Microbial disease of the respiratory system Flashcards
Upper respiratory system
- nose, phraynx, larynx
- subtypes
- middle ear, auditory tube
- sinuses, nasolacrimal, lacrimal, nasal
Lower respiratory
- Trachea, broncial tubes, alveoli
- involves cilliary escliator
- moves trapped particles up towards the throat
IgA antibodies secreates as mucus, saliva and tears
- moves trapped particles up towards the throat
- only wants gases to enter
- epiglottis is the diver of top and bottom
Bacterial disease of the upper respiratory system
- Strep throat
- streptococcal pharyagitis
- caused by GAS
- S. pysogenes
- resistant to phagocytosis
- local inflammation, fever, tonsillits, enlarged lymph nodes
- diagnosed by lymph nodes
Scarlet fever
- erythrogenic toxins
- S. pyogenses
- damages lower respiratory disease
- Corynebacterium diphtheriae
- forms a tough gray membrane in throat
- blocks air to the lungs
- dead tissue and fibrin
- Exotoins produce lysogenized bacteria
- toxin ciruclates in blood and damges the heart and kidneys
- DTaP vaccine
Otitis media
- Infection of the middle ear
- pus puts pressure on the eardrum
- casued by normal microbiota
- mostly streptococcus pneumoinae - treated with broad-spectrum penicillins
Common cold
- over 200 different viruses
- Rhinoviruses 30-50%
- coronaviruses 10- 15%
- antibiotic arent useful
disease of the lower respiratory system
- brochitis
- brochiolitis
- pneumoina
Pertussis (whooping cough)
- Bordetlla pertussis
- produces a capusle
- tracheal cytotoxins damage ciliated cells
- toxins enter the blood stream
Stage 1
- catarrhal stage like the common cold
Stage 2
- paroxysmal: violent coughing and gasping for air
Stage 3
- convalesences stag, may last for months
preventable by vaccine DTaP
- acid fast
- 20-hr generation time
- lipids in the cell wall will make it resitiant to drying and antimicrobials
Tuberculosis pathogens
- inhaled organisms are phagocytized by alveolar macrophages
- most damage is done b/c immune response
Treatment for tuberculosis
- min. 6 months of drug thearpy
- 1st line drugs
- rifampin
- Second line
- aminoglycosides and fluorquinolones
- multiresistant drugs
- used if resistant to 1st line of drugs
- extensively drug resitant
- used of resistant to second line
Bacterial Pneumonias
- Typical pnuemoina
- S. pneumoniae
- atypical pneumoina
- other organisms
- lobar pneumoina
- infects lobes of the lungs
- Bronchopnueumonia
- infects alveoli adjecent to the lungs
-Plerisy - pleural membrane inflamed
- around the alveoli
- infects alveoli adjecent to the lungs
Pneumococcal pnuemonia
- lungs are filled with liquid and RBCs interfere with O2 uptake
Haemophilus influnenzae pneumoina
-predispoing factors
- alcoholism, poor nutriton, cancer and diabetes
- acquired immunity
- treated with cephalosporinsM
Mycoplasmal pnuemonia
- -Mycoplasma pnuemoniae
- no cell wall
treated with tetracycline - fried egg apperance
- grows in water and air conditioning
- via inhaling aerosils
treated with erthrommycin and macrolide