Microbiology And Serology Flashcards
What sites should be sterile?
Internal organs
CNS, blood, lungs, liver, kidneys, bladder
Blood, urine, CSF
Steps in general approach to ID bacteria
- Obtain
- Stain (gram or acid fast)
- Culture specimen
- Identify organism
- Antibiotic susceptibility test
Why is a gram stain useful?
Quick and accurate results to determine if there is an infection present
Could be life or death in CSF illnesses
Lowest concentration of antibiotic that inhibits visible growth of organism
Reported as SIR
Resistant R
Using standard dosing, organism will not respond
Organism may be treated higher doses than standard dose
Organism will most likely respond using non life threatening doses
Which organism discussed is acid fast?
Tuberculosis, leprae
When do you use KOH prep?
Fungal infections
Likelihood a test to catch ALL individuals WITH disease
No false negatives
Likelihood of a test to catch only individuals with disease
NO false positives
Do we want a higher sensitivity or specificity on a screen?
Higher sensitivity – we want to be sure and catch everyone who might have disease then screen them out
Major extracellular ions
Major intracellular ion
Normal serum sodium level
135-145 mEq/L
Hyponatremia is less than 135
Hypernatremia is greater than 145
Normal potassium level
Hypokalemia is less than 3.5
Hyperkalemia is greater than 5
Normal serum range of chloride
NOrmal CO2
O and P
Parasite test
Done in the stool – not just based on one sample (need at least 3)
Hemoglobin A1C
Glycosylated hemoglobin
Not on chem panel
Screening and confirmatory tests for syphilis
- VDRL and RPR screening
2. FTA specific confirmation - treponemal
HIV screening tests
- Antibody ELISA
2. Western Blot
Lyme Disease tests
Western Blot
Cold aggutinins
Autoantibodies that are capable of agglutinating red blood cells at cold temperatures
Which bacteria do we usually use cold agglutinins for?
Mycoplasma pneumo