Elizabeth & Government Flashcards
How many members were there on Elizabeth’s Privy Council?
What was a courtier?
Someone who attended court. This included 2/3 of the nobility. One important courtier was Raleigh.
What was a Lord Lieutenant?
Local nobility who controlled a county.
Name an important Elizabethan Privy Councillor.
- William Cecil (Burghley)
- Robert Dudley (Leicester)
- Robert Cecil
- Essex
Give three areas of conflict between Elizabeth and her Privy Council.
- Marriage 1567/1579
- Netherlands 1578
- Foreign policy 1593
Where did Essex fail in 1598/9?
Ireland after failing to deal with Tyrone Rebellion.
Give three ways in which Cecil played a vital role in Elizabeth’s government.
- Managed both Parliament and the Privy Council.
- Drafted correspondence for Elizabeth.
- Oversaw the production of propaganda.
- Ran a spy network.
- Oversaw financial policy after 1572.
How did Elizabeth control her Privy Council?
- Divide and rule.
- Displayed affection to some by using nicknames.
- Use of anger - Leicester and Walsingham were exiled from court.
Name two areas of conflict in Parliament.
- Mary Stuart
- Religion
- Marriage
- Monopolies
How did the Privy Council control Parliament?
- Cecil and later Hatton were in charge of Parliament.
- Sometimes they used Parliament to pressure Elizabeth into making decisions.
What was the Golden Speech of
- Elizabeth’s response to conflict over monopolies.
- Also made concessions over salt, vinegar and starch.
How was Parliament divided?
House of Commons (462 members)
House of Lords (75-100 members)
What powers did Elizabeth have over Parliament?
Elizabeth had the right to call, dismiss and prorogue Parliament.
How many times did Elizabeth call Parliament.
13 times
Name one MP that Elizabeth imprisoned.
Peter Wentworth
How did Elizabeth’s gender help her?
- Used marriage as bait.
- Flirted with Privy Councillors, Courtiers and Ambassadors.
How did Elizabeth’s gender hinder her ability to rule?
- Seen as less effective as she aged.
- Had no heir as unmarried.
- Her temper and delaying tactics were blamed on the fact that she was a woman.
Who might have Elizabeth married if she had a choice?
Dudley but wife died in suspicious circumstances in 1560.
Name two potential suitors for Elizabeth’s hand in marriage.
- Archduke Charles 1567
- Henri Duke of Anjou 1570
- Francis Duke of Anjou 1579
What were consequences of Elizabeth’s decision not to marry?
- Elizabeth maintained her independence.
- Avoided potential threats like the Wyatt Rebellion.
- No heir.
- No foreign alliance.
When did Strickland propose changes to the Prayer Book in Parliament?
When did Cope’s Book and Bill fail?
When was Strickland sent to the Tower of London
- 1576 for demanding freedom of speech.
- 1593 for petitioning the monarch over the succession.
- Died in the Tower in 1596.
Why was Elizabeth angry with John Stubbs?
- He published a pamphlet arguing against Elizabeth’s marriage to Francis Duke of Anjou in 1579.
- He was imprisoned and had his right hand amputated.
Why was the Privy Council particularly worried about the succession in 1562?
- Elizabeth had nearly died from smallpox.
- Allegedly named Dudley as her successor.
How well did Dudley and Leicester work together?
- There was conflict over marriage and war in the Netherlands.
- However, they tended to work well together and had Elizabeth’s best interests at heart.
How well did Essex and Robert Cecil work together?
- Open conflict over a more aggressive foreign policy with Spain.
- Conflict over patronage
- Essex failed in Ireland in 1599. This reduced his influence over Elizabeth.
- Essex Rebellion 1601 led to his execution.
How did Elizabeth successfully deal with Parliament?
- Power to control Parliament (call, dismiss and prorogue).
- Power of Elizabeth’s speeches to Parliament.
- Imprisoned members who angered her e.g Peter Wentworth 1576.
How was Elizabeth not successful in dealing with Parliament?
- Multiple bills were presented e.g Strickland 1571/ Cope’s Book and Bill 1587.
- Forced to make concessions over monopolies.
- Manipulated by the Privy Council through Parliament to “bounce”Elizabeth into decisions (Guy)
Was Elizabeth successful in dealing with her Privy Council?
- Laws were passed (Religious Settlement) and the Spanish Armada was defeated.
- Banished Cecil and Dudley. Executed Essex.
- Kept her throne for 45 years.
- Weaknesses as Elizabeth aged.
- As leading councillors died in the 1590s she struggled to find men of the same ability.
- Conflict and factions (Cecil v. Dudley and Cecil v. Essex).
- Misled Elizabeth and pressurised her to execute Mary Queen of Scots.