Midterm 2 Flashcards
Ran is a ______ switch protein
describe the secretory pathway of protein sorting
distribution of soluble and membrane proteins synthesized by the rough ER to final destinations at the cell surface
describe the endocytic pathway of protein sorting
vessicles budding from plasma membrane take up soluble extracellular proteins and deliver them to lysosomes via late endosomes
what are two techniques used for studying the secretory pathway?
sds page, analysis of yeast temperature sensitive secretory mutants, cell free asssays
protein transport through the secretory pathway can be visualized by____________ microscopy of cells producing a GFP tagged membrane protein
transport of a membrane glycoprotein from the ER to the golgi can be assayed based on sensitivity to cleavage by ___________
endoglycosidase D
what is a bradford assay used for ?
determine the protein concentration in biological samples
what are two advantages and two disadvantages of bradford assay?
accurate, widely used, simple, alternates are more expensive, requires irreversible dye binding, linear and short range, inhibited by detergents, time consuming
why are yeasts a good model organism for vesicular transport?
secretory pathway and molecular components similar in all eukaryotes
sec mutants in yeast were identified to secrete proteins at one temp but unable at higherq
the golgi apparatus outputs to the ______ ______ and inputs to the ____
plasma membrane, ER
how does vessicle budding work?
bud from the parent donor organelle and fuse with particular target organelle
what is budding initiated by?
recruitment of gtp binding proteins to a patch of donor membrane
how is vessicle budding driven?
by polymerization of soluble protein complexes on the cytosolic face of the membrane
after budding when the vessicle is released ____ proteins are shed
coat proteins
what are v snares?
v for vessicle, incorporated into vessicle membrane during assembly of coat, initially occluded by vessicle coat
t snares are?
for target, are embedded in target membrane and can join with cognate v snares
interaction brings membrane close together
all transport vessicles use v snares and t snares to fuse (t or f)
what are rab proteins?
small gtp binding proteins that regulate vesicle trafficking and fusion with the approprite membrane
_____ anchor allows rab proteins to be tethered to the vesicle membrane
what is the two step process of the association of a Rab protein with a vessicle?
- cytosolic Rab GDP is targeted to vesicle membrane and held in place by isoprenoid anchor
- GEF in the membrane converts Rab GDP to Rab GTP which is enabled to bind Rab effectors
after vessicle fusion ______ hydrolysis releases Rab GDP
GTP hydrolysis
in order to expose both Rab and v snares, what must occur?
vessicle coat must be removed after it buds off parent membrane
rab mediated docking does what?
to cognate Rab effector occurs first
interaction of _______and ________ close enough to fuse
v snares and t snares
snares are ?
abundant proteins that are usually inserted into mebranes via c terminal transmembrane domain
cytosolic region of each snare protein contains what?
repeated heptad sequence of 60-70 amino acids that confer ability to form coiled coil structures
what are the 3 types of coated vesicles?
COPII - vesicles trnasport proteins from the ER to the golgi
COPI - vesicles mainly transport proteins in the retrogade direction between golgi cisternae and from the cis golgi back to the ER
Clathrin - coated vesicles transport proteins from the plasma membrane and the trans golgi network to late endosomes
what is the GTP binding protein that controls coat assembly in COPI and clathrin coated vessicles?
ARF protein
what is the GTP binding protein that controls coat assembly in COPII vessicles?
Sar1 protein
what are the 4 steps to vessicle coat assembly?
- sar 1 membrane binding gtp exchange
- COPII coat assembly
- GTP hydrolysis
- coat assembly
what are the 4 switch proteins?
ARF Sar1 Ran and Rab
how does the vesicle coat selects cargo proteins by?
directly binding specific sorting signals of cytosolic domains of transmembrane cargo proteins
what exposes Rab and SNARE proteins that target vessicles for fusion with specefic target mebranes?
coat shedding
how is the first step of the secretory pathway mediated?
by COPII vesicles
- contain v snares
- move in anterograde direction
v snare recycling and retrieval of missorted ER resident proteins from the cis golgi is via COPI coated vesicles in the _______ direction
newly synthesized proteins travel in COPII vesicles from the ER to the cis golgi in which direction?
retrograde transport recycles what?
v snares in COPI vesicles form cis golgi to ER
yeast cells with mutations in genes for COPII proteins are class ___ sec mutants and accumulate proteins in the _____ ____.
B, rough ER
how is formation of the COPII vesicles triggered?
sec12 catylyzes activation of cytosolic Sar1
Sar1 GTP binds to ER membrane and recruits _____ and _____
sec 23, sec24
how does sec24 interact with the cytosolic domain of COPII ternary complex?
with di acidic targeting signals that recruits cargo protein into the vesicle membrane
the cytosolic domains of COPII contain what?
di acidic sorting signals, the signal binds to sec24 subunit of COPII coat
all sorting signals interact with Sec24 (t or f)
how do vessicles move?
by diffusion in the cytoplasm
how is the ER to golgi intermediate compartment formed?
several ER derived vesicles fused (aka cis golgi network)
retrograde tansport is?
between golgi cisternae and from cis golgi to rough ER
What proteins assist in folding and modification of newly synthesized secretory proteins?
chaperone BiP, protein disulfide isomerase, many soluble proteins
most ER resident proteins carry what?
a KDEL sorting sequence at the c terminus
what is the function of the KDEL receptor?
acts mainly to retrieve soluble proteins containing the KDEL sorting signal
KDEL receptor contains ___________ at the end of the c terminal segment
KKXX sorting signal
_________ _____ can also target certain proteins to COPI vesicles
Di arginine sequence
what is cisternal maturation responsible for ?
anterograde transport through the golgi
vesicle based transport visible by electron microscopy are all _____ transporters
as retrograde transport occurs the enzymatic makeup of the _______ _______ changes
cisternal lumen
how do COPII coated vesicles transport newly synthesized proteins containing golgi targeting sequences?
in their cytosolic domain or bound to such proteins from the rough er to the cis golgi
how do COPI coated vesicles transport vesicles carrying ER/golgi resident proteins?
in the retrograde direction which supports golgi cisternal maturation
facilitated transport is movement ____ the concentration gradient?
secondary active transport and primary active transport is movement _____ the concentration gradient?
p class Na /K ATPase moves ___ Na ions out of the cell and ____ K ions into the cell
3, 2
what is the E1 conformation of p class na/k atpase?
three high Na binding sites and two low affinity K binding sites accessible from the cytosolic surface of the protein
what is the E2 conformation ?
the three bound Na ions gain access to the expolasmic face and simultaneously, the affinity of the 3 Na binding sites drop
open/closing not affected by membrane potential or signaling molecules so called ____ ___________
non gated channels
simple diffusion rate of substance movement across the phospholipid part of a membrane is proportioal to its ______ ______, ______ and _______
concentration gradient, hydrophobicity and size
type 1 single pass transmembrane protein have N terminus on ______ face, and the C terminus on _______ face
exoplasmic, cytoplasmic
how is the signal anchor sequence bound in type III single pass transmembrane proteins?
SRP binds the terminal singal anchor sequence synthesized by a cytosolic and interacts with SRP receptor on the ER membrane ribosome
where are precursor proteins synthesized?
cytosolic ribosomes
polypeptide can be kept unfolded by ?
chaperones, cytosolic Hsp70