micro antimicrobials Flashcards
-cillin MOA
blocks cell wall synth by inhibition of peptidoglycan cross-linking
cephalasporin MOA
blocks cell wall synth by inhibition of peptidoglycan cross-linking
aztreonam MOA
blocks cell wall synth by inhibition of peptidoglycan cross-linking
imipenem MOA
blocks cell wall synth by inhibition of peptidoglycan cross-linking
bacitaracin MOA
block peptidoglycan synth
vancomycin MOA
block peptidoglycan synth
sulfaonamide MOA
bluck nucleotide synth by inhibiting folic acid synth
trimethoprim MOA
bluck nucleotide synth by inhibiting folic acid synth
fluroquinolone MOA
block DNA topoisomerase
rifampin MOA
block mRNA synth
metroniidazile MOA
damage DNA
cholamphenicol MOA
block protein synth at 50S
macrolides MOA
block protein synth at 50S
clindamycin MOA
block protein synth at 50S
streptgramin MOA
block protein synth at 50S
linezoid MOA
block protein synth at 50S
aminoglycosides MOA
block protein synth at 30S
tetracycline MOA
block protein synth at 30S
penicillin use
gram +
N menigitis
penicillin tox
hemolytic anemia
penicilln resistance
B lactameses cleave beta lactam ring
penicillinase resistance penicilins
penicillinase resistance penicilins use
staph A (non MRSA)
penicillinase resistance penicilins tox
hypersensitivity, intersistial nephritis
aminopenicillin use
Hib, E coli, Listeria, proteus, salmonella, shigella, enterococci
aminopenicillin tox
hypersensitivity, amicillin, pseudomembranous colitis
ricacillin/piperalcillin use
pseudmonas, gram neg rods - use with clavulanic acid
beta lactamase inhibitors
clavulanic acid, sulbactam, tazobactam
cephalophorin MOA
inhibit cell wall synthesis but less suscetible to penicillinases
cephlasporin use
1st gen - proteus, e coli, klebsiella
2nd gen - Hib, entobacter aerogenes, nisseria, proteus, e coli, klebsiella, seerrati
3rd/4th, meningitis gonorreha, pseudomonas
antibiotic for gonhorrhea
tox of cephlasporins
hypersensitivity, Vit K decienciy, increases nephrotoxity of aminoglycosides
use of imipenem/clilistatin.meropenem
gram + cocci, gram - rods, anerobes (very toxic - only used in life threatening, refreatory infections)
Tox of imipenem/clilistatin.meropenem
GI distress, skin rash, CNS tox
vanco use
IV for MRSA, oral for c diff
MOA of vanco
inhibits cell wall formation ny binding D-ala D ala portion of cell wall precursors
vanco tox
red man syndrome (pretreat with antihistamines)
nephro/oto tox
aminoclycoside drugs
MOA of aminoglycosides
inhibit formation of initiation complex and causes misreading of mRNA (30S)
needs O2 for uptake, so useless against anareobes
use of aminoglycosides
severe gram neg rod infections (synergistic with b lactams)
neomycin used for bowel surgery
tox of aminoglycosides
ototox (especially when used with loop diaretics)
tetracycline MOA
binds to 30S and prevents prevent attachment of aminoacyl t-RNA
things not to mix with tetacyclines
milk, antiacids, iron containing preperations
uses of tetracyclines
m pneumonia
tox of tetracylcines
GI distress discoloration of teeth inhibition of bone growth in kids photosenstivity contraindicated in preggers
macrolide drugs
MOA of macrolides
blocks translocation at 50S
use of macrolides
atypical macrolides
gram + cocci in penicillin allergy
tox of macrolides
morility issues prolonged QT cholestatic hepatitis Rash eosonophilla
cholamphenicol MOA
blocks peptidyltransferase at 50S
use of cholamphenicol
meningitis (esp in developing countries)
tox of cholamphenicol
anamia, aplastic anemia, gray baby
clindimycin MOA
blocks peptide transfer at 50S
use of clindimycin
anerobic infections of the lung , oral infections with anerobes
tox of clindamycin
c diff
sulflonamides MOA
PABA antimetablites that inhibit dihydropteroate synthase
use of sulfonamadies
gram +/- nocardia, chlamydia, simpe UTI (bactrim)