Mgmt and Motivation (Wk 10) Flashcards
Definition of leadership
An act of INFLUENCING AND MOTIVATING a group of people to act in the same direction to achieve a common goal.
Definition of management
A process of LEADING AND DIRECTING an organization to meet its goals through the use of appropriate resources.
Characteristics required to inspire change
- Vision
- Imagination
- Abstract thinking
- Aptitude to sell
- Understanding of the external environment
- Ability to articulate
- Risk-taking
- Confidence in the face of uncertainty
- Accountable to the entire organization
Characteristics required to manage transformation
- Tenacity
- Specifics
- Concrete data
- Aptitude to teach
- Understanding of how work done within
- Ability to interpret
- Self-discipline
- Blind commitment to complete the task
- Accountable to the team
What are the 5 stages in the management process?
- Planning
- Organising
- Staffing
- Directing
- Controlling
Stage 1: Planning
Encompasses determining philosophy, goals, objectives, policies, procedures, and rules
Stage 2: Organizing
Determining what tasks are to be done and establishing the structure/work flow to carry out the plan
Stage 3: Staffing
Consists of recruiting, interviewing, hiring, orienting, scheduling, staff development, employee socialization, and team building
Stage 4: Directing/Leading
Includes functions such as motivating, managing conflict, delegating, communicating, and facilitating collaboration.
Stage 5: Controlling
Monitoring activities to ENSURE they are being accomplished as planned. This function includes performance
APPRAISALS, fiscal accountability, quality control, legal and ethical control, and professional control.
Management theory example(s)?
Henry Mintzberg’s Managerial Roles and Functions (1973)
3 Components of the Henry Mintzberg’s Managerial Roles and Functions (1973)
- Interpersonal
- Informational
- Decisional
Henry Mintzberg’s - Interpersonal roles
- Figurehead
- Perform routine duties of a legal
or social nature - Leader
- Responsible for the motivation
and direction of employees - Liaison
- Expands outside information
sources and networks
Henry Mintzberg’s - Informational roles
- Monitor
- Internally seeks information about organization
- Shares information within organization
- Spokesperson
- Shares information with individuals outside organisation
Henry Mintzberg’s - Decisional roles
- Entrepreneur
- Seeks ways to solve problems/improve organization - Disturbance handler
- Responds to problems - Resource allocator
- Manages time and coordinates efforts - Negotiator
- Mediates resources/decisions with outside forces
Definition of motivation
The force within the individual that influences behavior to move towards their goals.
The WILLINGNESS to put effort to achieve a goal or reward.
An INTERNAL DRIVE that makes a person to accomplish their goals
What is intrinsic motivation
- From within the individuals
- Influenced by values and family
What is extrinsic motivation?
- From outside the individuals
- Influenced by rewards and achievements
Motivational theories examples
- Maslow’s hierarchy of Needs
- Alderfer’s EFG
- Skinner’s Reinforcement Theory
- Herzberg’s 2-Factor Theory
- McClelland’s Acquired Needs
- McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y
What is the Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs?
- Physiological Needs (Lowest hierarchy)
- Basic salary
- Meal breaks - Safety Needs
- Safe environment
- Medical insurance
- Job security - Social Needs
- Activities enabling staff interactions - Esteem Needs
- Merit pay increases
- Recognition
- Participation in decision-making - Self-Actualization (Highest hierarchy)
- Development of employees’ skills
Satisfaction Progression: Movement up the hierarchy as needs are met.
What is the Alderfer’s ERG Theory?
Simplifies Maslow’s hierarchy into three categories of needs:
- Existence: Physiological & safety needs (Lowest hierarchy: Most prioritised)
- Relatedness: Social needs
- Growth: Self-actualisation & esteem needs
(Highest hierarchy)
Needs are hierarchical but not strictly sequential; multiple levels can be pursued simultaneously
What is the Skinner’s Reinforcement Theory?
Based on Operant Conditioning: Behavior is influenced by its consequences.
Two types of reinforcement shape behavior: Positive and Negative
Positive reinforcement:
- Praise
- Recognition
- Shaping
Negative reinforcement:
- Punishment
- Extinction
What is the Herzberg’s 2-Factor Theory
AKA Motivation-Hygiene Theory
Explains what drives employee satisfaction and dissatisfaction in the workplace. It divides factors influencing motivation into two categories: Hygiene Factors and Motivators.
Hygiene factors:
- security
- status
- salary
- work conditions
- interpersonal relations
Motivating factors:
- growth & development
- advancement
- responsibility
- recognition
- achievement
What is the McClelland Aqcuired Needs theory?
Focuses on three primary needs that individuals develop over their lifetime based on experiences and culture.
These needs influence workplace motivation and behavior.
- Achievement
- Afilliation
- Power
What is McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y
Outlines two contrasting management styles based on different assumptions about human behavior and motivation in the workplace.
Theory X: Authoritarian Management Style
Assumes employees are inherently lazy and dislike work.
- Lazy
- Need close supervision
- Narrow span of control
- Hierarchal structure
- Avoid responsibilities
Management Approach:
- Tight control and supervision.
- Authoritarian leadership.
- Reliance on discipline and threats to ensure productivity.
Theory Y: Participative Management Style
Assumes employees are self-motivated, enjoy work, and seek responsibility.
- Ambitious
- Self-motivated
- Enjoy work
- Greater productivity because of freedom given to employees
- Accept responsibilities or work outcomes
Management Approach:
- Encourages collaboration and employee participation in decision-making.
- Trust in employees to take ownership of tasks.
- Focus on providing opportunities for development and growth.