Microbiology - Concepts Flashcards
Microbes in Our Lives
Types of Organisms
Classification of Microorganisms
The First Observations
The Debate over Spontaneous Generation
The First Golden Age of Microbiology
The Second Golden Age of Microbiology
The Third Golden Age of Microbiology
Microbes and Human Welfare
Microbes and Human Disease
Chemical Principles
The Structure of Atoms
Chemical Elements
Electronic Configurations
How Atoms Form Molecules: Chemical Bonds
Ionic Bonds
Covalent Bonds
Hydrogen Bonds
Molecular Mass and Moles
Chemical Reactions
Inorganic Compounds
Acids, Bases, and Salts
Acid–Base Balance: The Concept of pH
Organic Compounds
Structure and Chemistry
Nucleic Acids
Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP)
Units of Measurement
Microscopy: The Instruments
Light Microscopy
Two-Photon Microscopy
Super-Resolution Light Microscopy
Scanning Acoustic Microscopy
Electron Microscopy
Scanned-Probe Microscopy
Preparing Smears for Staining
Simple Stains
Differential Stains
Special Stains
Comparing Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells: An Overview
The Prokaryotic Cell
The Prokaryotic Cell
The Size, Shape, and Arrangement of Bacterial Cells
The Prokaryotic Cell
The Prokaryotic Cell
Flagella and Archaella
The Prokaryotic Cell
Axial Filaments
The Prokaryotic Cell
Fimbriae and Pili
The Prokaryotic Cell
Composition and Characteristics of The Cell Wall
The Prokaryotic Cell
Cell Walls and the Gram Stain Mechanism
The Prokaryotic Cell
Atypical Cell Walls
The Prokaryotic Cell
Damage to the Cell Wall
The Prokaryotic Cell
The Plasma (Cytoplasmic) Membrane
The Prokaryotic Cell
The Movement of Materials across Membranes
The Prokaryotic Cell
The Prokaryotic Cell
The Nucleoid
The Prokaryotic Cell
The Prokaryotic Cell
The Prokaryotic Cell
The Prokaryotic Cell
Flagella and Cilia
The Eukaryotic Cell
The Cell Wall and Glycocalyx
The Eukaryotic Cell
The Plasma (Cytoplasmic) Membrane
The Eukaryotic Cell
The Eukaryotic Cell
The Eukaryotic Cell
The Eukaryotic Cell
The Evolution of Eukaryotes
Catabolic and Anabolic Reactions
Naming Enzymes
Enzyme Components
Factors Influencing Enzymatic Activity
Feedback Inhibition
Oxidation-Reduction Reactions
The Generation of ATP
Metabolic Pathways of Energy Production
Carbohydrate Catabolism
Additional Pathways to Glycolysis
Cellular Respiration
Lipid and Protein Catabolism
Biochemical Tests and Bacterial Identification
The Light-Dependent Reactions: Photophosphorylation
The Light-Independent Reactions: The Calvin-Benson Cycle
A Summary of Energy Production Mechanisms
Metabolic Diversity among Organisms
Polysaccharide Biosynthesis
Lipid Biosynthesis
Amino Acid and Protein Biosynthesis
Purine and Pyrimidine Biosynthesis
The Integration of Metabolism
The Requirements for Growth
Physical Requirements
Chemical Requirements
Culture Media
Chemically Defined Media
Complex Media
Anaerobic Growth Media and Methods
Special Culture Techniques
Selective and Differential Media
Enrichment Culture
Obtaining Pure Cultures
Preserving Bacterial Cultures
Bacterial Division
Generation Time
Logarithmic Representation of Bacterial Populations
Phases of Growth
Direct Measurement of Microbial Growth
Estimating Bacterial Numbers by Indirect Methods
The Terminology of Microbial Control
The Rate of Microbial Death
Alteration of Membrane Permeability
Damage to Proteins and Nucleic Acids
Low Temperatures
High Pressure
Osmotic Pressure
Chemical Methods of Microbial Control
Principles of Effective Disinfection
Evaluating a Disinfectant
Types of Disinfectants
Microbial Characteristics and Microbial Control
Structure and Function of the Genetic Material
Genotype and Phenotype
DNA and Chromosomes
The Flow of Genetic Information
DNA Replication
RNA and Protein Synthesis
The Regulation of Bacterial Gene Expression
Pre-transcriptional Control
Post-transcriptional Control
Changes in Genetic Material
Types of Mutations
The Frequency of Mutation
Identifying Mutants
Identifying Chemical Carcinogens
Genetic Transfer and Recombination
Plasmids and Transposons
Transformation in Bacteria
Conjugation in Bacteria
Transduction in Bacteria
Genes and Evolution
Introduction to Biotechnology
Recombinant DNA Technology
An Overview of Recombinant DNA Procedures
Restriction Enzymes
Polymerase Chain Reaction
Inserting Foreign DNA into Cells
Obtaining DNA
Selecting a Clone
Making a Gene Product
Applications of DNA Technology
Therapeutic Applications
Genome Projects
Scientific Applications
Agricultural Applications
Safety Issues and the Ethics of Using DNA
Classification of Organisms
The Study of Phylogenetic Relationships
The Three Domains
A Phylogenetic Tree
Scientific Nomenclature
The Taxonomic Hierarchy
Classification of Prokaryotes
Classification of Eukaryotes
Classification of Viruses
Methods of Classifying and Identifying Microorganisms
The Prokaryotes: Domains Bacteria and Archaea
The Prokaryotes: The Prokaryotic Groups
Domain Bacteria
The Proteobacteria
The Nonproteobacteria Gram-Negative Bacteria
The Gram-Positive Bacteria
Domain Archaea
Microbial Diversity
The Eukaryotes: Fungi
Characteristics of Fungi
Medically Important Fungi
Fungal Diseases
Economic Effects of Fungi
Characteristics of Algae
Selected Phyla of Algae
Roles of Algae in Nature
Characteristics of Protozoa
Medically Important Protozoa
Slime Molds