MGMT Chapter 3 Flashcards
what environment’s are under external organizational environment?
task environment and general environment
what is task environment ?
factors that affect organizations directly and the sectors that conduct day-to-day transactions with the organization
what is general environment?
factors that affect organizations indirectly
what is organization ecosystem?
system formed by interaction among a community of organizations in the environment
who are customers?
people and organizations that acquire goods and services from the organization
who are competitors ?
organization in the same industry or type of business that provide goods or services to the same set of customers
who are suppliers?
people and organizations that provide the raw materials that the organization uses to produce output
what is supply chain?
network of multiple businesses and individuals that are connected through the flow of products or services
what is the labor market?
people in the environment who can be hired to work for the organization
what are demographic characteristics?
norms, customs, and value of a population
what are strategic issues?
events or forces either inside of outside an organization that are likely to alter its ability to achieve its objectives
what is boundary spanning?
actions that link to and coordinate the organization with key elements in the external environment
what exists when persistent negative sentiments and infighting cause stress, unhappiness and lowered productivity among subgroups of employees?
toxic culture
what is a symbol?
object, act, or event that conveys meaning to others
what is a story ?
narrative based on true events that is repeated and shared among organizational employees
what is a hero?
figure who exemplifies the deeds, character and attributes of a strong corporate culture
what is a slogan?
phrase or sentence that succinctly expresses a key corporate value
what is a ceremony?
planned activity at a special event that is conducted for the benefit of an audience
what is adaptability culture?
highly responsive
values the ability to rapidly detect, interpret and translate signals from the environment into new behaviors
what is achievement culture?
values competitiveness, aggressiveness, personal initiative, cost cutting, and willingness to work long and hard to achieve results
what is involvement culture?
internally focused
values following the rules and thriftiness and rewards a methodical, rational, orderly way of doing things