Mid Term 2: Study Results Flashcards
Kramer, Friedman & Bernstein used what kind of therapy..
-evaluate social behaviours of dementia patients during a one-on-one visit, visit with a real dog and a visit with an Aibo.
Kramer and Friedman found…
-all three activities increased interactive behaviours
Goals of Libyan & Cohen-Mansfield of therapy
- what effect occurs when CI people interact with a robot cat
- does a robotic cat trigger more positive interactions than a plush toy
- what degree does dementia level impact interaction with robotic cat
Libyan &; Cohen-Mansfield found…
- both plush and robotic cats increased pleasure.
- the plush cat actually decreased agitation
- the robotic cat did not make any significant changes in agitation
- both conditions demonstrated increased attention
SNOEZELEN study aimed to
compare effects of Snoezelen on mood and behaviour with reminiscence therapy- an established and accepted intervention
(Balloon) Was Snoezelen more effective or as effective of Reminiscence therapy?
There was no significant difference in heart rate, agitated behaviour between the Snoezelen and Remin. Therapy.
Barrik studied…
the impact of ambient bright light on agitation in dementia
Barrick found that ambient light.. -in the am... -pm... -all day conditions... Did what for those with mild/moderate dementia?
Those with mild to moderate dementia -in the am... -pm... -all day conditions... were all significantly more agitated than under standard light
Montessori vs Zygola
This research aimed to:
- determine the effect of participant’s involvement in Resident-Assisted Programming on the participants who led and participated in activities
- determine the difference, if any, between two separate 3. difference between phase groups (pilot vs train-the-trainer) and program effects.
Skrajner- Results
Constructive Engagement
Passive Engagement
Other Engagement
Positive measures
Constructive Engagement Increased only in the Montessori-based group.
Passive Engagement increased in both groups
Other Engagement strongly reduced in Montessori group though similar results only in phase 2 Zgola group
Non-Engagement measures not seen
Positive measures seen in both conditions
Results support efficacy of these programs
Wescott & Healy (2011
Evaluate high school student participant’s experiences in regards to participation in the program.
Hypothesized that participant’s perceptions of older adults and those with Alzheimer’s would shift in a more positive direction after participating in the MBI program.
Wescott & Healy (2011 Results
Increase in positive perception
Support Hypothesis
Feedback provided reported positive feelings of growth
Establish affect attunement with the patient through systematic use of music and reciprocal empathetic behavior
Raglio NPI Results…
How long did it persist?
anything specific??
-Significantly lower NPI scores for experimental group at 8 & 16 weeks
-Effect persisted 4 weeks after completion
-NPI domains specifically reduced:
Anxiety, agitation, apathy, irritability (to name a few)
Majic et al. (2013)
IV: The effect of
DV: The measured amounts of
Expected: AAT should decrease all symptoms examined
…Animal Assisted Therapy
…agitation/aggression and depression in dementia patients