EMS Manual Flashcards
The goal to improve the care delivered by comprehensively focus attention on analyzing and advancing the 5 P’s of the EMS domain which are of the below?
Patients, providers, provisions, place and protocols
Oxygen should be administered as needed to achieve the following saturation level.
Normal:>94% COPD 88-92%
If a patient is deemed a treat to self, others or public safety, police office may take the patient into custody on their own authority for what time period?
4 hours
Minors with intact decision-making capacity, who are _____ years of age or older and whose parent or guardian are unable to be contacted! may refuse assessment, treatment and/or transportation.
As an EMS provider in Virginia, you are legally required to report your suspicions of abuse, neglect and/or exploitation of members of which of the following populations?
The elderly (all patients 60 years of age or greater, including those physically or mentally disable/incapacitated)
What is the time limit for a Virginia Durable DNR Order?
It is valid until revoked
What is the appropriate action if CPR is indicated and the family insists on resuscitation in the presence of a valid DNR order?
Contact physician OLMD
When following the START/Jump ST|ART algorithm of triage you should maintain the rule of ______ or less patient contact time.
30-45 seconds
An adult patient who is unable to walk and has a respiratory rate > 30 should be triaged under which of the below categories?
Red (immediate)
Which of the below INOVA hospitals has a dedicated bariatric in-patient care unit?
INOVA Fair Oaks Hospital
Each drug administered by an ALS provider, no matter how routine should be verified by which of the following?
A second ALS or BLS provider for proper name, dose, route, indication and expiration date
In the Adult Protocol for Acute Coronary Syndrome the STEMI identification to enroute to facility time goal should be which of the following?
<10 minutes
In the Adult Protocol for Allergic Reactions which of the below is the appropriate treatment for a patient with a moderate to severe allergic reaction as a BLS provider?
If the patient has no prescribed auto injector, contact Physician OLMD for authorization to administer an FRD Epinephrine 0.3 mg auto injector
In the Adult Protocol for Cardiac Arrest when performing chest compressions which of the below is appropriate?
Rate of at least 100 per minute in a ratio of 30:2 and a depth of at least 2 inches
In the Adult Protocol for Hypothermic Arrest providers shall check for a pulse for ______ to differentiate absence of pulse from profound bradycardia.
30-45 seconds
In the Adult Protocol for Obstetric Emergencies a patient suspected or supine hypotensive syndrome shall be placed in which of the below positions?
Left lateral recumbent position
In the Adult Protocol for Selective a Spinal Motion Restriction which of the below situations would not require following spinal motion restriction?
MVC>45 mph
In the Adult Protocol for Traumatic Brain Injury when monitoring End-Tidal CO2 in the setting of TBI with signs of herniation maintain End-Tidal CO2 between which of the below?
30-35 mmHg
In the Pediatric Protocol for Allergic Reactions which of the below is the appropriate treatment for a patient with a moderate to severe allergic reaction as a BLS provider?
If the patient has no prescribed auto injector, contact Physician OLMD for authorization to administer an FRD Epinephrine 0.15 mg auto injector
In the Pediatric Protocol for Distressed Newborn if after 30 seconds of ventilating the distressed infant the infant has a heart rate of less than 60 bpm which of the below is the appropriate treatment?
3:1 compressions to breath ratio at a rate of 90 compressions to 30 breaths per minute
An advanced airway refers to the use of _____.
King Airway
______ represents direct contact with a physician for consultation or authorization to treat.
This type of consent that is not required due to the presence of life-threatening illness or injury or if the patient is unconscious or unable to communicate due to illness, injury or intoxication and may reasonably be presumed to have a life-threatening condition is _____.
Implied consent
Consent for treatment and transport may be implied for minors below ____ years of ago.
Whenever a question or concern arises regarding the decision-making capacity of a patient, the ______ should conduct a capacity evaluation and fully document the evaluation on the appropriate form.
EMS Supervisor
When does a Durable Power of Attorney (DPA) come in to play with a patient?
When the patient is impaired
When operating on an EMS call, it is recognized that ____ and patient cares are the primary concerns.
Scene management
All information gathered during the course of evaluating, treating and transporting a patient is considered _______.
Minors who are _______ years of age or older and whose parent or guardian are unable to be contacted, may refuse assessment, treatment and/or transportation.
If you suspect abuse, neglect and/or exploitation of children under 18 or any patient over 60 years of ago, who are you required to notify?
Child/Adult protective services
How long is a DNR good for?
Valid until revoked
If CPR is indicated and the family insists on resuscitation in the presence of a valid DNR order, what are your actions?
Contact physician on-line medical director while further assessing and for resuscitative efforts
A direct order by a licensed physician who is physically present with a patient in cardiac or respiratory arrest that can also by EMS personnel is a…
Direct physician order
In routine cases where written protocols do not address unique patient care or disposition needs, who must you contact for medical direction?
Physician on-line medical control
When following the START/JumpStart triage algorithm, how much time should be spent assessing each individual patient?
30-45 seconds
What is considered to be a Bariatric Patient?
A patient whose size poses a significant challenge to on scene personnel and may require specialized equipment
When operating on an EMS call, which FD units have a duty to act?
Everyone on the scene has the _______ and professional responsibility to ensure that we deliver the best patient care possible.
Duty to act
_______ is the willful infliction of physical pain, injury, metal anguish or unreasonable confinement.
Nonexistent or insufficient care and support necessary to maintain a person’s physical and/or mental health to the extent that his or her well-being is impaired or threatened is considered.