Microbio Lab 4 Flashcards
A thin film of material containing microorganisms spread over the surface of a clean microscope slide;Good for discerning (1) the morphology of cells such as rods, cocci, and other bacterial shapes; (2) the arrangement of cells, such as single cells, chains, or clusters; and (3) internal structures, such as endospores and cell inclusions
negative staining
Stains that are acidic and thus have a negatively charged chromophore that does not penetrate the cell but rater is repelled by the similarly charged bacterial cell; stains background; useful in studying the morphology of bacterial cells and characterizing some of the external structures, such as capsules, that are associated with bacterial cells; heat fixation is avoided to avoid shrinking the structures
extracellular gel-like layer (distinct and gelatinous) that occurs outside of the cell
protective structures because they prevent phagocytic white blood cells from engulfing and destroying the pathogen
allows attachment of organisms to solid surfaces in environment
slime layer
extracellular gel-like layer (diffuse and irregular) that occurs outside of the cell
external layer made up of polysaccharides (‘sugar shell’)
capsular staining (Anthony method)
smears are prepared from cultures in grown in skim milk broth and air dried (bot not heat fixed); Stained with crystal violet for 2 minutes which binds cell and milk culture (background of plate) which causes capsule to appear white
Gram stain
Differential stain that differentiates from gram-positive cells and gram-negative cells
primary stain
initially stains both gram-positive and gram-negative cells (crystal violet)
forms an insoluble complex in gram-positive cells with primary stain (iodine)
Removes the dye-mordant complex from gram-negative cells, leaving them colorless (ethyl alcohol)
Makes up the bacteria cell wall
composed of unique complex carbohydrate and protein
Recolorizes the gram-negative cells (safarin)
Possesses a thin layer of peptidoglycan between a cell membrane and outer membrane
Possesses a thick layer of peptidoglycan and a cell membrane; no outer membrane
structure to survive harsh environmental conditions (exhaust essential nutrients); a dormant cell stage;
resistant to heat, drying, and numerous chemicals
hard outer covering of bacteria to protect themselves while dormant
when nutrients become available it goes through germination to form a new vegetative cell