Endocrine Flashcards
Hormone Synthesis
Steroids from Cholesterol
-Peptides are transcribed into the ER with an N terminal signal sequence (PreProhormone), in ER N terminal sequence is cleaved off and hormone becomes Prohormone in Golgi. In secretory vesicles final processes allows for clevage to active hormone
Feedback loops
- Long is Test to hypothalamus and AP
- Short is AP to hypo
- ultrashort is AP on AP
Positive Feedback
- Estrogen on AP during ovulation
- During labor, oxytocin is induced by cervical distension and stimulate uterine contraction. More contraction leads to more distension leads to more oxytocin
Down R
- Beta Arestin and receptor degredation
- Progesterone downregulates estrogen receptors in uterus
- T3 downregualtes TRH receptors in AP
Up regulation
- Prolactin stimulates own receptors in breast
- GH stimulates own receptors in muscle
- Estrogen stimulates own receptors in uterus
- i inhibits adenylate cyclase and decreases cAMP
- PDE degrade cAMP
- Gq goes through PLC and activates PKC
Guanylate Cyclase
Calcium Calmodulin
Insulin and growth factors.
-IP3 and PKB
GH and cytokines
Intracellular (Nuclear for thyroid), dimerization and zn finger domains act as transcription factors for SREs
Acidophils: PRL and GH
Basophils: LH, FSH, TSH, ACTH
-LH, FSH, TSH, HCG are glyocproteins with the same alpha subunit and different beta subunit
-ACTH is released by basophils in the POMC form
- 2 disulfide bonds, highly similar to PRL
- Stimulated at pubeity by steroids
- Also released during stage III and IV sleep
- Released in response to low glucose levels and stress
- Causes and increase in blood glucose and lipid levels, diabetogenic effect, opposes action of insulin in tissues, but insulin is still secreted
- Inhibited by somatostatin (Gi)
- Increased by GHRH (Gs)
- Is trophic to chondrocytes to increase long bone growth
- Excess treated with octreotide (also used in esophageal varicies)
- Binds to JAK STAT receptor and increases growth of breast tissue during pregnancy and suclkling (Direct stimulation)
- Actions are opposed during pregnancy at the level of the receptor due to elevated E and P levels
- Inhibited by dopamine (Gi) from AP in portal system
- Increaed by TRH (Gs), Suckling
- Also inhibits GNRH leading to infertility and amenorrhea (Clinical signs of AP adenoma)
- Bromocritine is a dopamine analog that will block release
- Antipsychotics are D2 antagonists that will increase release (Loss of inhibition)
Post Pit
Neurons directly secrete hormones into the blood stream in response to direct neural stimualtion.
- Release is almost immediate to stimulation
- Stored in vesicles with neurophysins (Supraoptic ADH) paraventricular (Oxytocin)
- 9AA peptide with significant homolgy
- Secreted via AP in reesponse to increased osmolarity sensed in the anterior hypothalamus
- V1 receptors are Gq and present on vascular smooth muscle
- V2 receptors are on principal cells and increase aquaorin and urea transport
- Can also respond to large drops in BP (AngII) and also direct vagal stimulation from carotid and aortic baroreceptors
- Central DI treated with vasopressin
- Nephrogenic DI treated with Thiazides
- SIADH treated with demeclocycline
- Main function is to constrict myoepithelum in response to suckling
- May also have a role in uterine contraction and stopping bleeding after birth
- Can be released by suckling, Conditoining to baby, Diltaion of cervix (Positive feedback during partruition)
Thyroid Production
- Follicles contain basolateral Na/I active transport of I into cells and is transported to the apical membrane where it is oxidized to yield I2
- Anions like thyocyanate will impair transport of Iodine into cell
- Thyroglobulin is made and secreted by the nucleus into the colloid
- In they colloid, thyroperoxidase organifies iodine to thyroglobulin generatig MIT and DIT
- Wolff Chiakoff effect will impair organification
- Thyroid peroxidase then couples MIT and DIT together to generate T3 and T4 that are still attached to thryoglobulin
- Thyroglublin will remain in coloid until TSH stimulation leads to endocytosis and lysosomal degredation yielding T3 and T4
- There is generally 10x mor T4 than T3
T4 the binds to TBG and is transported to target tissues
- Hepatic failure will decrease total T levels but will have normal free T levels
- Pregnancy will increase TBG and total levels will rise, with normal free
- Tissue mediated 5’ deiodinase will change T4 into the active T3, 50% is inactive rT3
- Regulation occurs at this step, starvation etc will lead to a decrease in T3 levels due to 5’ deiodinase
- TRH is stimulatory to Basophilic thyrotrophs in AP (Gs) also stimulatory to PRL secretion
- TSH stimulates thryoid growht and hormone release
- T3 feedbacks to AP by decreasing TRH receptors and thus decreasing TSH release
Thyroid Functions
- Nuclear receptor targets a number of genes
- Increase BMR, Na/K ATPase
- Increase cardiac contractility and HR (increase B1 expression and increase contractile proteins)
- Has permissive caetacholamine effects throughout body
- Overall catabolic on tissues and can increase blood glucose levels
- Works synergytsially with GH for skeletal maturation
- Necessary for proper synapse formation
- Graves: AutoAb, myxedema and proptosis (increase GAG secretion, TSH)
- Adenom: Increase TSH and pretibial myxedema
- Iatogenic: No goiter and low TSH
- Hashimotos: GOiter and high TSH
- I deficecny; Goiter and high TSH
- Loss TRH or TSH: no goiter and low TSH
Fetal Cortex
-Fetal Cortex is present at 8 weeks of gestation and degrades by birth
Steroid Horomone Synthesis
- Requires NADPH and Cyp-450 enzymes, also oxygen
- Takes place in the mitochondria
- Rate limiting step is desmolase which is stimulated by ACTH and inhibited by Ketocolanazole
- Can produce corticosterone before aldosterone which can funtion as a glucocorticoid
- 17 Deficency leads to a decrease in aldosterone because 11-DOC and corticosterone are active enough constrictors on vasculature to shut off via increased Renin
- RAAS is major control
- K also is major control through opening channel and increaseing intracellular Ca
- AT2 which regulates aldosterone synthase is a Gi receptor. In vasculature increases Ca and in Glomerulosa increases aldosterone synthesis
- All are 17 ketosteroids and can be converted to androgens in the testis
- In femalse they play a role in the development of pubic and axillary hair
- CRH is Gs
- ACTH is Gs
- Major control is cortisol feedback
- Reduced cortisol leads to increase ACTH and hyperplasia in CAH
- Also, longterm steroids lead to atrophy of ACTH and adrenals
Glucocorticoid Functions
- Increase blood glucose: GNG, Lipolysis, Proteolysis
- Increase alpha 1 expression
- Bind aldosterone receptors on smooth muscle and constrict
- Decrease collagen type 1 synthesis: Striae and osteoporosis, also decrease intestinal absorption
- Pulsatile releaese leads to increased wakefulness in the limbic system
- Increase RPF by constricting afferent arteriole
Calcium in Blood
Half of Ca is bound to albumin or to other plasma proteins and only half is in the free ionized form
- When alkalemic OOH residues lose their H and are OO- which can bind Ca. Alkalosis leads to decreased Ca levels
- Hypercalcemia will cause constipation, stones, etc
- Hypocalcemia makes membranes less depolarized and hyperexcitable leading to chovteks sign etc
Secreted by the chief cells of the parathyroid gland
- Works via a Gs protein to increase Ca
- Osteoblasts have receptors for PTH and actually build bone in response. Only over long term exposure will bone start to be broken down through the release of cytokines
- Vitamin D also stimulates bone resorption so that new bone can be formed. In the absence of Ca this can’t happen. Reason for increased ALK phos in bone problems
Familial Hypercalcemia
-Defect in Ca sensors leads to abarent PTH secretion and aberrant Ca absoprtion in the GI
1 alpha hydroylase
-Functions in the renal tubular mitochondria. All steroids work or are synthesized in the mitochondria
Thyroid Embryology
Invagination off pharynx, endodermal origin
- Descends behind foramen cecum along thyroglossal duct
- Duct cyst is midline and moves with swallowing
- Branchial cyst is lateral
- Pyramidal lobe is sometimes in thyroglossal duct or at base of tongue
Fetal Adrenal Gland
Sits interior to the cortex that is developing
- Secretes some androgens in gestation to augment mothers supply
- Late in gestation secretes cortisol under influence of mother and self pit to mature lungs
Pheo and Nueroblastom
Adrenal Medullary tumors
- RET associated for pheo when part of MEN
- N-Myc for kids neuroblastoma
- Treat with surgey and phenoxybenzamine