Middle East Flashcards
Who like the Middle East horse and why?

Y men like his forehead? Because his nose looks like a man. Oman Yemen

How many countries make up the Middle East?
Approximately 18 depending on if you count Kurdistan. Picture a dog barking on top of the map.

What does the horse say? And what else do you notice about him?

A unique Arab mouth has a Tongue that’s says BAH QUA with a sausage like neck! Bahrain Qatar Saudi Arabia

How many hearts does the Middle East horse have?

3 Hearts do serious love that Is Pale and an Irate heart loves Jordan’s Kung Fu and weights. Syria Lebanon Palestine Iraq Israel Jordan Kuwait

What has happened to the Middle Eastern Horses front legs?

The front legs have turned. Turkey

What is the middle eastern horses rib cage made of?

Iron ribcage Iran

What are his is his back leg doing?

It is turned Turkmenistan

What is his second back leg doing?

His other back leg is not a leg but a usb memory stick. Uzbekistan

What is the name of the horse and where does the information leak out of?

His name is TAJ AF and the information leaks out the back of the USB.
Tajikistan Afghanistan

Where is his PA Kissing TAJAF? What size is his tail and what is he trying to do while he is upset?

PA KISsing his back. Thin tail crying to Stand. Pakistan Kyrgyzstan

What is the Mnemonic Image for the Middle East?

Name all the Countries in the Middle East Map Here.

What Country Is This?
Nagorno-Karabakh Republic
What Country Is This?
