MGMT 3000 Chapter 2 Flashcards
what did Henri Fayol do?
listed 14 general principles of management and 4 functions of a manager
what did Charles Clinton Spaulding do?
outlines 8 fundamental necessities:
-authority and responsibility
- division of labor
- adequate manpower
what did Mary Parker Follet and Chester Barnard do?
contrast to scientific management - they outlined the importance of people rather than engineering techniques
what is acceptance theory of authority?
people can choose to follow management orders
who is the father of scientific management?
Frederick Winslow Taylor
what are the Hawthorne Studies?
the studies responsible for creating the human relations movement, which focuses on giving more consideration to workers’ needs
what did Henry Gantt develop?
the Gantt chart
what did the Gantt chart do?
measure, planned and completed work
what did Frank and Lillian Gilbreth do?
pioneered time and motion studies to promote efficiency
who is Max Weber?
a German theorist who introduced managing organizations on impersonal, rational balance
what does Max Weber believe?
managers use power instead of personality to delegate
what is empowerment?
facilitating instead of controlling employees
who formulated Theory X and Theory Y?
what Theory is because of the human characteristic dislike for work, most people must be coerced, controlled, directed or threatened with punishment to get them to put forth adequate effort toward the achievement of organizational objectives?
Theory X
What Theory is the assumption that employees like work, are creative, seek responsibility and can exercise self-direction?
Theory Y
what is organization development (OD)?
set of management techniques that uses behavioral science to improve organizations health and effectiveness
what is a system?
set of interrelated parts that function as a whole to achieve a common purpose
what are subsystems?
parts of a system that depend on one another
what is synergy ?
the whole is greater than the sum of its party
what is case view?
every situation is unique
what is universalist view?
there is one best way
what are big data analytics?
technologies, skills and processes for searching and examining massive sets of data to uncover hidden patterns and correlations
what is Internet of Thing (IoT)?
smart devices and chips that communicate to other devices
what is radical decentralization?
employees have authority to make key decision about their work, eliminating much of hierarchal reporting
what is employee engagement?
the emotional commitment the employee has to the organization and its goal
what is Artificial intelligence?
techniques by which computer systems learn, communicate and make decisions, and make decisions similar to or better than human beings can
what is nudge management?
applying behavioral science insights in organizational design to guide people toward behaviors that support organizational goals and values