Blood Bank Flashcards
HGB requirement for donors
12.5 g/dL (125 g/L)
Prior to donation collection, the venipuncture site must be cleaned with
PVP iodine complex
The Western blot is confirmatory for
When aliquotting RBCs with a STERILE device, the expiration date will be
The same date as the original RBC unit
When platelets are stoed on a rotator set on an open benchtop, the ambiet air temperature must be recorded
every 4 hours
Platelets stored at 22-24C and gently agitated are good for
5 days
One thawed, fresh frozen plasma must be transfused within
24 hours
This may indicated contamination of platelets
a blood donor has the genotype:hh, AB. what is the red cell phenotype?
O. AB cannot be expressed due to hh
Fy(a-b-) is rare in all populations except
African Americans
The Xg blood group is encoded on the
X chromosome
To be a secreator, both the Lewis and the Se genes need to be present to type as
Non-secreators will generally type as
Ax cells are more strongly reactive with ________, than anti-A
A3 cells, when mixed with anti-A,B will show
mixed field agglutination
The enzyme responsible for confirring H activity on RBCs is
L-fucosyl transferase
Lutheran antiody best detected at lower temps
anti- Lu^a
Mixed-field refractile agglutinates are suggestive of
HLA antibodies are induced by
multiple transfusions
Genes of the MHC contributed to
the coordination of cellular and humoral immunity
These red cell antigens are found on glycophorin-A
M, N
Paraoxymal cold hemoglobinuria (PCH) is associated with antibody specificity toward
P antigen
This antibody is found in people with infectious mononucleosis
Cold agglutinin syndrom is associated with an antibody specifity toward
At what temperatures does anti-I react best?
Room temp or 4 C
Resistance to malaria
This is used to treat Hemophilia A
factor VIII concentrate
If an Rh mother has the following results D: 0 D cont:0 Weak D: 1+ (mf) Weak D cont: 0 what is the most likely cause?
Fetomaternal hemorrhage
When performing the rosette test, 1 rosette per 3 field is considered
negative (there was not an excessive bleed). The mother should receive i vial of RhIg for a normal bleed
Granulocytes for transfusion should be ABO compatible with
the patients plasma
When trasnfusing a neonate with group O cells, no crossmatch is necessary if
the initial plasma screening is negative
Babys usually will not express ABO antigens until
3 to 6 months of age
Forward: AB
Reverse: A
What is the cause of this ABO discrepancy?
Acquired B
In the cause of a group O individual with Tn polyagglutinable cells, they may appear to have
an acquired A antigen
The reagent used in weak D testing is
antiglobulin serum
On an antibody screen, if all screen cells AND the autocontrol are positive at IAT, the patient likely has a
warm autoantibody
If the Se and Le genes are both inherited, whats the phenotype?
Aquired B occurs in individuals with this blood type.
They will forward type _______
They will reverse type _______
A individuals
Forward: AB
Reverse: A
Forward: anti-A: 0 anti-B: 0
Reverse: A1: 0 B: 0
This patient is most likely
A baby under 3 months of age
The A3 subgroup can be suspected when cells show
mixed field agglutination
First Time 20yr old donor
Forward: anti-A: 0 anti-B:0
Reverse: A: 0 B: 3+
This ABO discrepancy is most likely
A subgroup of A
RhIg Fetal Maternal Hemmorage
Hemmorage: 30 mL
RBCs: 15 mL
Patients with von Willibrand syndrome should be transfused with
cryparcipitate (includes vWB factors AND factor VIII)
vWF responsible for platelet aggregation due to ristocetin.
Unit of PLTs increase PLT count