Mid Term Exam - - 2022 Flashcards
What book of the Old Testament is called the second law because it was a second set of more specific, detailed lists of things the Israelites should do or should not do?
What do Catholics rely on to help us to know how to live a holy life and how to worship God?
Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition
Does the Protoevangelium proclaim that God will send a savior to redeem us from sin?
Who did God send to help the Israelites when they began struggling in battle?
Who was the last of the great prophets who anointed the first King of the Israelite nation?
What is the word for an agreement between God and humans through one individual? It cannot be broken until death and blood was often used as a sign that this was formed?
A covenant
After several day of walking, the Israelites started to run out of food - - DID God provide manna and sparrows for them to eat everyday?
According to God’s commands - should wait for sexual intimacy until we are married and ONLY with our spouse?
What are the 3 things God Promised Abram in his covenant with God?
Kingship and a name
Land and a Nation
Blessing for all Nations
Did God test Abraham’s faithfulness - did God tell Abraham to kill his son, Ishmael?
Where did Moses receive the 10 commandments?
Mt. Sinai
Moses send 12 spies to Canaan to see what they are up against - ten of them return saying that there are big, scary, people there. They decide not to enter the promised land - - In what book of the Old Testament does this happen?
Why did the walls fall down in the first great battle?
They did what God commanded so HE blessed them
Why did God save Noah and his family and no one else?
Because he obeyed God
Why is the Great Flood a type for Baptism?
They flood washes away sinful people in the Old Testament and Baptism washes away original sin in the New Testament
Does Jacob love his son, Joseph the MOST - because he was born from his great love with Rachel?
Ruth and Rahab two women who were mentioned in the Old Testament because they are ancestors of King David and Jesus?
What book of the Old Testament is an instruction manual for the priests of the Israelite nation?
What is the external and permanent sign that the Israelite men had to do to become part of the Covenant with Abraham?
Be circumcised
We are made in the image and likeness of God. What does this mean? (Name at least 3)
We have free fill
We have intellect
We have the ability to love
Who started the Catholic Church?
What did Moses see when he came down the mountain with the 10 commandments?
People engaging in immoral acts
People worshipping a statue of a calf made from their gold jewwlry
Did Abraham/Abram have trouble believing in God’s promises because he and his wife Sarah were very old and had no children?
How do the other sons of Jacob get rid of their brother Joseph - because they are jealous of him?
Sold him to slave traders
According to the Catholic Church - being a homosexual is not a sin - but if a homosexual is intimate with a person of the same sex is it is a grave sin?
Does Jacob wrestles with God and God tells him to change his name to Israel - - IS Jacob the father of ‘the 12 tribes of Israel?
Why did God destroy Sodom and Gomorrah?
The people wanted to rape God’s angels that were at Lot’s house
The people there were very wicked and lived immortal lives
Were Jack and Jill tow spies who thought that with God’s help, they could take the promised land from the Canaanites?
What are the names of the twins sons of Abraham and Rebekah?
Jacob and Esau
When was the marriage covenant created ?
When God Created Adam and Eve
According to God - - what 4 things MUST every act of sexual intimacy have?
Total - - holding nothing back - especially fertility
Free - - both should want to take part
Faithful - - between a married man and a woman
Fruitful - - open to the possibility that life is created
Why does God allow for pain and suffering?
To give us a reason to turn to HIM or help
Sometimes our free will will cause bad things to happen to us
It is unavoidable because we live in a broken world
Where does Moses encounter the burning bush?
Mt. Sinai
Be able to explain what happened with the 10th plaque and the Passover?
They ate unleavened bread and lamb
Moses led the Israelites and some Egyptians out of Egypt
The Angel of Death told the life of every first born Egyptian male
The Israelites sacrificed a lamb and painted its blood on the doorposts
Name some ways that Moses is a type for Jesus?
Both spoke to God
Moses led the 12 triples of Israel and Jesus lead the 12 Apostles
Moses save the Israelites through the waters of the Red Sea - Jesus saves us through the waters of Baptism
Moses led the Israelites to freedom in the Promised Land - Jesus leads us to freedom in Heaven
IS manna a type for the Eucharist because it physically fed the Israelites in the Old Testament and the Eucharist spiritually feeds us in the New Testament?
God said to Adam and Eve - - “Because you have done this, you wil be cast out of the Gardeen of Eden and . . . . Would affect all mankind?
Physical death
Work will be hard and we will hate to work
Childbirth would be painful
Relationships will be difficult at time
Jospeh saves his family from starvation and forgives his brothers - - how is Joseph a type for Jesus?
Joseph physically saves his family by providing food during the famine - - Jesus spiritually saves his family
Adam and Eve’s sin was called original sin. What was the effect of original sin on the rest of mankind?
What teaches Christians about our story of salvation and what we need to do to go to Heaven?
The Bible
Why did God send the plaques?
To show His power over the false Egyptian gods
How many sons does Jacob and Rachel - and his 3 other wives have?
The Old Testament is broken into four parts - What are they
Why did God allow the Israelites to remain in the wilderness for 40 years?
They were too scared to enter the promised land
They did not trust in God
Who recommitted to the covenant and became a triple priest?
The Levites
What is the name of the first city that the Israelites attached in the promised land?
When Moses dies - who takes over and leads the Israelites into the Promised Land?
Where were the 10 Commandments keep as they traveled through the wilderness to the Promised Land?
The Ark of the Covenant
Is a prophet a person called by God and speaks to the people on God’s behalf?
Is the Bible the inspired Word of God? This means that we an believe everything that happened is correct and true.