Metro Rail Manual Flashcards
Minimum compliment for EMS Incidents in the Rail Roadway
1 ALS or BLS Unit 1 Engine Company 1 Truck Company (for WSAD placement and portering) 1 Rescue Company 1 Battalion Chief 1 EMS Supervisor
Fire, Collision, or Derailment (Above-grade and Below-grade)
5 Engine Companies 2 Truck Companies 2 EMS Units (1 must be ALS) 2 Rescue Companies (with structural collapse capabilities) 2 Battalion Chiefs 1 Command Aide 1 Technical Rescue Unit (for collision or derailment) 1 EMS Supervisor
First & Second Engine, 1st Truck
Establish a Recon Group
Conduct reconnaissance
Pertinent information includes:
- the exact location and nature of the incident,
- status of third-rail power, and
- the status of trains in or approaching the incident location.
Transmit a situation report upon receipt of the above
Third Due Engine
The primary responsibility of the third due engine is to respond to the dispatched location and coordinate water supply operations.
Water supply group supervisor.
It is imperative that the third due engine not commit to a specific water supply until the recon supervisor relays accurate information.
Fifth Due Engine
Proceed to the Kiosk area.
If a chief has not yet arrived, the officer on the fifth due engine shall assume command of the incident. The remainder of the crew shall commence kiosk control operation.
kiosk control group responsibilities include:
- interim accountability, unit tracking, entry control,
- passenger evacuation,
- conference line maintenance, fire alarm system
monitoring, station communications systems, and
closed circuit television monitoring.
First Due Truck
operate within the recon group and perform the safety function (i.e., confirm third rail status and place WSAD in service if available).
- Monitoring third rail power, (i.e., confirm third rail
status and place WSAD in service if available) - monitoring train movement, and monitoring
passenger movement in the area of the incident and
along the evacuation route.
First Due Rescue
- Confirm third rail power & procure and place the first two WSADs.
- number the cars. Number 1 will be placed on the first car in the direction it was traveling (if possible).
- Report to the Recon Group supervisor for assignment
The overall strategy for managing a Metro emergency can be organized into four steps…?
A - Access (locate and find best access)
C - Control (Control the emergency, manage the
victims, remove the hazards, extinguish any fires,
ventilate, and organize the scene.)
R - Rescue (Rescue any entrapped victims)
E - Evaluate / EMS (Evacuate the site and provide
emergency medical care as needed.)
WSAD Placement
no greater than 500’ from either end of the incident
Flagger Position
750’ from either each end of the incident
What needs to be met in order to enter the RRW?
1.) Permission granted by the IC
2.) METRO ROCC has confirmed 3rd rail power is down
& all train movement in the area has stopped.
3.) 3rd Rail has been tested with hot stick by FD
Best method for 3rd rail power removal
Have ROCC remove power between specific chain markers.
Chain Marker spacing
every 100’
Standpipe connection spacing
every 200’
First Due Engine: things to ask Senior Metro Official
- ) Nature / location of incident?
- ) Status of 3rd rail power
- ) Status of train movement in the area
- ) ETA of Metro IC
- ) Location of required keys