Mid Tudor Government Flashcards
Why was Edward’s minority a problem?
- Couldn’t lead his forces in battle.
- Relied on advisers - often disliked.
What was the Regency Council?
- Established by Henry VIII.
- Council containing 16 men who would rule during Edward’s minority. * Supposed to rule in agreement.
Who dominated the Regency Council?
Somerset. Made Lord Protector with the help of Paget and Denny.
Was Somerset a friend of the poor?
- Hales Commission on Enclosure.
- Sheep Tax.
- Crushed the 1549 rebellions.
- Vagrancy Act.
Why was Somerset unpopular?
- Issued proclamations.
- Ruled from Somerset House like a monarch.
- Economic problems - debasement
- Failure of the war in Scotland.
When did Somerset fall from power?
- He was executed in 1552 for conspiring against Northumberland.
Who was Edward’s second Protector?
Northumberland - John Dudley also known as the Earl of Warwick.
What was the Devise for the Succession?
Edward’s attempt to pass the throne to Lady Jane Grey and bypass his sisters Mary and Elizabeth.
Why did Lady Jane Grey have a claim on the throne?
She was the granddaughter of Henry VIII’s sister Mary.
Who was responsible for the Devise?
* Wanted to maintain power.
* His son was married to Lady Jane Grey.
* He wrote the Devise in his own hand.
* He persuaded members of his Council like Cranmer.
* It reflected his religious wishes.
Why did the Devise fail?
- Northumberland was not prepared
- Northumberland left London.
- Northumberland did not have Mary under his control.
- Mary rallied her forces in East Anglia.
- Mary was popular and many believed that she was the rightful heir.
What problems did Mary’s gender cause her?
- Difficulties of marriage and providing an heir.
- Inability of a woman to lead troops into battle.
- Perceptions of the weakness of women.
- Failures of previous female monarchs like Matilda.
Why was Mary’s marriage such a problem?
- Who would she marry - foreign prince or English noble,
- Who would actually rule - husbands were the dominant force in a marriage.
Why did the Wyatt Rebellion take place?
- Mary announced her marriage to Philip of Spain.
- Religious reasons - Philip was Catholic
- Xenophobic reasons - Philip was Spanish
How did Mary defeat the rebellion?
- Only Wyatt’s rebellion was successful.
- Mary rallied the Londoners through a speech at the Guildhall.
Who led the coup against Somerset?
Warwick and Paget.
What did Warwick later become known as?
What happened in October 1549?
Somerset, feeling vulnerable, removed Edward VI to Windsor. Edward claimed to be unwell.
How long was Lady Jane Grey on the throne for?
9 days.
How many people were in Mary’s Council?
Around 40.
Why did Mary have such a large council?
She appointed Catholics as well as keeping Protestant ministers as they were more experienced.
How did Mary counter criticism of her large Privy Council?
She created an Inner Council after 1555.
When did Gardiner die?
Did Mary face factional tension during her reign?
Yes - between Gardiner and Paget. However, both generally worked well together and Gardiner died in 1555.
Who did Mary rely on during her reign?
- de La Pole (Archbishop of Canterbury
- Philip of Spain
- Renard (Spanish Ambassador) - although he may have exaggerated his role.
How was Mary’s government weak?
- Female ruler.
- Factional struggles.
- Over reliance on individual (de La Pole/ Renard and Philip).
- Large Council.
How was Mary’s government strong?
- Defeated Devise and Wyatt.
- Factional struggles were minimal.
- Passed laws through Parliament.
- Limited impact of de La Pole and Philip as they were not always in the country.
- Established the Inner Council.
How was Edward’s reign weak?
- Minority king.
- Weaknesses of Somerset.
- Uprisings of 1549.
- Coup against Somerset and eventual execution.
How was Edward’s government strong?
- Edward almost able to rule in his own name.
- Defeated the 1549 rebellions.
- Northumberland was more able and took control.
- Religious reform was enforced.
How many men were on Henry VIII’s Council?