Metro Flashcards
Standpipes located within the metro system are typically located at intervals of…
200 feet
Emergency Trip Stations contain a red mushroom button that is used to trip breakers in the TPSS to remove power from the third rail, that button shall be pushed…
Only when there is an imminent threat to life safety
At a fire, collision or derailment in the right of way/track bed what unit is responsible for placing the first two WSAD’s?
Rescue company
Warning Strobe and Alarm Devices are carried by Fairfax County Fire Department Vehicles and by Metro Transit Police. Who should be responsible for placing the WSAD’s that are carried by Metro Transit Police in-service?
Metro Transit Police will not place WSAD’s in-service, they will make WSAD’s available to fire and rescue personnel who shall than place WSAD’s in-service
What is the maximum number of cars in a consist?
8 (4 pair)
What are the three types of electrical power that are used by the metro system?
Traction power, AC power, battery power
All metro stations are equipped with a public address system. Where can the PA system be controlled from?
There are two microphones, one at the Kiosk and one at the OCC
Electrical current is received from the power company and converted to a lower voltage for use at the traction power substations. What is the current reduced to?
750 volts
Black-black is the metro radio system code for?
Collision or derailment
You are on-scene of a collision at one of the service yards. Who do you contact to shut down third rail power at the service yard?
The yardmaster
The warning strobe and alarm device (WSAD) will begin alarming at what voltage?
50-60 volts
WSAD’s are designed to be placed no further than how many feet from the end of an emergency incident?
500 feet
The emergency tunnel evacuation cart is used to remove non-ambulatory passengers from the incident scene. What is the maximum number of passengers that the emergency tunnel evacuation cart can carry?
4 passengers
What is the length of a metro car?
What is the smallest number of rail cars operating in the Metro system?
What type of key is used to open the end door of the metro car?
XX barrel key
What metro car doors do the passengers and emergency crews have the ability to open by using the manual pull handles?
Doors 3, 4, 9 and 10
At what intervals are hose valves located in the tunnels and station platforms?
What is the length of metro station platforms?
All subsurface station standpipes except _______ are wet systems.
When contacting Metro, what information must fire and rescue personnel provide to OCC?
Their name and department, their location (station, chain marker or building address), reason for the call and what is requested
Where are the Emergency Trip Stitch boxes located along the Right-of-way?
Approximately every 800’
Who must be contacted prior to entering the Metro Right-of-way?
If command assigns you to operate on the Right-of-way with the assignment of blocking the interlock, how is this accomplished?
Placing a piece of cribbing (4”x4” or 6”x6”) vertically between all of the affective switch points
A typical chain marker may read “K1_880+00”, what does the 880+00 indicate?
The distance from the HUB
If the passengers cannot remain on the train, how must they be discharged?
Through the bulkhead doors
The preferred method of evacuating the train on an aerial structure is by way of door ________, if it is not over the third rail of adjacent to the side of the bridge.
Personnel equipped with flashlights and portable radios should be stationed as flaggers approximately _____ feet on each side of the incident.
What is the minimum response compliment of resources assigned to a structure or rail car fire, collision or derailment, at surface/above grade?
4 Engines, 2 Trucks, 2 EMS units (one must be ALS), Rescue Company, 2 Battalion Chiefs, Technical Rescue Unit, 1 EMS Supervisor
At the service and inspection yards is power supplied to rail cars so they can move in and out of maintenance buildings?
A Stinger clip is attached to a third rail collector shoe on the rail car
Chain markers are located at intervals of how many feet?
100 feet