Microbiology Flashcards
Mycobacteria which change color from grey to yellow in the presence of light (photochromes)
Mycobacteria kansassii
Mycobacteria marinum
Produces a double zone of beta hemolysis
Egg Yolk Agar
Reverse CAMP
Clostridium perfringens
Optochin Sensitive GPC
Streptococcus pneumonia (major test)
rheumatic fever
Streptococcus pyogenes diseases
What type of fungi is grown on SDA with olive oil added? What type of infections does it cause?
Malassezia furfur
Skin infections
Infection by the organism is termed “auto infection”
Sun over Desert
S erratia E schericha E nterobacter (gas production) K lebsiella (oxytoca indole +, pneumonia indole -) A eromonas (oxidase +, gas production)
SEEK A shelter in the hot dessert
A/A H2S+
Sun over Desert
C itrobacter
A rizona
P roteus (vulgaris: indole +, mirabilis: indole -)
Wear a black CAP to protect yourself
K/A H2S+
Moon over Desert
C itrobacter
A rizona
S almonella
E dwardsiella
A CASE of firecrackers in the nights sky smells like sulfur
Moon over Dessert
S higella Ci trobacter P rovidencia P lesiomonas P roteus Y ersinia
SciPPPY coyote howls at the moon
Moon over mountain
P seudomonas
Chopped meat agar with iron and glycerol is used to grow
anaerobes (iron and glycerol)
Gram positive rod with are commonly found in tap wate. Spcrotochromogenic.
Mycobacterium gordonae
This gram positive cocci is resistant to furazilidone
Gram negative aerobic cocci that fermates lactate. Normal flora of the oral mucosa. Jaw surgery