Healthcare Policy (Wk 2) Flashcards
What is a health policy?
Health policy is a decision, plan, and set of actions undertaken - to achieve specific health care [goals] within [/for] a society
Policy development process
- Identify the issue
- Identify the key stakeholders (e.g. pioneers, children, professionals, etc.)
- Explain what the bill would do (= decision points)
- Anticipate unintended outcomes of the bill
- Brainstorm with stakeholders
- Anticipate what the stakeholders will need to know about the issue and the bill
MOH’s Role in Healthcare Policy
- Regulator
– Legislation: Premises, Professionals, Products (including drugs), Services, Practice, Advertising - Systems Design & Governance
– Organization & performance management of public healthcare sector - Service Planning
– Disease prevention & control
– Projections of future healthcare services
– Distribution and model of care for service delivery
– Infrastructure planning
– Manpower planning and development
– Emergency planning and response - Healthcare Financing
– Financing of subsidised healthcare services
– Medisave, Medishield Life and Medifund (3M) - Agency for Care Effectiveness
MOH Vision
Championing a healthy nation with our people –
to live well, live long, and with peace of mind
MOH mission
- Promote good health and reduce illness
- Ensure that Singaporeans have access to good
and affordable healthcare that is appropriate
to needs; and - Pursue Medical Excellence
Five key objectives of MOH’s healthcare policy based on White Paper on Affordable Healthcare (1993)
- To nurture a healthy nation by promoting good health
- To promote personal responsibility for one’s health and avoid over-reliance on
state welfare or medical insurance - To provide good and affordable basic medical services to all Singaporeans
- To rely on competition and market forces to improve service and raise efficiency
- To intervene directly in the healthcare sector, when necessary, where the market
fail to keep healthcare costs down
MOH Healthcare Financing Philosophy
Affordability and Accessibility
* Heavy subsidies for healthcare services
(primary, acute, long term care)
Individual Responsibility
* Co-payment by individuals
* Risk-pool for catastrophic illnesses
Enable Markets to Work
* Reduce market distortions (minimise abuse
and moral hazard)
* Rely on market mechanisms where possible
MOH Philosophy In Healthcare Policy
- Try to allow market to function – preserve pricing signals, no promise of “Free Healthcare”
- Individual responsibility for health
- Information transparency to promote competition & reduce information asymmetry
- Public providers focus on social mission, not financial bottom lines
MOH Healthcare 2020 - what are the 3 main domains?
To address immediate challenges in tight capacity crunch and medium-term concerns about financial sustainability.
We will receive healthcare when we need it
Our healthcare services will be effective and of good quality
We will be able to
afford such services
Beyond Healthcare 2020 - What are the 3 key shifts?
- Move beyond healthcare to health
- Move beyond hospital to community
- Move beyond quality to value
Beyond Healthcare 2020 - What does “Beyond Hospital to Community” entail?
- Integrate care across providers and settings
- Transforming primary care
- Developing aged care in the community
Beyond Healthcare 2020 - What does “Beyond Quality to Value” entail?
- Ensuring appropriate care & treatments
- Efficient use of resources and manpower
- Making healthcare delivery more productive
Beyond Healthcare 2020 - What does “Beyond Healthcare to Health” entail?
- Investing upstream to health
- Promoting active ageing and healthy living
What is Healthier SG?
- Champions a population health approach and focuses on preventive health for better
outcomes for residents and a more sustainable health system
Holistic and integrated care for all residents across the life course
Role of SNB
- Regulatory body
- Grants licensing certificates to practice nursing
- Stipulates the core competencies and generic skills for EN,
RN, Midwife, APN - Accredits nursing courses for the purposes of registration and
enrolment of nurses, registration of midwives and certification of APNs - Regulates standards for training and education
Chief Nursing Officer Office (CNOO) Vision
Building a competent and resilient nursing profession that is
sustainable and future ready to meet the health needs of the nation
Chief Nursing Officer Office (CNOO) Mission
- To develop and advance professional nursing to achieve a high standard of practice and service
- To pursue initiatives that support the growth of the profession in capacity and capability
- To influence and contribute to better health, better care and better life of the nation
Key Priorities of CNO Office
A. Set Nursing Policies & Support MOH’s Priorities
B. Build Capabilities and Advance Nursing Practice
C. Build A Sustainable Nursing Workforce
D. Review Nursing Education
E. Strengthen Capabilities & Capacity of Community Nursing
F. Embrace Innovation & Care Transformation
Nurses Play An Important Role In Healthier SG - How?
Nurse counselling session covering topics such as medication adherence, diet,
exercise, and more. Nurse counsellors also use strategies like motivational
interviewing to help patients achieve their milestones and goals.
Key challenges faced by MOH in current environment
- Demographic changes (ageing population)
- Changes in disease patterns
- Changing social compact
- Rising healthcare costs
Challenge #1 Demographic changes
Rapid Ageing
Hospital admission rate 5x of persons aged 45-54 years
Average length of hospital stay is 1.6x of persons aged 45-54
Total cost of healthcare per person 5x of persons aged 45-54
Elderly ≥ 65 consume more healthcare
Resident labour force shrinks
leading to a drastic decrease in the old-age support ratio..
Challenge #2 Changes in disease patterns
Chronic diseases are on the rise
Challenge #3 Changing social compact
Smaller families, rising singlehood.
Economic uncertainties, rising income inequality.
Citizens’ rising expectations
Challenge #3 Rising healthcare costs
2012 : $4.7billion
2018 : $10.2billion
The integrated cluster “West Region” includes
Merger of NUHS and JHS (Jurong health services)
The integrated cluster “Central Region” includes
Merger of NHG and AHS (Alexandra health system)
The integrated cluster “East Region” includes
Merger of SHS (Singhealth) and EHA (Eastern Health Alliance)
Followings are the Singapore’s mission statements, EXCEPT:
A. Ensure access to good and affordable healthcare
B.To live well, live long & with peace of mind
C.Promote good health and reduce illness
D.Pursue medical excellence