microbe nutrition + growth - post midterm Flashcards
chemotherapeutic agents
chemicals taken internally to kill or inhibit growth of microbes within host cell
= antibiotics: kill bacteria
= antifungals:
what is selective toxicity
allows chemicals to target the microbe without harming the host
most chemotherapeutic agents?
antibiotics - chemicals synthesized by microbes that are effective in controlling the growth of bacteria
Paul Ehrlich: discovered?
- organo-arsenic compound.
- treat syphilis, replaces mercury which was equally toxic
gerhard Damagk discovered?
dyes against streptococcus
- prontosil was first of sulfa drugs
alexander fleming discovereD?
selman waksman discovered?
antibiotic use - human vs agriculture
huma = 36% agriculture = 64%
frequency of antibiotic type use
penicillin = 40% cephalosporin = 24% macrolides = 12% quinolones = 11%
what are dilution susceptibility tests
Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC): lowest dose that prevents growth
Minimum lethal dose (MLD): lowest dose that kills pathogen. add antibiotic after growth
target in bacterial cells?
cell wall, dna synthesis.
attack things diff from human
what are sulfa drugs?
used as antibacterial.
more toxic to bacteria than host.
- sulfanilamide competitive inhibitor to PABA, PABA is substrate for folic acid synthesis. bacteria use folic acid to make nucleic acids - sulfa drug doesnt allow this
- bio-mimic molecule. bind to same binding site as molecule it binds
growth factor analogs
toxic to fast growing cells
- microbes, cancer cells
= halogenate = toxic
competitive inhibition
folic acid biosynthesis is reduced in presence of sulfa drug inhibitor. need more concentration of PABA to out-compete sulfa
what are quinolones
synthetic antibacterial compounds
- inhibit bacterial DNA gyrase, enzyme that supercoils DNA for packing into cell
- gram (-) effective
- B.anthracis effective