Microbiology Flashcards
Systemic Mycocies
- Organisms are yeast at body temperature and are mold at room temperature
- Tx is amphoteracin B for systemic and itraconazole for cutaneous
- Generally cause a granulomatous response, can look like TB
- Person to person transmission does not occur (unlike TB)
- Can occur in healthy people in contrast to more opportunistc infections
Amphoteracin B
- Very strong antifungal reserved for systemic infections
- Binds ergosterol in membrane and makes membrane leaky leading to death
- Must supplement K and Mg
- Causes serious and common nephrotoxicitiy, also causes very common hypersensitivity and chills, arrythmia, etc
- Does not cross BBB and so given intrathecally if intended for brain infections
- Given topically for cutaneous fungal infections
- Inhibit the production of ergosterol by inhibiting P450 like enzyme
- Main S/E relate to inhibition of CYP
- Decrease all steroid synthesis leading to gynecomastia and hypoglycemia (cortisol)
- Fluconazole can be given as prophylaxis in AIDS patients against systemic candida and cryptoccal meningitis
- Dimorphic fungi
- Most common in the midwest
- Causes pneumonia with casseating granulomas in lung
- Most commonly contracted from bird and bat droppings (Splunkers disease)
- Histo oganisms will be inside macrophages
- Dimporphic fungi
- Occurs along mississippi river area
- Broad based budding yeast not in macrophages
- Generally starts as pulmonary infection and can spread to skin and bone
- Dimorphic fungi
- Exists as spherule and then makes endosproes (large)
- Contracted in southwest USA
- San Jouaqin Fever: COmonly get a influenza like illness with rash
- Incidence increases after earthquakes
- Seen in central america and mexico
- Pneumonia like illness
- Captains wheel
Tinea Versicolor
- Maleszia Furfur infection
- Causes breakdown of lipids which leads to melanocyte toxicity and caues hyper or hypopigmentation
- COmmonly seen in hot and sweat
- KOH prep to visualize
- Treat with topical drugs
- Cause tinea of many regions of body
- Ringworm, athletes foot, seborrheic dermatitis, etc
- KOH prep to visualize
Dimorphic Fungi
- Cigar shaped and lives on vegetation, infection when stuck with thorn
- Local pustule with ascending lymphangittis that follows lymphatics
- Tx: Itraconazole and KI
- Normal Commensal
- Yeast that buds with germ tubes (Pseudohyphae), infectous form is mold form
- Causes most infections in immunocompromised
- Vaginitis (especially in diabetics)
- Esophagitis and thrush in immunocompromised and steroid inhalers
- Diaper rash
- Can cause endocarditis in IV drug users
- Chronic Mucocutaneous Candidiasis is indicaative of T cell disorder
- Systemic in AIDS patients (Neutrophils stop)
- Treatment is Azoles for cutaneous
- Systemic give amphoteracin B or caspofungin (inhibits B glucan synthesis of cell wall) Caspofungin has less systemic side effects and is mainly histamine mediated flushing and GI upset
- Non dimorphic, only exists as mold form
- Branches at 45 degree hyphae
- Higher risk in patients with CGD
- Allergic Bronchopulmonary Aspergillosus: Type I and type 3 hypersensitivity seen in patients with asthma, CF, and CGD. Can lead to bronchiectasis. (Tx is steroids and antifungals)
- Fungus ball can infect lungs in an old TB cavitary lesion.
- Aflatoxins cause HCC
Cryptococcus Neoformans
- Non dimorphic fungi that has a large capsule and can be detected by india ink and latex agglutination
- Enters through lungs and spreads hematogenously to the meninges
- Pigeon droppings is the most likely source
- Causes meningitis in AIDS pts
- May also cause penumonia in AIDS patients
- Prophylax with ketocolanazole
- Tx: Intrathecal amphoteracin B
- Mold monomorphic fungi
- RIbbon like with branches at 90 degrees
- Only infects DKA and leukemia patients
- Requires elevated glucose and ketonse to invade vascular walls
- Starts as black eschar that enters through cribiform plate causing a frontal lobe abcess
- TX: surgical
Pneumocystsis Carini
- Yeast that stains with methamine silver stain
- Common in AIDS patients and need to prophylax with TMP/SMX when get below 200
- Causes a diffuse interstitial type of pneumonia that can be rapidly fatal
- Tx: Dapsone (PABA analog),, Pentamadine, and TMP/SMX
-Can be used in a number of fungal and protozoal infections, but is classic for pneumocystsis
- Protozoa
- Mobile trophozite contracted from consuming cysts in water
- Causes a foul smelling greasy diahrrea because of adherence to wall.
- Treat with metronidazole
- Dx with cysts and trophozites in stool
Entaomeba Histolytica
- Protozoa
- Causes ameobic Dystentery with bloody stool
- Also causes liver abcess (RUQ pain) and can cause duodenal ulcers
- Cysts ingested in water
- Trophozites may have RBC in cytoplasm, multinucleated
- Tx: Metronidazole
- Protozoa transmitted by cyst ingestion in water
- Causes watery diahrrea especially in AIDS patients
- Cysts are acid fast
- Tx netazomanide
- Protozoa
- Can cause ring enhancing lesions in AIDS patients with focal neurologic signs.
- Most commonly transmitted by ingesion of meat containing cysts, can also be caught from cat feces
- Causes mild disease with cervical lymphadenopathy in female
- Can cross placenta and cause: Chorioreitinits (may lead to blindness), Hydropcephalus, Calcifciatoins
- Tx: Sulfazadine and pyramethamine
Nageria Fowleri
-Protozoa in warm freshwater that enters through cribiform plate and causes devastating meningoencephalitis
- Protozoa
- Transmitted by tetse flybite
- Cause african sleeping sickness
- Recurrent fever, fatigue, somnolence and coma
- Tx is suramine and melarsoprol
Plasmodium Falciprum
- Transmited by anopheles mosquito
- Causes devastating cerebral malaria caused by blockage of brain, lung, kidney vasculature by RBC fragments
- 24 hour or irregular hemolysis
- Fever, anemia, aches
- Tx is chloroquine and mefloquine if resistant
Plasmodium Ovale/Vivax
- Malaria with 48 hour cycle
- Anemia and fever that is less severe
- Can be dormant as hypnozite in liver, must add primaquine to rigemin
Quinidine Drugs
- Prevent heme polymerase in RBC and prevent destruction
- Choloroquine is strong and standard, mefloquine added for resistant strains and primaquine added for liver hypnozites
- Commonly cause hemolysis in G6PD patients
- Protozoa that causes north american malira like illness
- Transmitted by Ixodes tick along with lyme disease
- Maltese cross appearance in RBC
- Worse in patients who are asplenic
- Tx: Aithromcin and atovaquone
Trypanasome Cruzi
- Causes chagas disease
- Transmitted by the reduviid bug in central america causes romana sign or unilateral swelling of eye
- Causes esophageal dysmotility and megacolon due to invasion of neural plexus
- Causes DCM
- Nifurtimox
- Transmitted by sandfly bite in middle east and africa
- Cutaneous form has an ulcer
- Visceral form fevers, HSM and pancytopenia
- Green foul smelling vaginal discharge, frothy
- Wet mount will show mobile trophozites in contrast to the clue cells of gram negative bacteria in gardenella vaginalis
- Tx: Metronidazole
Roundworm Treatments
- Bednazoles: Iinhibit tubulin synthesis and prevent MT driven consumption
- Praziquanal: Ca influx paralyzes and causes worms to fall off intestinal tract
- Ivermectin: Inhibits Neurotransmission and makes them fall off
- Diethylcarbamazine: Causes AA dysfunction leading to increased inflammation
- Fecal oral transmission, consumption of eggs
- Causes perianal pruritis
- Scotch tape test
- Fecal oral transmission
- Intestinal infection
- Enter through penetration of skin in foot
- Intestinal Infection causing microcytic anemia
- Enter through penetration of skin in foot
- Intestinal Infection causing microcytic anemia
- Enter through penetration of skin in foot
- Intestinal Infection causing microcytic anemia
- River Blindness
- Black Fly
Wucheria Bacnrofti
-Mosquito causing elephantitis
Fecal Oral
-Enterobus, Asscaris
-Necator, Ancylomata, Strongyloides
- Usually contracted by eating cysts or larva in meat
- treat with praziauantal
Taniea Soleum
- Pork meat cysts
- Can cause neurocystercosis