Microbiology: Viral infection Flashcards
chicken pox
- causative organism
- age of infection
- progression of lesions
- presentation- disribution
- complications
- prevention in pregnancy
- vaccination is?
- Varicella Zoster virus
- primary infection in childhood
- macule–papule–vesicle–scab–revovery
- centripetal with varying density and inflamed skin
- fever and itch
-secondary bacterial, pneumonitis, encephalitis, haemorrhagic, scarring
- Varicella Zoster immunoglobulin
- life attenuated
- causative organism
- age of infection
- presentation (progression) and distribution
- complications (4)
- Varicella Zoster Virus
- Elderly and immunocompromised
-Dermatomal distribution
tingling pain–erhythema–vesicles–crusts
neuralgic pain
-Post herpetic neuralgia pain 4+wks
Opthalmic zoster
(effects opthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve, scarring and keratosis on cornea)
Ramsey Hunt syndrome
(vesicles in auditory canal and throat+ facial palsy + irritation of the 8th CN tinnitus etc)
Bell’s palsy
(Damage to the facial nerve)
Herpes simplex virus
- causes what in children?
- recurrence known as?
- when spreads to eczema, called?
- primary gingivostomatisis
- cold sores
- eczema herpeticum
Antiviral therapy
- main antiviral + action
- investigation
selectively incorporated into viral DNA and inhibits replication
-swab with viral transport medium
Erhythema Multiforme
- appearance
- triggers
- target lesions + erhythema
- drug reactions and infection (HSV)
Molluscom Contagiosum
- appearance
- treatment
- fleshy, firm, umbilicated, pearlescent nodules, common in children
- cryotherapy
- causative organisms?
- treatment?
- HPV, types 1-4
- Salicylic acid
Virus causing
- Genital warts?
- Cervical cancer?
- HPV types 6&11
- HPV types 16&18
- appearance?
- Causative organism
- management
- blistering rash at back of mouth
- enterovirus
- swab and take stool sample
Erythema infectiosum
- causative organism
- describe the rash and distribution
- other features
- complications
- investigations
- erythrovirus B19
- facial rash fades and lacy macular rash appears on body
- acute polyarthritis, specially wrists
-spontaneous abortion
aplastic crisis
chronic aneamia
-B19 IgM test
- primary infection appearance
- secondary phase infection appearance
- mode of spread
- investigations
- treatment
-painless chancre (ulcers at site of entry)
-REd rash over body, prominent in soles of feet and palms
mucous membranes see snail track ulcers
- sexually transmitted via Treponema pallidum
- bloods and swab chancre
- injected penicillin
Lyme disease
- vector and organism
- presentation (early and late)
- treatment
-tics, Borrelia burgdorferi
-E= erythema migrans L= heart block, nerve palsy, arthritis