic development before incubation starts
- mitotic divisions
What is development dependent on?
- incubation temperature (~37.5)
- fertilized eggs can be stored/transported prior to incubation (below 21)
- development in fertilized eggs can be arrested for up to 7 days with little affect on hatchability
How long can fertilized eggs be arrested for?
up to 7 days with little affect on hatchability
What allows for rapid development of the embryo?
- readily available nutrients in the egg (yolk sac and albumin)
How long after incubation is a beating heart visible?
38 hrs
Extra-embryonic avian membranes
- yolk sac
- amnion
- chorion
- allantois
Yolk sac
- 1st extra-embryonic membrane to develop
- endoderm surrounds the yolk within the inner shell membrane and is highly vascular
- provides nutrients tot he developing embryo
- developed by 4 days of incubation
- surrounds developing embryo to protect against mechanical damage and dehydration
- provides protein from albumen that enters the amniotic fluid
- formed from the ectoderm, endoderm and mesoderm of the embryo
- develops next to the inner membrane from the ectoderm, endoderm and mesoderm of the embryo in parallel to the amnion
- close relationship with allantois for air and gas exchange (different than mammals)
- developed by day 4 of incubation from the hind-gut of the embryo for waste collection
During the last 2 weeks of incubation, what does the chorion and allantois “act” as?
- the “lung” of the embryo-exchanging CO2 for O2 coming through the pores of the shell
- by 12 d of incubation, allantois formation and fusion with the chorion is complete
What does the yolk provide to fetus?