Mexico Flashcards
Plutarco Calles
Mexico, President 1877-1945, Age 68 1. Military Leader during the revolution 2.Implemented the Mexican Consitution of 1917 3. Supported agrarian reform.
Benito Juarez
Mexico, President/Statesman
1806 - 1872, Age 66
1. Refused to pay Mexican foreign Debts
2. Led to occupation by Napoleon the III and Maximillion leading second Empire in Mexico.
3. Max executed and Juarez installed as President.
Porfirio Diaz
Mexico, President
1830 - 1915, Age 85.
1. Neo-liberal interested inprogress ie: infrastructure, economy building etc.
2. Removed power from the landowners and Indigenous People based on positivism, social darwnism, racial superiority.
3. Said he would not run for President again, but famously announced he would during he Creelman Interview which set in motion the Mexican Revolution.
Pancho Villa
Mexico, Revolutionary/Bandito
1878-1923, Age 45.
1. Anarchist and Bandit who opposed the doctoral regime of Diaz.
2. A throw back to the charismatic military leaders like Santa Ana, and rewarded his followers.
3. Instrumental in overthrowing President Huerta.
4. Represented one of the many divisive groups that opposed the regime but could not agree on what should be installed.
Emiliano Zapata
Mexico, Revolutionary
1879-1919, Age 40
1. Worked with Madero originally in response to Diaz announcing his candidacy. but then broke away.
2. was invested in real social change, like agrarian reforms.
3. Though assassinated by Carranza, his influences went on to create Neo-Zapatista figures like Subcommandate Marcos who to present day continues to fight for the rights of indigenous people.
Mexican Constitution of 1917
Mexico, Constitution.
1. Contained Article 3 which separated the Church from education which would set the stage for the Cristero Rebellion in the late 1920s.
2. Article 27, which implemented major land reforms which redistributed land from conglomerates to people including indigenous people.
3. Article 123. Gave mothers labour provisions which allowed them to take a paid leave from work after having a baby, mandated no arduous labour leading up to it, and mandated that breaks could be taken to nurse.
Cristero Rebellion
Mexico, Rebellion against the gov’t.
1926-1929, 3 years.
1. Because of the separation of Church from education and further secularization as implemented by the 1917 constitution.
2. Also an anti-state rebellion, but the church eventually condemned the movement.
3. Uprisings continued, but no changes to the constitution came out of it.
Lázaro Cárdenas
Mexico, President
1895-1970, Age 75.
1. Founded NPR party, dominant popular to the masses party. Evolved later to PRI.
2. Party was aligned with U.S Capitalists which was also proved to alienate Mexicans and was bad for labourers.
3. Despite this, was popular anyway.
José Vasconcelos
Mexico, Lawyer
1882-1952, Age 70.
1. Reacted to the social darwinism, and positivism
2. Helped to overthrow Diaz.
3. Wrote La Raza Cosmica, which was the 5th race, Mestizos. Influential.
Manuel Gamio
Mexico, Archeologist
1883-1960, Age 77.
1. Important research discoveries in ancient cultures like Aztecs.
2. Develped models for study in New World archeology.
3. Was the sub secretary of Calle.
Francisco Madero
Mexico, President/Revolutionary
1873-1913, Age 40.
1. Key figure in the Mexican Revolution.
2. Traditionally liberal, sought to change the inequality put forth by Diaz’s rule. Though did not prove to be radical enough.
3. Influenced others to continue with revolution, especially after the 6th attempt on his presidency was successful and he was captured and murdered.,
Venustiano Carranza
Mexico, President and Revolutionary
1859-1920, Age 61
1. Major role in the Revolution.
2. Defeated Villa, reluctantly accepted the Constitution of 1917.
3. Assasinated Villa which was telling because they were all people who were at the Agua Caliente which sought to overthrow the regime, but they could not agree on the regime that would be installed.
Mexico, Landholding System
first quarter of the 20th
1. Communal Landholding System
2. employed after the mexican constitution to redistribute land to rural communities.
3. Against the neo-liberal notions, and capitalism.
Mexico, Political Party
1. evolution of the NRP party,
2. Sought to consolidate institutions united in a single movement to meet nationalistic objectives.
the move from NRP to the PRI signalled a 3. decline military presence and importance in the realm of politics in Mexico
Plutarco Calles
Mexico, President 1877-1945, Age 68. 1. Military leader and president who implemented the constitution. 2. Major supporter of Agrarian reforms, 3. looked to stabilize and unify mexico.
Alvaro Obregón
Mexico, President
1880-1928, Age 48.
1. Revolutionary, elected president
2. Succeeded in agrarian reforms and educational reforms.
3. Believed in the constitution and really conflicted with the Church. Eventually assassinated like everyone else.
James Creelman
United States, Journalist
1859-1915 Age 56.
1. conducted the famous interview that Diaz announced he would not re run for the Presidency.
2. Allowed an opening for guys like Madero to move in.
School of Thought, Philosophy
18th-19th Century
1. Philosophy that things need to be based on mathematical, verifiable facts and evidence.
2. influenced “cientificos” and scientific racism which alienated indigenous peoples as well as other marginalized groups.
Subcommandante Marcos
Mexico, Chiapas , Constructed Persona
1957- Alive
1. Leader of Neo-Zapatistas fight on behalf of rights of indigenous communities.
2. Lives in the Jungle and rumours about him running for office.
3. Well educated and symbolic of informed students who aim to make a revolutionary wave.
Mexico, Chiapas, New wave of Zapatistas
1. Fighting for indigenous communities
2. After Constitutions, more blood shed and regime changes, inequality continues to persist.
3. Have been able to take control over some municipalities.
José de Galvéz
New Spain, Spanish Statesman
1720-1787, Age 67
1. Implement fast/ruthless tax collection power to spaniards.
2. Expelled Jesuits in 1767
3. Action accelerated animosity and social unrest.
Father Miguel Hidalgo y Castillo
New Spain, Priest and Father of the Mexican Revolution
1753 - 1811, Age 58
1. Grito de Dolores, + Virgin of Guadelupe
2. Though his revolution failed, inspired Morelos and others followed.
3. Considered the Father of Independence.
José María Morelos
New Spain, Priest and Revolutionary
1765-1815, Age 50.
1. Follower of Hidalgo
2. Penned the constitution though not realized until 1820s.
3. Document liberal yet was intolerant of other religions…he was a priest!
Guadalupe Victoria
Mexico, 1st President 1785-1842, Age 57 1. Carried on after Morelos 2. Opposed Iturbide and had him jailed 3. Tried to install peace and austerity, but failed to keep going because there was no money.
Vicente Guerrero
Mexico, President and Revolutionary
1783-1831, Age 48
1. Insurgent who fought with Morelos
2. Originally with Iturbide but broke away
2. Tried to instilled democracy but conservatives revolted and he was executed
Antonio Lopéz de Santa Anna
Mexico, Presidente x 9
1794-1876, Age 82
1. Increasingly came more and more of a dictator over time.
2. Important caudillo, always ale to gain support and finance the military.
3. went on to inspire people like Pancho Villa, who had the militaristic, charismatic type of leadership.