Chapter 5, 6,& 7 TEST Flashcards
Is Jacob tricked out of his inheritance when Esau dresses up like him and places fur on his arms?
What are the 2 reason the Pharaoh killed all the Israelite newborn baby boys?
to control the Israelite population
so the girls would be forced to marry Egyptian men when they grew up
What MUST every act of sexual intimacy be according to God?
Free, fruitful - fruitful and total
How is Isaac a TYPE of Jesus?
They carried wood for their sacrifice
Angels predicted their miraculous births
They were both loved by their fathers and obedient to them
Does Moses kill an Egyptian taskmaster and then flees to Midian where he marries Zipporah?
What did the vision of “Jacob’s ladder” reveal to him?
That he was the chosen one to fulfill the covenant
What sin did Lot’s daughter’s commit?
Who9 was Jacob tricked into marrying - - when he wanted to marry Rachel?
How was God testing by God?
God asked him to sacrifice his son Isaac
What were the names of Isaac and Rebekah twin sons?
Esau and Jacob
Is incest a sin because it is not between a married man and woman?
Is having sexual intimacy before marriage a sin - because God’s plan for sexual intimacy is to bond a married couple and create children?
What is the parting of the Red Sea a TYPE for? It is through the water that the Israelites were physically saved - it is through this water that Christians are spiritually saved.
Were Abraham and Sarah finally given a son when they were very old?
How is Joseph a TYPE for Jesus?
Both were betrayed and thrown in jail
Joseph saved people physically but Jesus saves people spiritually
both were sold by men named Judas
Was Jacob supposed to work for Lot for 7 years before he could marry Rachel - - and did he end up working for Lot for 14 years before he was able to marry Rachel?
Why do grave sins such as incest, rape, and abuse exist?
Because the perfect world that God Created was broken by sin
Why did Abram and his wife have trouble believing the three promises?
Sarai was unable to have children
What does the changing of someone’s name symbolize?
Changing of a purpose or mission
When did God reveal to Jacob that he was to change his name to Israel?
while he was wrestling with an angel of God
Why did God send the plagues?
to show God’s power over the Egyptian gods
Did Abram’s wife tell him to marry her servant Rebekah so that he could have a child and fulfill the covenant?
Who were Jacob’s favorite sons - - because they were born from Rachel?
Joseph’s brothers wanted to throw him in a well and leave him there to die - - what did they do instead?
Sold him to a passing caravan
Did Abraham send a servant to Mesopotamia to find Isaac a wife?
YES - because the Canaanites women believed in false gods
What is Abraham’s sacrifice of Isaac in a prefigurement a foreshadowing of?
God the Father’s sacrifice of Jesus on the cross
What does the Passover Meal of eating lamb and unleavened bread prefigure?
The Last Supper - - or the first Mass
Did Jacob marry 5 wives and have 12 sons?
Did God sent Abram to Canaan otherwise know as - “the promised land”
Did God allow the killing of the Israelite newborn babies in retribution for the killing of the Egyptian first born sons?
Was the parting of the Red Sea a symbolic representation of how God Saves us?
What was the name of the annual feast where the Israelites were to remember how God saved them - - also the 10th plague?
What are 2 reasons that Jacob leaves Canaan?
To find a faithful wife
To escape Esua’s anger over Jacob’s trickery
What are the promises that God made to Abram in the covenant?
Blessings for All Nations
Kingship and a Name
Land and a Nation
What event happened on Mt. Horeb?
Moses speaks to God in the Burning Bush
What was the outward physical sign that God asked all men of the covenant to have?
Is rape a sin because it is not open to new life?
What did Joseph’s dream visions lead him to?
Save all of Egypt and the surrounding communities
Who rescues Moses in the basket on the Nile River?
The Pharaoh’s duaghter
Is it a sin to be a homosexual?
What two cities did God decide to destroy because of their wicked behavior?
Sodom and Gomorrah
Who does Isaac fall in love with at first sight?
Is the TRUTH we should understand from the stories in Genesis - - that God can take any evil thing that man does and make something good come from it?
What happened at Lot’s house in Sodom?
The men wanted to rape the angels
No mater whether you are physically attracted to men or women - - if you are not married what should you do?
abstain from sexual intimacy
Did a blood sacrifice seal the covenant God made with his people?
Are Jacob and his sons best known as the 10 tribes of Israel?
NO - it’s the 12 Tribes of Israel
Was Abram 75 years old when he hears a calling from God saying that he will be the Father of many Nations?
Give two reason why Joseph’s brothers hated him?
He was Jacob’s favorite
He had visions of them bowing down to him
According to the teaching of the Catholic Church is it a sin to commit homosexual acts because it is not between a married man and woman?