Microbiology Flashcards
A 29-year-old woman who worked as a research assistant in a veterinary
microbiology laboratory complained of intermittent fever, anorexia, profuse
sweating, malaise, headache, and arthralgia for 3 days. She was involved in a
research on isolation of organisms from goats for the past 3 months. Abdominal
palpations revealed hepatomegaly and splenomegaly with pain. Blood tests against
dengue fever and malaria but was found negative. The causative organism was
described as facultative intracellular parasite. Which of these could be associated
with her condition? Please justify your answer
(A) Diphtheria bacillus
(B) Clostridiurn perfringens
(C) Brucella melitensis
(D) Salmonella typhi
(E) Salmonella enteritidis
C. Brucella melitensis
An 18-year-old college freshman is brought to the university health centre by his dormitory
roommate. The patient complains of 2 days of fever, several episodes of vomiting and joint and
muscle pain. His temperature is 38.9°C (102°F). Physical examination reveals a petechial rash on the
lower extremities, photophobia; both Kernig and Brudzinski signs are positive. What is the most likely diagnosis?Which specimen can be taken to confirm the diagnosis?
(A) Cellulitis, skin swab
(B) Appendicitis, stool sample
(C) Arthritis, synovial fluid sample
(D) Meningitis, CSF sample
(E) Gastroenteritis, vomitus sample
D. Meningitis, CSF sample
A patient with diabetes presents to her physician with a white, flaky, adherent substance on the skin
under her breasts. Another patient, a woman who has just completed a course of oral antibiotics, presents with itching and copious vaginal discharge that resembles “cottage cheese.” A third patient, with AIDS, presents with white exudate on his oral mucosa and soft palate. The physician diagnoses
the same causative microorganism for all three cases. What is the most likely diagnosis? Where the microorganism causing this condition normally found?
(A) Aspergillosis, dust and ubiquitous
(B) Candida psillosis, vagina
(C) Candida albicans, oral cavity and genital tract
(D) Trichomonas vaginalis, genital tract
(E) Lactobacilli, dairy products
C) Candida albicans, oral cavity and genital tract
A mother brings her 14-year-old son to the pediatrician because the child has been experiencing
flulike symptoms and conjunctivitis for the past 3 days. The child is pale and febrile at 39.9°C
(102.7°F), and his respiratory rate is 25/min. His buccal mucosa has multiple blue-gray spots, and he
has a maculopapular rash. His mother states that the rash started on his face but has spread to his torso. The physician notes
that the skin lesions blanch with pressure. The mother states that her son is usually healthy and has
never needed any medications or vaccinations. What is the most likely diagnosis?
(A) Mumps
(B) Rubella
(C) Measles
(D) Chicken pox
(E) Hand, foot and mouth disease
(C) Measles