Middle adulthood Flashcards
What stage is middle adulthood in Schaie’s Stages of cognitive development?
Executive or Responsible stage
What are the ‘big five’ dimensions of personality?
- Neuroticism: tend to experience negative emotions such as fear, anger and sadness
- Extroversion: sociability, but closely associated with the tendency to experience excitement, joy and good spirits
- Openness to experience: welcoming new experiences; imagination and curious
- Agreeableness: sympathy, trust, cooperativeness and altruism
- Conscientiousness: organsation, scrupulousness, persistence and achievement motivation
How is leisure seen for people in middle adulthood?
Freely chosen; enjoyed at own pace, intrinsic reward
Informal or formal
Active or passive
Late-life participation predicted by prior participation
Associated with health; cognitive benefits
What is a midlife crisis?
Radical personality changes associated with an adult’s re-examination of goals, priorities and life accomplishments as the midpoint of life is passed. There are wide individual and gender differences but typically for Men changes are experienced in early 40s and Women late 40s–50s.
What is primary aging?
Primary ageing: normal age-related changes everyone experiences, such as menopause in women and hormonal changes in men.
What is secondary aging?
Secondary ageing: pathological ageing - the effects of illness or disease on the body due to environmental exposure. More variable
What is crystallised intelligence?
Learned cognitive processes and primary abilities such as general information and word fluency. It is the intellectual achievement from a lifetime, life experience and product of education.
What is fluid intelligence?
The ability to process new information in novel situations. Includes reasoning.
What is menopause?
when as previously menstruating women has gone an entire year without a menstrual period
What is practical intelligence?
Application of intellectual skills to everyday situations
What is the impact of aging on intelligence?
Crystallised intelligence improves with age while fluid intelligence peaks in adolescence and decreases with age. Practical intelligence shows improved performance through middle age
Describe how male and female reproductive systems change during middle adulthood?
The climacteric refers to the gradual process of decline in reproductive capacity. In women, it is called menopause and for men, the climactic reduces fertility but does does not lead to sterility.
What issues of work become important during the mid and late career stages?
Mid and late career stages call for the reappraisal of early career decisions and new choices that provide continuing challenges. However. many factors can lead to plateauing. Women are more likely to plateau before reaching the top of an organisation because of stereotyping. Unemployment has effects on older workers as they typically remain unemployed longer than do their young counterparts.
What is the glass ceiling?
Invisible barriers preventing career advancement of women or ethnic minorities and indigenous workers
What is a normative change for women in middle age?
Change in dominance and feminity/masculinity scales or women. There is a change in sex roles and other experimental factors impact on normative change in personality. Typically women become more ’tough’ men ‘nurturing’ (see textbook p864 15.3)