microbes lecture 4- global impacts of microbes Flashcards
what does the word photoroph mean?
light energy
what does chemotroph mean?
chemical oxidation energy
what is an autograph?
carbon dioxide
what is a heterotroph?
organic compounds
what is a psychrophile?
Optimum growth <15ºC
90% ocean is <5ºC
Chlamydomonas nivalis, Listeria monocytogenes
Low temperature, membrane is too solid
Keep interactive and fluid
Increase unsaturated fats
Good fat = liquid
what is a thermophile?
Spores used as a biological indicator, measuring sterilisation
what is a hyperthermophile?
Survival at >70ºC
Not only tolerate, but require for survival
Thermus aquaticus
High temperature, membrane becoming too liquid
To maintain integrity, solidify fats
Increase saturated fat content
Bad fat = solid
what is a mesophile?
Optimum growth at body temperature
Human pathogens
what are cryoprotectants?
- prevent proteins unfolding/denaturing
- maintain correct structure and activity
how do organisms survive extreme temperatures?
the cell membrane
what is the neritic zone?
Mild temp, low pressure, nutrient-rich
Diverse marine life
Photosynthetic organisms
what is the oceanic zone?
Pressure increases with depth
Not as unstable as once thought
what is oceanic plankton?
Oceanic planktons are responsible for the production of an estimated 50-80% of the oxygen on Earth.
One specific bacterial species, known as Prochlorococcus, is responsible for producing one-fifth (20%) of the oxygen on our planet.
Along withSynechococcus(another genus of cyanobacteria that co-occurs withProchlorococcus) these cyanobacteria are responsible for approximately 50% of marine carbon fixation
Prochlorococcus multiplies in a day
Adapts to changing environment
what does plastic do in the environment
Toxic effects
Platforms for colonisation
Provide carbon source
what is biodegredation?
the physical or chemical change of a material by microorganisms
aerobic happens with oxygen to produce co2 h2o and residual carbon and anaerobic happens without oxygen making methane also