Why are the fastidious species termed fastidious?
They have complex or specific nutritional requirements
- require increased carbon dioxide environment
- Special nutrients/ growth factors
When testing for the presence of a fastidious organism, relying on culture alone is not effective because…
negative culture results may be false negative
Other options to use other then culture to test for presence of fastidious organism?
serology, molecular tests
Shape of fastidious species
coccoid or coccobacilli
The smallest of all gram negative bacterias?
Fastidous GNB
Why using a microscope on fastidious species may not be appropriate?
Fastidious species fail to discolourise completely on the gram stain, they faintly stain
Fastidous GNB are________signaling that they vary in size/shape/ staining
The five fastidious GNB species
-Haemophilus Influenzae
- HACEK organisms
-Pasteurella species
-Bordetella Pertussis
-Legionella spp
-Capnocytophaga spp.
The name Haemphilus influenza tells us the bacteria is_______
Blood loving
A small, pleomorphic coccobacilli or rods species____
Haemophilus influenzae
Part of the normal flora of upper respiratory tract in most adults and rarely cause disease
Haemophilus influenza
Hemophilus influenza species associated with humans
- H influenzae
- H ducreyi
how is haemophilus influenza spreads?
-Through direct contact
- respiratory secretions/droplets
(note: Does not cause influenza flu)
Major virulence factor of H. Influenzae
Polysaccharide Capsule
Important sources of dissemination for H influenzae?
- and daycare centres
Other important virulence factors of H influenzae?
- Fimbriae
-Immunoglubulin A protease - Outer membrane proteins and lipopolysaccharide
Which H influenzae strains cause most invasive infection?
The encapsulated strains (Type B)