Chapter 20 Flashcards
What was Jesus’ most important teaching?
When he said - “I am the Bread of Life”
Who was the prominent Pharisee and an influential member of the Sanhedrin?
To follow Law 26 which states: Not to blaspheme or curse a judge.
To follow this exactly - what would we call it?
Following the letter of the law
What did Jesus mean when he said that he was going to build his church on a “rock?”
He meant on Peter
What was Jesus talking about when he said “If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever; and the bread which I shall give for the life of the world is my flesh.”
The Eucharist
Do Catholics believe that the bread at Mass is just a symbol of Jesus at the Last Supper?
What did everyone AGREE on about Jesus?
NO one spoke like he did
What teaching of Jesus emphasized that we should turn away from selfishness and serve others in order to enter the Kingdom of God?
The last shall be first and the first shall be last
If you are born from above or born again can it only happen through baptism?
What prayer teaches us how to pray like Jesus did?
Our Father / Lord’s Prayer
When did Jesus give us the Beatitudes?
At the Sermon on the Mount
What is the meaning of the Parable of the Prodigal son/lost son?
God the Father will always welcome back those who wander away from Him,. Heaven rejoices when sinners repent and return to God.
What is the meaning of the Parable of the Good Samaritan?
There is nothing more important than helping our neighbor when in need. Everyone is our neighbor.
What is the meaning of the Parable of the Tow Builders?
Wise people live their lives in righteousness and faithfulness to God. Foolish people live their lives for the things of this world that have no value and can easily be lost.
What is the meaning of the Parable of the Unmerciful Servant?
God cannot forgive your sins if you cannot forgive the sins of others
What is the meaning of the LOWER case “c”?
The building
When was the very first Mass?
The Last Supper
What is absolutely necessary to become a child of God / or a member of the Kingdom of God?
You must be baptized
What was Jesus referring to when he said it was difficult for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle?
It is very difficult for a rich man to get into the Kingdom of Heaven
In Law 26 - Not to blaspheme or curse a judge
Jesus would say that we should not blaspheme or curse ANYONE not just a judge
What do we call this?
Living by the spirit of the law
complete the following:
Jesus said “You cannot serve _____
God and Money
What do we call the 8 “blessed” statements that Jesus gave us a further guidance on how to live in the Kingdom of God?
What is to ask God for what we need?
What is a teacher of Jewish scripture and law?
What is a deep love and respect for God - or to worship him?
What is the spiritual realm over which God reigns?
Kingdom of God
What is to tell God we are sorry for offending Him through sin?
What is 70 men plus the high priest that makes up the highest Jewish council?
What is compassion and forgiveness given to those who do wrong?
What is the Our Father?
Another name for the Lord’s prayer
Is the way to the Kingdom of Heaven through Jesus Christ?
What did Jesus give us to help us receive the grace to be merciful like God?
The 7 sacraments
What do we mean when we use a capital “C” in the word Church?
The People of God
What replaced Solomon’s temple as the place where God Dwells?
Our Souls once we are baptized
Does God ALWAYS answer our prayers? (Sometimes it is YES, NO or Not Right Now)
What is the meaning of the Parable of the Fish in the Net?
At the time of death or judgement, the wicked will go to hell and the righteous will go to heaven.
What is the meaning of the Parable of the Lost Sheep/ Lost coin?
God loves each and every one of us as individuals. He will always be seeking to bring back any souls who have been parted from Him.
What is the meaning of the Parable of the Sower?
People receive God’s Words differently based on the condition of their souls. The righteous will hear and follow God’s words. The more hardhearted the soul is, the less they will hear and allow God’s Word to change them.
What is the meaning of the Parable of the Mustard Seed?
If we are faithful to God, we will “bear fruit” and have a greater impact on the world and a deeper relationship with God.
What is the Parable of the Workers in the vineyard?
We are all on individual faith journeys so we all come to know and follow Jesus at different times in our lives - some are teens, some are adults, and some in old age. What is most important is that each and every soul comes to Jesus.
Did Jesus come to establish the Kingdome of God on earth?
What is the term for a story that Jesus told that teaches us something about God?
As members of the Kingdom of God on earth, should we live by the letter of the law?
How should we treat people who are unkind in the Kingdom of God on earth?
Pray for them
Be kind to them
Forgive them every time
Why is Mass celebrated everyday in Catholic Churches?
Jesus said, “Do this in remembrance of me”
To receive the Eucharist more than just once a week if we want
To deepen our relationship with God