Cardiology Flashcards
Truncus Arteiosis
- Forms the outflow tracts of the LV
- Imigration of neural crest cells, endocardial cushion tissue and membranous ventricular septation allow for proper looping and function
Sinus Venosus
-Forms the smooth part of the RA (Right SV) and the coroncary sinus (Left SV)
Bulbus Cordis
-Smooth parts of ventricles
Primitive atria and ventricles
- Rotate during development
- Trabechulated muscle
Anterior and Common cardinal veins
-Make SVC
Posteior Cardinal Vein
-Makes IVC
Vitelline Veins
-Make Portal Circulation
Aortic Arches
- 1,2 are relatively meaningless with portions of external carotid coming off of pharyngeal arches
3: Common Carotid
4: Aortic arch and proximal brachiocephalic
6: Pulmonary arteries
Interventricualar Septation
- Muscular portion forms from the bottom up and is rarely assicated with VSD
- Membranous poriton forms near the top with endochardial cushion (AV) and NC cells
- Membranous is most common site of defect
- Eisenmienger occurs when VSD leads to pHTN leading to RV hypertrophy which will flip the shunt to R to L
Atrial Septation
- Septum primum grows from top toward bottom and ednocardial cushin tissues. Is flexible and may not form right with EC in downs elading to primum type of defect
- Secundum forms from top down and bottom up and is rigid
- Together form a one way valve allowing to bypass pulmnary circulation
- Fuse at birht with LA greater than RA
- If don’t fuse is PFO
- Secundum is also common defect with fixed splitting
- PFO can cause DVT to go to systemic circulation
Fetal Erythroposesis
- Begins in yolk sac from 3 weeks to 10 weeks
- Liver becomes dominant in early gestation (4-40 wks)
- Spleen provides minimal support
- Bone marrow begins to produce in week 20 and is the definitive site
- Fetal Hgb has decreased affinity for 2,3BPG leading to increased Oxygen binding capabilities
Fetal Circulation
- Oxygenated blood comes through umbilical vein and joins IVC dumpin into RA.
- In RA can tak 2 routes, through RV or to LA
- If goes through RV then out to lungs with majority divered via the DA to aorta
- If through PFO goes through LA to LV to aorta
- Systemic circulation becfore draiing into umbilical arteries for delivery back to placenta
Three Shunts
- Ductus Venosus allows blood to bypass the portal circuit in the liver
- Ductus Arteriosus allow blood from pulmonary artery to enter the aorta and bypass the lungs
- Foramen Ovale allows majority of oxygen rich blood to flow to LA to LV to aorta to systemic
- PReductal coarctation, majority flows through RV and out through DA to body, no development of collaterals leads to early cyanosis. Post ductal means that collaterals through the internal intercostals and internal throacic develop to allow for communication with superior and infereior epigastrics. These pateints will present later with differential BP
Fetal Derivatives in permanent tissue
- Umbilical Vein: Ligamentum tere hepatatis whihc is part of falciform ligament
- Umbilical arteries are medial umbilical ligaments
- Allantois/urachus is median umbilical ligament. Persistence can lead to urachal cyst or adenocarcinoma of the superioer pole of bladder
- Ligamentum Arteriosum: Is close DA (Decrease in PGE with elevated O2 leads to closure). Is a site of anchor of arta, so can be nidus for traumatic tear
- Ligamentum Venosum: Liver Shunt
Cardiac Projections
- RA is superior and medial
- RV forms majority of anterior projection
- LV forms majority of diaphragmatic porjection (Inferior border)
- LA in conctact with reccurent laryngeal (Hoarsness) and Esophagus (Dysphagia)
Cardiac Circulation
- RCA: Nodal, RV (Marginal), and majority (85%) posterior IV septum
- LCX: LV free wall, L dominant supplies posterior IV septum
- LAD: ANteiror LV and Anterior 2/3 IV septum
-HR * SV MAP = CO * TPR -MAP = 1/3 systolic + 2/3 diastolic -EF: ESV-EDV/(EDV) -Exercise serves to increase CO by increasing HR and decreasing TPR. Eventually TPR maximized and only increase is with increased HR
- A function of the amount of Ca in cardiac cells
- Increased Contractilty: Caetacholamines (Increase Ca release from SR), Digoxin increases intracellular Na leading to impaired Ca exchange and increased Ca).
- Preload also increases CO by starling law of stretch of sarcomeres
- Decreasd extracellular Na can also increase intracellular Ca
- Contractility is decresed with decreased Ca: Beta blockers, Ca channel blockers (non DHP; verapamil and diltiazem), Acidosis, hypoxia (60 seconds stop contracting), Heart Failure
- EDV a function of volume and venoconstriction
- Decreased with nitrates (Venodilation)
- Increased with caetacholamines (Venoconstriction)
- Increase with exercise and volume overload
- MAP, function of arteriolar constricion
- Arteriolar constriction (Caetacholamines)
- Arteriolar dilation (Hydralzaine, minodoxil)
Resistance and flow
- P=QR (PRessure = Flow*Resistance)
- Resistance = (viscosity * length)/Radius^4
- Dilation leads to massive loss of R
- Polycythemia, spherocytosis, increased protein (Multiple Myeloma) leads to increased viscosity
- Anemia leads to decreased viscosity
Resistance Circuits
Series: R = R1+R2 etc
-Parallel: which is sirculation 1/r=1/r1+1/r2 etc
Cardiac and vascular function curves
- Ascending line is contracility
- Descending line is volume status (Can be effected by venocosntriction)
- X intecept is means systemic filling pressure
- Blood volume is also a function of TPR, decreased TPR leads to effectively increased blood volume and vice versa
- Y axis is CO and venous return (Which are equal)
- X axis is Right Atrial Filling Pressure/EDV
Cardiac Cycle
- Contractility is a slope from the origin to S2
- Afterload is EDP/MAP
- EDV is preload
JVP Trace
- A wave is atrial contraction
- C wave is ventricular contraction that causes a bulge at the tricuspid valce
- X descent is from atrial relaxation
- V wave is atrial filling (gradual)
- Y descent is from rapid ventricular filling
- All curve is in pressure and so corresponds not to volume but to atrial contraction/relaxation
Kussmaul Sign
- Increase in JVP with inspiration
- Filling defect. Tamponade, CHF, etc
A wave changes
- A waves will be absent in A fib
- Cannon A waves will occur in heart blocks where there is contraction of the atria against a closed AV valve
Pulsus Paradoxus
- Inspiration leads to decrease in systolic BP of greater than 10 mmHg
- Inspiration decreases pressure in pulmonary veins and causes blood to pool which leads to a decrease in LV preload. This leads to a decrease in systolic BP which is sensed by baroreceptors leading to increased HR
- Seen in Cardiac Tamponade (Decreased filling leaves little reserve to pool)
- Also seen in obstructive lung diseases (Increased pooling exacebates the effect
- This effect occurs in the pulmonary venous system, the opposite occurs in the arterial system as pressures will rise beause of elevaed RV filling
Electrical signal always occur before contraction.
- QRS is at the very begining of atrial contraction and T wave, repolarization is in the middle
- This leads to discoordination between LV pressure/volume curve and EKG
Normal Splitting
- Inspiration leads to increased RV filling leading to a longer time to eject, causing a delay in emptying and heart sounds
- Pulmonic goes later
Widened splittin
- When there is exagerated closure of the pulmonic valve
- Pulmonic stenosis, RV dysfunction, RV failure, RBBB
Fixed splitting
- Splitting does not vary with inspiration
- Allows for pressures between RA and LA to equilibrate at all times, no change in splitting
Reversal (Paradoxical spltiting)
- There is a delay in closure of the aortic valve leading to the Aortic S2 to be delayed, during breathing when P2 gets longer they will come together
- Seen in aortic stenosis and LBBB
Right 2nd intercostal space
- Aortic listening area
- Systolic: AS
Left second intercostal space
- Pulmonic listening area
- Systolic is PS
- Diasolitc is PR
- Also can hear ASD and PDA
Left sternal border (not T)
Systolic: Hypertrophic Cardiomyoathy (worse with valsalva, decreased return)
-Diastolic: Aortic and Pulmonic Regurg
T Left sternal border (5th rib)
Systolic: Tricuspid regurg (endocarditis)
Diastolic: Tri Stenosis,
-Pansystolic: VSD
Diastolic: ASD
M Apex (Midclavicular line) 5th intercostal space
Systolic is mitral regurg
Diastolic is mitral stenosis
- Handgrip is going to increase vascular resistance and afterload leading to increse in regurg flow murmurs. Makes AS and Hypertrophic better
- Inspiration increases righ sided
- Valsalve decreases return to RV, increases hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and MVP
Mitral Regurg
- Systolic blowing murmur heard best at the apex. Midclavicular 5th intercostal
- MVP is common cause
- Endocarditis, RF
- Rupture of papillary muscle
- LV dilation (CHF)
Trcuspid Regurg
- Systolic, tricuspid
- RF, Endocarditis, RV dilation
- Systolic openins snap and crescendo decrescendo murmur
- Weak and delayed pulses
- May cause dyspnea, angina, and syncope
- Most comonly age related, increased with RF and bicupid valve
- Pansystolic murmur at Left strenal border
- Increased with handgrip exercise
- Membranous most common
- Systolic crescendo murmur loudes near S2
- Many causes and most commonl valvular lesion
- Can lead to MR
- Worse with valsalva (No opposing fluid in LA)
- Diastolic decrescendo murmur heard best at L sternal border. Immediate after S2
- Bounding pulses and headbobbing
- Worse with handgrip improved with vasodilators
- RF, Aortic Anyeruism and dilation, Syphilis
- Rumbling diastolic murmur at mtitral area following opening snap
- Complication of lonstanding RF
- Can cause LA dilation and A fib
- Continous machine like murmur
- Heard best at midclavicular line or near pulmonic listening area (2nd intercostal space)
- Congenital rubella, prematurity
- PGE keeps open and indomethacin closes
Ventricular AP
- Phase 0: Depolarization due to opening of V gated Na Channels. Connection through gap junctios allows for opening
- Phase 1: Na channels close and K channels open. QRS
- Phase 2: V gated (L type) Ca channels open and oppose K channels leading to plateau. Ca influx signals Ca release from SR to allow for contraction. QT interval and contraction
- Phase 3: L type Ca channels close and K channels cause repolarization. T wave
- Phase 4: K permiability maintains resting potential
Differences beteen Ventricular and Nodal
- Nodal there is no V gated Na channels. Leads to slowed conduction through AV node, leading to delay for vent filling
- T type and L type Ca channels both present. T type allow for intiail V opening
- HCN present which is permiable to Na and gated by hyperpolarization and cAMP ( B1 are Gs and M2 are Gi)
- Absence of phases 1 and 2
Nodal Action Potential
Phase 0: Opening of T-Type and L-type Ca channels allow for depolarization
- Phase 1,2 are gone
- Phase 3: K channels open and Ca close to allow for repolarization
- Phase 4: HCN allows for Na influx in response to depolarization and cAMP
- Is only electrical information from a gross perspective. Contractile and individual information is not presnt.
- P Wave: Atrial Depol
- PR: Nodal delay because of lack of Na channels in AV node
- QRS: Conduction through Venticles, perkinje and gap jcts
- T wave: Ventricular depolarization
- U Wave: hypokalemia and bradykardia
- QT interval is contraction period, when Ca is intracelular
Perkinje (only conduction) faster than atria (Conduction and contraction) faster than ventricle (Contraction and conduction) faster than AV (Delay)
Pacemaker rates
SA, AV, His, PErkinje/Vent
- Twisting rythm commonly caused by long QT, can devolve into V tach, must get out
- Precipitated by Long QT
Long QT Congenital
- Problems most commonly in K channel, can also be problem in Na channel
- Most common syndrome also presents with deafness
Drugs Causing Long QT
- Macrolides (Clarythromycin)
- Class IA: Quinidine, Procainamide, Disopyramide
- Class 3: Amiodarone, stalol, Ifebittide, Dofetilitide
- Antipsychotics (Haloperidol)
- TCA (most common cause of death in ovedose). Treat overdose with NaHCO3 to trap in urine
A fib
- Irregular atrial contractions with no observable P wave
- JvP will also show no A wave
- Irregularly irregular rythm as AV nodal repolarization sets ventricular rate
- Caused by dilation commonly: MR, MS, DCM/CHF, Alcohol, Sleep Apnea
- Major risk is thrombus formation because of turbulent and static flow, must be anticoagulate
- Rythm control can be accomplished with Beta blockers or Ca channel (Diltiezam and verapamil)
- Also can shock out of rythm
- Like many arrythmias, usually prsents with palpiations, syncopal episodes, light headedness
- Regular sawtooth pattern (Cannon A possible)
- Convert with class IA (Quinidine, procainamide, disopyrmaide) or III (Amiodarone, sotalol)
- Can control with beta and Ca blockers (Verapamil and diltiazam)
V Fib
Shock and CPR
First Degree AV nodal block
- PR lenghtened to greater than 0.2
- Assymptomatic
Second Degree Type 1 (Wenckebach)
- Progressively lengthening PR with an eventual drop in beat.
- Usually assymptmatic
Second Degree type 2
- Somewhat random, but may be controlled loss of QRS after P waves. There is not lengthening. As if AV node forgot to contract
- AV nodal damage cause
- Can convert to thrid degree, often symptomatic with syncope, often need pacemaker
Third Degree
- No connection between atria and venticles (Cannon A)
- Often have synope, SOB, dyspnea, etc
- Treat with pacemaker
Wolf Parkinson White
Delta waves before QRS show there is an accessory pathway
-Can allow for SVT to be conducted and can cause retrograde (Through av node) re-entrant circuits. dangerous wth SVT
- Certain cells depolarize and repolarize while conduction is still occuring
- Commonly caused by fibrosis (MI, infection, etc) that leads to odd ciruits
Sick Sinus
- Irregular and impaired QRS and Ventricular rythm that originates in sinus node
- Many causes, but damage to sinus node (MI of RCA) common
- Carotid body is carried by CN9 and responds to HTN and hypotension
- Aortic Body is carried by CN 10 and responds only to hypertension
- End on nucleus solitarius and signal through Dorsal motor nucleus to vagus to decrease HR
- Central in CZT detect CO2 and pH of CSF, most important under normal conditions, stimulate breathing
- Peripheral can respond to CO2 and O2. Normally not used unless driven by O2 breathing.
- COPD, Sleep Apnea, Heroin OD are driven by O2
Normal Pulmonary pressure
- Swanz-gantz catheter measures LA pressure
- Can determin MS as LA pressure will be greater than LV pressure during diastole
Cushing Reflex
- Increased ICP leads to vasoconstriciton of arterioles which leads to ischeima causing SANS activation. This increases systemic BP and causes baroreceptor firing leading to decrease in HR
- increased ICP leads to HTN and Bradychardia
- Also can cause ulcers because of vagal activation