Middle Childhood Flashcards
If properly nourished, children grow __-__’’ and gain 8 pounds each year between __ and ____.
2-3”; between 6 and 12
Describe girls’ physical growth compared to boys during middle childhood.
Brief period late in this phase when girls become heavier and taller than boys; girls growth spurt occurs approximately 2 years earlier
What is the most common nutritional problem for children at this age?
obesity; in the past 20-30 years, the number of overweight children has doubled and adolescents has tripled.
The CDC estimates that approximately _____ of U.S. youth ages 2-19 are overweight or at risk for being overweight.
Youth that are overweight are at risk for ______ and ______ disease.
Type II diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
Being overweight also places youth at risk for ____?
lower health-related quality of life, depressive symptoms and lower self esteem.
What are some causes of being overweight?
overeating, genetic predisposition, parents who themselves have eating and nutritional problems, inactivity
Describe the cognitive development stage for middle childhood.
This is Piaget’s Concrete operational stage; contradictions and errors in logic is now replaced by a mature level of thinking.
Describe the major characteristics of Concrete Operational stage.
ability to conserve (different sizes, same amount), understand class inclusion (classes of things, animals v dog/cats), understanding numbers & ordering in sequence, thinking is still concrete (bound to real world); don’t contemplate hypothetical, can’t compare ideal to actual
Describe the social development stage for middle childhood.
This is Erikson’s Industry v Inferiority stage; development of a positive image (self worth) is critical at this stage.
Describe James’ approach to self-worth.
Self-worth is a direct function of the difference between what I would like to be and what I think I am.
Describe Cooley’s approach to self-worth.
Self worth is a direct function of what I think others think of me; what significant others think of me is critical.
Research by Harter (1987) asked 8-13yo what competence they valued most. What did the results show?
Most important: Physical appearance
Least important: Behavioral Conduct; this research follows James’ approach more
Describe the difference in views of friendship between a 5 yo and a 12 yo.
5 yo: assumes that friendship only needs to like each other and play together.
12 yo: believes that friendship needs to know one another, share thoughts and feelings, trust and assistance; depend on them to keep promises and step forward in times of need.
Is it more common for children in middle childhood to have several close friends or one best friend?
Several close friends; Peer groups becomes increasingly important.
__ - ____% of elementary aged children have no friends.
What are the 5 categories of social status based on Gottman’s study?
Based on 113 children, 1977; Sociometric Stars (well liked by most), Mixers (high peer interaction, some liked, others not), Teacher Negatives (typically in conflict w/teachers, some well liked, others not), Tuned Out (Not involved, ignored rather than rejected), Rejectees (Not liked by others, rejected, butt of cruel jokes, etc)
What are the 5 categories of social status based on Hymel’s study in 2004?
Popular (liked by many peers), rejected (disliked by many peers), controversial (Both liked and disliked by peers), average (liked and disliked but without intensity found for popular, rejected or controversial), Neglected (ignored by peers)
Preschoolers spend more than a ______ of their waking time watching TV.
By age ___, many children will have spent about ______% more time watching TV than going to school and doing schoolwork combined; only _______ will have taken more time than watching television.
18; 50%; sleeping
School age children spend ____ to _____ hours each week watching TV.
20 - 25
TV viewing time increases gradually during preschool and elementary, reaching a peak at about ___ or ____ years of age.
Which gender tends to watch more TV during middle childhood?
Describe the kind of reasoning used during middle childhood.
Deductive reasoning: drawing conclusions from facts; characteristic of formal-operational thought
Describe the relationship between TV viewing and violence.
TV violence does increase viewer aggression; Some research says that long term impact on children is “negligible”; Text sites research that supports the idea that TV violence has a long term impact on aggression in children; additional possible negative effect, violent TV can instill fear
Describe some positive effects of TV watching.
language develop. of preschoolers can be significantly improved with educational TV; pro-social behaviors such as friendliness, generosity, cooperation, creativity, empathy and racial tolerance can be improved through wholesome TV
What are some ways TV viewing can be regulated for children?
rules around amount of TV watched and types of TV shows they watch; TV shouldn’t be answer to boredom; Adults should watch wit kids and discuss the shows; Parents need their own good TV habits.
____% of American youth live in homes with a computer; 3/4 with a _____ device.
90%; tablet device.
More than a _____ of US children aged ___ years and younger have used a mobile device to play games.
third; 2 years old
Describe three activities youth pursue using media.
Watching videos, playing video games (10% get addicted), & communicating with peers via social media.
________ (#) children annually suffer maltreatment or neglect according to the US Dept of Health and Human Services
What percentage of reported abuse is physical abuse? Describe physical abuse.
20%; Physical harm, difficult to define; Shaken baby syndrome is a specific example.
What is the most common cause of death among physically abused infants?
Shaken Baby Syndrome
What percentage of reported abuse is physical neglect? Describe physical neglect.
80%; Acs of omission rather than commission; inadequate nourishment, shelter or clothing.
25,000 cases of ______ ________ were reported in the U.S. in 1994.
medical neglect
What percentage of reported abuse is emotional abuse? Describe emotional abuse.
5%; Shaming, blaming, ridiculing an isolating; effects often invisible - therefore it is seldom reported
What percentage of reported abuse is sexual abuse? Describe sexual abuse.
10%; Sexual behaviors that are forced upon a child; also includes propositioning, exhibitionism, etc; victims primarily female and very young.
Children as young as ___ years old now watch porn, mostly _____.
9; boys