IFSTA, Company Officer Flashcards
A __________ is a guide to decision-making within an organization.
Firefighters to the Fire and Rescue Department are an example of what type of customer?
Internal Customers
How often must the policies and procedures within an organization be monitored?
In what two forms can orders and directives be given?
Written and Verbal
What must happen to insure the policies of an administration’s intent is clear?
When a member of a unit is injured what is the first responsibility of the Company Officer?
Prompt Medical Care
Most emergency service organizations are what type of organizational structure?
__________ is the legal ability of an individual to make and implement decisions for which the individual is held accountable.
What are the two levels of emergency services training?
Formal and continuing education
NFPA _______ states that emergency services organizations must evaluate the effectiveness of its training programs.
________ is the complex ability to identify the components of a situation, assess the need for action, determine the nature of the necessary intervention and intimate the action.
Command presence
_______ is the act if controlling, directing, conducting, guiding and administering through the use of personal behavioral traits or personality characteristics that motived employees to the successful completion of an organizations goals.
The efficient assignment of subordinates to a supervisor is referred to as ________.
Span of control
________ is a formal process that involves activities that assist participants in identifying and resolving personal, behavioral or career problems that are adversely affecting performance.
_________ employees is a form of delegation that allow subordinates to take responsibility for their actions and decisions.
______ is the ability to use rational thinking and reasoning to determine the correct answer to a problem.
_______ is the principle that is used to determine correct and proper behavior by the members of society.
________ adds value to the company, organization and authority having jurisdiction.
Quality service
The ________ is the pathway of responsibility from the top of the organization to the bottom and visa versa.
Chain of Command
What is the first step in the Four-Step Method of Instruction?
A _________ is the act of showing how to do something or how something operates or acts.
A ladder rise is an example of what type of evolution?
When emergency incident are terminated, cause of incident ad a _________ are done.
After-action report
What is used to collect useful and accurate information about an emergency incident?
What I part of an active listening skill?
Stay focused and involved
What type of burning can result in burn patterns similar to those caused by an accelerant?
What is the leading cause of fires?
Influencing, controlling, monitoring through the use of persuasion is…
Planning and organizing are functions of…
Management process
Contemporary Management Theory suggests how many ratio of subordinates per supervisor?
Organization change because of what type of force change?
First approach for effective time management is…
Most communities in the U.S. use designated officials or have…
No formal government
Boroughs and town meetings are variations of what type of government?
What form of government does a mayor have executive powers while council has legislative powers?
What form of government may or may not have a mayor?
What is a governmental body that is given power by their state to raise and administer revenues?
Who is responsible for development and management of interagency and intergovernmental agreements?
Fire and Emergency Services Administration
What type of aid is a formal written agreement between jurisdictions that share a common boundary?
What type of aid receives a payment that is made by one agency to the other?
Who standardizes interagency and intergovernmental operations at emergency incidents?
What acts covers all hazards including natural disasters and terrorist events?
One of the most important tasks of a company officer is to _________ the units members at all times.
Ensure the safety of
A new company officer will have had experience as a __________.
As an officer, ________ is a tool that is used to ensure that the unit operates safely, effectively and efficiently.
The _______ is the vital connecting link between the unit and the administration of the organization.
Company officer
To _________ is setting a positive example.
Lead by example
Improperly using the authority of a company officer is _______.
An abuse of power
A new officer should always remember that _____ must be earned.
______ is the act of directing, overseeing or controlling the activities and behavior of employees who are assigned to a particular supervisor.
_______ bases theory on the average worker believing work is natural.
Theory Y
_______ bases theory on involves workers performing without supervision.
Theory Z
An ________ leader establishes high goals and expects high performance from subordinates.
All infectious disease control program shall follow what NFPA guideline?
What are the two leading causes of fatalities in the fire service?
Heart Attacks and Vehicle Accidents
A ______ is an event that came close to resulting in an injury or fatality.
Close call
What is the ultimate responsibility of organizational management?
Workplace Safety
_______ limits the number of subordinates that one individual can effectively supervise.
Span of Control
Before an officer delegates a task he/she must ensure what before making the decision?
Employee is capable of completing task
What is one statistic that has not been tracked regarding firefighter injuries?
Close calls
What is a primary consideration for most organizations to be able to provide all of the services required by a jurisdiction?
Fiscal limitation
Which of the following is NOT a reason why the true scalar structure is well suited for dealing with emergency situations?
Unity of command
Regardless of how fire and emergency services are organized, they all function within these same organizational principles.
Command, span of control, division of labor
The term municipal fire department is sometimes known as…
A or B
A public safety department usually…
Trains its law enforcement officers to function as firefighters who act under fire and emergency services company officers
Regardless of the level where decision-making authority is located, accountability for decisions is almost always…
What is usually the first indication of what may become trends?
Results of informal interviews
What represents millage?
$1 per $1,000 property valuation
It is important for ____________ to participate in budget requests.
All company officers
Who trains, equips and funds fire and emergency services on tribal lands?
Bureau of Indian (BIA)
Which of the following is NOT an objective of customer service?
Provide customers with the information they need to know about internal customers
Fire districts, fire prevention distracts and voluntary fire associations generally operate under…
A board of trustees or commissioners
Correct interpretation and application of organizational policies may require…
Conciliation with administration
How emergency services organizations are structured is based on…
Organizational theory, research and practice in both private and organizations
Who must be able to prepare a budget request?
Company officers
Which of the following is not considered a condition that may occur of an IC attempts to control all on-scene units?
Maintenance issues
Budget request should be…
As simple as possible
What allows for quicker actions and reactions?
Direct communication at lower organizational levels
Which type of trust fund is represented by short-term trust funds?
The five step planning process provides a systematic approach to decision making. What are the five steps in this process?
Identify, select, design, implement, evaluate
A mentor is defined as…
An experienced member of the unit who can provide personal instruction and encouragement
When a company officer believes an employee is abusing sick leave and taking them as vacation days, the company officer should…
Request the employee provide medical evidence as to the nature of the illness or injury
Passive or negative behavior is defined as…
Occurs when people hide their own emotions so that others do not know how they feel, people do this to appease others
Preventive actions is a step in the progressive discipline process that can be defined as…
A counseling interview where the goal is to correct inappropriate behavior as soon as it is discovered
Records management can be defined as…
A systematic control of an organization records that is needed for decision making or to fulfill legal requirements
Records that must be kept confidential include…
Personnel files, individual training records and medical files
What is the purpose of an arbitrator?
To hear evidence from both sides in a dispute and determine a binding solution
When a person takes a non-assertive or passive approach to conflict they may deny that a conflict exists or refuse to take a stand one way or the other. This is defined as what type of behavior?
Avoiding conflict
What type of conflict does one individual appease the other person by passively giving to the viewpoint of the other individual?
Accommodating conflict
What type of conflict behavior relies on aggressive and uncooperative behavior?
Forcing conflict
When two parties reach a compromise solution that all parties can agree is what type of conflict behavior?
Negotiating conflict
Which type of conflict behavior results in the best solution to the conflict and is also called the problem solving style?
Collaborating conflict
_________ allows emergency responders to anticipate the resources and procedures needed to meet specific demands within their jurisdictions.
Pre-incident planning
__________ consists of structural members including walls, columns, beams, floors and roofs that are made of noncombustible or limited combustible materials, also called fire-resistive construction.
Type I construction
_________ consists of structural members similar to type I construction except that the degree of fire resistance is lower, also called noncombustible or noncombustible/limited combustible construction.
Type II construction
_________ consists of exterior walls and structural members that are portions of exterior walls that are made of noncombustible or limited combustible materials, also called ordinary construction.
Type III construction
_________ consists of exterior and interior walls and their associated structural members that are of noncombustible or limited combustible materials, also called heavy timber construction.
Type IV construction
_________ consist of exterior walls, bearing walls, columns, beams ,girders, trusses, arches, floors and roofs made entirely or partially of wood or other approved combustible material.
Type V construction
______ roofs may or may not have a slight slope to facilitate water drainage.
_______ roofs have a peak along one edge or in the center and a deck that slopes downward from the peak to one, two or all edges.
The term ________ represents the bulk of fuel available to burn and generally refers to the contents of a building.
Fuel load
Effective ______ is critically important if emergency scene activities are to be conducted a safely and efficiently.
_______ is the ability of a system to work with and use the parts or equipment of another system and is part of the requirements in the National Incident Management System.
A/an _______ is a written or unwritten plan for the safe and efficient disposition of an emergency incident.
Incident Action Plan (IAP)
______ is the number of direct subordinates that one supervisor can effectively control.
Span of Control
________ provides the efficient use of resources and the safety of all those involved in an incident.
Personnel accountability
________ is the ongoing process of evaluating an emergency situation to determine what has happened, what is happening, what is likely to happen and what resources will be needed to resolve the situation.
______ means controlling the environment in which responders must work.
Scene control
_______ are the overall plans for controlling an incident.
Strategic goals
The _______ operational mode involves taking direct action to resolve the problem.
The ______ operational mode is essentially intended to isolate or stabilize an incident and keep it from getting any worse or larger.
The shift from defensive to offensive is referred to as the _____ attack mode.
________ bases theory on the average worker disliking work.
Theory X
_______ is the process of methodically examining the various parts of an item, project or incident.
The ______ process is establishing the worth or value of an item, person, process or a program is based on the desired outcome of an event.
A mathematical process for collecting, organizing and interpreting numerical data that is based to determine trends, make decisions and compare information is known as what?
______ research is used to monitor the subject’s action without directly interacting with them.
The preferred approach to personnel evaluations is the ______ approach.
A ______ is usually defined as a collection of a number of people who share certain traits, interact with one another and accept rights and obligations.
When an officer guides and individual member through new activities, reinforces correct behaviors and redirects incorrect behavior is known as what?
A _______ session may be used to establish boundaries and set expectations or it may be used in the context of discipline and used to determine the cause of inappropriate behavior and establish a means of correcting it.
When a supervisor or other superior acts as a trusted and friendly advisor or guide to a member who is new to a particular role is known as what?
When it is necessary for a supervisor to discipline a subordinate, where and how must the discipline take place?
In a private, calm atmosphere
Policies and procedures are more effective if they are considered _______ documents.
A _______ can be defined as a planned quantitative allocation of resources for specific activities.
A _________ takes place once during the budget-preparation process and again before purchasing the approved equipment and materials.
Needs Assessment
______ is the first step in the purchasing process.
Finding a funding source
The blue portion of a Hazardous Materials Marketing System sign referees to what type of hazard?
Locked or blocked designated exit doors are an example of what type of hazard?
NFPA _______ recognizes the presence of hazardous materials at commercial, manufacturing, institutional and other fixed storage facilities.
______ is the single most important life-safety item to check for during an inspection.
Means of egress
A _____ is a condition, substance or device that can cause injury or harm.
Reducing losses caused by hazardous conditions requires both a ______ and a ______ approach.
Proactive, Reactive
What is the first step in the Four-Step Method of Instruction?
A _______ is the act if showing how to do something or how something operates or acts.
A ladder rise is an example of what type of evolution?
Making the transition to company officer creates a variety personal challenges for the new fire officer. To overcome these personal challenges, the new officer must perform which of the following actions?
Support all types of education and training
Which of the following NFPA standards is the Standard for Fire Officer Professional Qualifications?
NFPA 1021
Level 1 Fire Officers must be able to perform which of the following human resources management?
Evaluate personnel performance
Incidents that involve criminal activity such as acts of terrorism or the operation if illegal drug laboratories require that the level 1 fire officer take which of the following actions?
Maintain security of the scene until fire investigation personnel arrive
Which level fire officer is responsible for applying health and safety standards daily?
Level I Fire Officer
Which of the blow is the act of directing, overseeing of controlling the activities and behavior of employees who are assigned to a particular supervisor?
Which of the below Behavioral theory is theory based in the worker disliking work?
Theory X
Which of the below leadership styles is based on the belief that there is no single best leadership style?
Contingency Leadership
Which level of leader is a competent manager: person who organizes people and resources toward the effective and efficient pursuit of predetermined objectives?
Level 3 leader
Which of the below power types is based on the subordinates’ perceptions of the leader’s authority to punish?
Which of the below is the act of controlling, monitoring or directing a project, program, situation or organization through the use of authority, discipline or persuasion?
A ______ is anyone who is responsible for the activities of one or more subordinate employees.
Which of the below are the development stages of building a cohesive team?
Forming, storming, norming, performing and adjourning
When creating job interest which of the below is a formal process that involves activities that assist participants in identifying and resolving personal, behavioral or career problems that are adversely affecting performance?
When counseling employees with the four-step method of counseling which step is to describe the desired performance?
Step 2
Which of the below is the ability to use rational thinking to determine the correct answer to a problem?
Which of the below are the types of reasoning?
Inductive, deductive, casual and analogical
Which if the below fallacy types is making a weak, easily refuted statement to take attention away from the main point, thus creating a distraction from the main point?
Straw man
Which step is comparing each piton to established criteria when dealing with an ethical dilemma?
Step 4
Which of the below decision-making models allows the leader to select the decision that will satisfy the minimal requirements of the situation?
Bounded rationality model
What is a legal term that refers to the handling and integrity or real evidence, that is, physical materials? The term also denotes the documentation of the custody, including the acquisition or seizure, control, transfer, analysis and final disposition of the evidence.
Chain of Custody
The company officer can interview witnesses but should never do what to witnesses?
What is an obvious indictor to determine the point of origin of the fire?
A cone-shaped pattern
This stage of fire occurs when the available fuel in the compartment is consumed by the fire and the rate of heat release begins to decline.
This tool is intended to determine whether an emergency incident was conducted in the safest and most efficient manner.
Post incident critique
The management process includes four functions: Planning, Organizing, Leading and _______.
Historically, this has been known as the number of employees supervised by one supervisor?
Span of control
This is a person who leads a change project or initiative by defining, researching, planing, building support and carefully selecting members of a change team.
Change agent
Once the need for change has been recognized, resistance has been overcome and an innovative solution has been agrees upon, it is time to do what?
Implement the change
Change, whether voluntary or forced on the organization, this am opportunity for what?
Under this type of council-mayor government, the council actually administers the business of the city while the mayor serves primarily as a figurehead?
Weak-mayor concept
This type of government continues to be the most common form of county and parish government.
This is a state(s) in which the government functions with the common consent of the people.
The department of labor established ______ to develop and promulgate mandatory occupational safety and health standards.
This branch of government is responsible for enacting laws.
This system outlines the requirements for multiagency and multijurisdictional cooperation and standardizes interagency and intergovernmental operations at emergency incidents?
This is a formal, written agreement between jurisdictions that share a common boundary.
Automatic aid
This is a reciprocal agreement between two or more fire and emergency services organizations. Under this agreement response is not guaranteed.
Mutual aid
This established the programs and processes for the U.S. federal government to provide disaster and emergency assistance to states, local governments, tribal nations, individuals and qualified private nonprofit organizations.
Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act
This type of aid agreement may be a simple function of the local government and not require a written document to verify it.
Internal aid
The Five-Step Planning Method includes: Identify, Select, Design, Implement and _______.
NFPA _____ is the Standard for Fire Officer Professional Qualifications.
What is the third step of The Six Steps of Conflict Resolution?
List alternative options
What percentage of the 1.1 million firefighters is estimated by the US Fire Administration to be abusing drugs?
Organization of employees authorized to bargain with an employer for working conditions is defined as…
The means most often used by the Fire Service to enhance an organization’s public image is…
Public Fire & Life Safety Education
The second step in the Five-Step Planning Process is…
The fourth step in the Five-Step Planning Process is…
The No. 1 priority of the Customer Service Model is to…
Deliver the best possible service to customers
One of the first skills required when dealing with irate citizens is…
Effective listening
_____ are those files that are required for day to day operations such as purchase requests and contracts.
Active files
Which of the following is considered publics record?
Handwritten notes
Which of the following records is confidential?
Individual Training Records
Creating alternative plans that cam be implemented in the event of uncontrollable circumstances is defined as…
Determining the steps required to meet the goals, outcomes and objectives previously selected is which step of the Planning Process?
There are ____ Steps of Conflict Resolution.
The _______ established the legal principle that an employee cannot be forced into a contract by the employer in order to either obtain or keep a job.
Norris-La Guardia Act
The _______ guaranteed unions the right conduct collective bargaining.
National Industrial Recovery Act
The _____ allowed workers to decide, by a majority, who would represent them in the bargaining process and defined unfair labor practices.
Wagner-Connery Act
The ______ was passed in 1938 to guarantee that workers in the private sector would receive overtime pay at one and one-half times their normal rate of pay for work beyond 40 hours in 1 week.
Fair Labor Standards Act
____ is the process of methodically examining the various parts of an item, protect or incident.
_____ analysis is based on the relationship between the effort and the result.
______ analysis involves looking at each step in the process and determining the best way to do it.
______ analysis occurs when current policies (or the resulting problem caused by the lack thereof) are analysis for effectiveness and enforcement.
______ analysis is used to determine the most efficient ways to provide a program or service by looking at each program component.
_____ is establishing the worth or value of each of those parts (or the whole) based on the outcome.
The basic ______ for all types of evaluations should be maintained in a written evaluation plan adopted by the organization.
______ are generated through a process that involves the gathering of data.
A _____ is one of the simplest and most effective ways to display data.
Bar chart
A ______ is usually defined as a collection consisting of a number of people who shared certain traits.
______ values are a part of the cohesive structure of most groups.
_____ is a a board term used for a variety of procedures designed to help individuals adjust to certain situations and a means of either reinforcing correct behavior.
________ can be described as an intensive process of directing the skills performance of an individual.
______ is a process that places a new subordinate under the guidance of a more experienced professional who acts as a tutor.
______ is often though of as punishment.
_____ can be defined as a planned quantitative allocation or resources for specific activities.
A _______ is a certificate issued by a governmental entity of jurisdiction that promises to repay the principal along with interest on a specified date.
A _____ is an account whose assets are managed by a trustee or a board of trustees for the benefits of another party or parties.
Trust fund
How many risks are there for a company officer to be familiar with the assessment of the community or neighborhood?
What is the first step in the process is to identify the risks in the neighborhood?
Identify the risk
What are the 5 steps in the planning process?
Identify, select, design, implement and evaluate
What emergency incident planning involves two distinct activities that occur at two different times?
Pre-incident planning and incident scene
What plan defines the strategic goals and tactical objectives on an emergency incident?
When are formal performance evaluations held, other than annually?
After improper behavior
When should a hostile work environment be dealt with as a company officer?
Take corrective action immediately and decisively
What type of behavior occurs when people express their emotions openly by using threatening behaviors towards people or objects?
Aggressive behavior
What type of behavior occurs when people express their emotions honestly and defend their rights without hurting others?
Assertive behavior
What conflict management style involves the sharing of information openly and honestly, which usually results in the best solution to the conflict?
Collaborating conflict
What is the first step in conflict resolution?
Classify/identify the problem
_________ is a voluntary process that requires the parties in conflict to discuss the problem in the presence of other members of the unit and permit the group to resolve the problem.
Peer mediation process
What is the difference between corrective action and preventive action?
Corrective action is always done in writing
What level of progressive disciplinary action, what will the company officer most likely use?
Preventive action
______ refers to the culturally and socially defined roles and responsibilities of males and females based on characteristics that are attributed to each group.
The company officer should try to communicate with a citizen ______ requesting a translator.
At what distance do people in the North America culture view personal space?
18 inches to 4 feet
What are the three most effective means of providing fire and life safety information and enhancing the organization’s image through public education?
Group presentations, media programs and direct assistance
______ can also be thought of as the potential for failure or loss.
What action should be done when a concern or complaint is voiced by a citizen during an emergency operations?
Explain without insulting the citizen that the emergency is more important at the moment than the complaint
What records must be kept confidential?
Personnel files, medical reports and training records
What public records are open to the public?
Virtually all records
The ______ branch of government creates law.
Laws that were developed by judicial decisions rather than legislative actions are call _____ law.
_____ laws pertain to the laws enacted by legislative bodies.
The type laws that defines relationships between groups and resolves disputes between parties is…
A legal obligation or responsibility is known as ____.
When a criminal act applies to a public servant it is called _____.
EMS providers in the United States are governed by _____.
Department of Transportation
This form of sexual harassment consist of any unwanted sexual advances or behavior.
Quid Pro Quo
The type of negligence that occurs due to wrongful performance is ____.
______ pertain to laws created by government agencies used to enforce and implement statutory law.
During interpersonal communications, _____ is the path that the message takes between the two parties.
In the company officer book, ____ is listed as the most important part of communications.
A _____ type of speech gives the audience definitions, descriptions and explanations of a topic.
During a speech, loss of _____ is an indication that you have lost the audiences attention.
Eye contact
The _____ of the document is the subject or topic and how broad and narrow coverage it is.
The ______ part of a document tells the reader the topic through a thesis statement.
A _____ is a quick and relatively simple way of transmitting a message within an organization.
The ______ style of organization puts the most important facts first and least important last.
Inverted pyramid
This type of document is a brief review of the key points in a report.
Executive summary
Legibility, accuracy, completeness and objectivity are all required writing skills for a ____.
Form report
Which NFPA classifications designated five major building construction classifications?
NFPA 220
What type of construction consists of structural members, including walls, columns, beams, floors and roofs that are made of noncombustible materials?
Type IV
Which type of construction consists of materials made entirely or partially of wood or other approved combustible materials?
Type V
Which type of roof may he surrounded and/or divided by parapets?
One form of _____ roof construction uses bow-string (bow-shaped) trusses as the main supporting members?
According to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) what percentage of the roof system in the U.S. are built using a truss system?
Which of the below is the NFPA standard for Smoke and Heat Venting?
What is the ability of a system to work with and use the parts or equipment of another system?
The Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials-International, Inc. (APCO International) developed which of the below Standards for Public Safety Digital Radio?
APCO Project 25
A typical mobile radios has ____ to _____ watts of transmitting and receiving power?
100, 150
Which one of the below is the five C’s of communication?
Conciseness, Clarity, Confidence, Control and Capability
Because the concept of incident management is so critical, the U.S. government mandated the use of ICS as a component of NIMS in what year?
Which of the below organizational level has responsibility for operations within a defined geographic area?
What type of engine is a structural fire-fighting apparatus with 1,000 gpm pump capacity?
Type I
This resource type is any combination of resources (engine, ladders/trucks, bulldozers, etc.) assembled for a specific mission or operational assignment.
Task Force
Which of the below ICS form is the Incident Objectives form, which lists clearly stated and measurable objectives to be achieved in the specific time interval?
ICS 202
An effective span of control ranges from how many subordinates per supervisor?
The priorities of incident scene management are always conducted on which order?
Life Safety, Incident Stabilization and Property Conservation
Command should never be transferred in which of the below situations?
To anyone who has not arrived on the scene
Which of the below Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Alert Classifications indicates that an aircraft approaching the airport is in major difficulty?
Alert II