Inland Water Flashcards
The risk benefit analysis for water rescue is based on…
Judgement, experience and training
During a water rescue event, it is recommended that when resources are available _______ should be used at the command post.
Technical Specialist
The term “Technical Specialist” as referred to in the Inland Water Rescue Manual would be…
Swift Water Rescue Technician
Orientation during a water rescue incident is based on…
Direction of Flow
During a water rescue incident, the incident commander needs to view the incident with a…
6 sided approach
Part of the size up during a water rescue incident should include…
Marking the water level upon arrival
The use of structural gear during a water rescue is…
Not acceptable
The are referred to as the _____ zone during water rescue incident is within 10 feet of the water.
During a water rescue event “non trained” personnel are allow in the _____ zone.
The use of ______ whistle blast during a water rescue requires all personnel to look in that direction.
One long
Fire apparatus may enter the “hot zone” of a water rescue incident.
As a general rule, it could require up to ______ personnel to affect a a daylight water rescue.
A ______ is considered the highest risk and lowest frequency as a type of water rescue.
Trucks, Towers and Rescues should be staged ______ in a water rescue.
A place that enables easy deployment
During a ice rescue the _____ should be identified from the shore to assist the dive team if they are needed.
Initial Victim Location
Once visual contact has been made with a ice rescue victim, personnel must maintain contact until…
They are replaced by someone else
In order to keep a ice rescue victim above the water they should be directed to…
Remove gloves and place hands on the ice shelf
The stage of victim recognition when the victim is unable to follow commands and creates a “GO” situation is…
Counter Panic
During an ice rescue the “Rescue Team” show be comprised of how many personnel?
Individuals operating off of a leader on a water rescue event shall be considered as working in the…
Hot zone