Methods Flashcards
What are postal and self completion questionnaires?
- Where a questionnaire is sent out to respondents and they complete it without ever meeting the researcher.
Give at least two advantages of postal and self completion questionnaires.
At least two from:
- Controversial and personal questions are more likely to be answered because the researcher is not present.
- Researchers do not have to pay for interviewers, so it’s cheaper.
- Results can be obtained quickly.
Give at least two disadvantages of postal and self completion questionnaires.
At least two from:
- Not everyone responds to online/postal questionnaires.
- Possible problems with validity.
- People may interpret questions differently, or give untruthful answers due to dishonesty or or forget-fullness.
What is ethics?
- Moral principles that govern a persons behaviour or the way in which an activity such as sociological research is conducted.
What ethical considerations are there when conducting sociological research?
Give at least three considerations.
At least three from:
- Socially inclusive
- Informed consent
- Research self-protection
- Confidentiality and anonymity
- Protection from harm
- Gatekeepers
- Right to withdraw
What must researchers consider in terms of being socially inclusive before conducting research?
- Making sure that research does not exclude anyone from taking part on the basis of race, class, gender, age or disability.
What must researchers consider in terms of informed consent before conducting research?
- Participants should give their consent to take part in the research, and should not be manipulated, and should be fully aware of the topic that is being researched and the method used.
- If the research could affect the participant physically or emotionally then they have the right to know in advance.
What should researchers consider in terms of the right to withdraw before conducting research?
- Participants have the right to withdraw from any piece of research at any time without feeling guilty.
What should researchers consider in terms of protecting themselves, before conducting research?
- A researcher should never place themselves at risk.
For example: research on criminal gangs would need to be carefully planned to avoid any personal risk to the researcher.
What must researchers consider in terms of confidentiality and anonymity, before conducting research?
- Researchers should not use the names of their participants in their research.
- The participants should remain anonymous and their names should be changed or removed.
- Participants should be made aware of any identifying information that will be kept private.
What must researchers consider in terms of protection from harm, before conducting research?
- Participants have the right to not be harmed physically or psychologically by the research carried out.
- The participant should finish the research in the same state of mind they were in when they started.
- If the research upsets the participant then it could be classed as emotional harm.
What must researchers consider in terms of gatekeepers, before conducting research?
- Children are more vulnerable than adults because:
1) They may not fully understand what is happening, so even if they agree to take part, they are not fully informed.
2) Children often think of adults as figures of authority, so may feel that they are not able to withdraw from the research.
It is important to ask gatekeepers for permission before carrying out research on vulnerable groups - these are people who can limit your access to participants (parents in the case of children)
What practical factors are involved in choosing which research methods to use?
1) Time and Money:
- Different research methods require different amounts of money.
- Large scale surveys may employ dozens of interviewers and other staff so will be costly, and small a small scale survey would be less costly but take more time to complete.
2) Subject Matter
3) Personal Skills and Characteristics:
- Each sociologist will have different skills and this may affect their ability to use different methods.
4) Research Opportunity:
- Sometimes the opportunity to carry out research comes about unexpectedly, meaning it may not be possible to use structured methods such as questionnaires as they take a long time to prepare.
5) Requirements of Funding Bodies:
- Institutions that fund the research may specify the results to be in a particular form.
What ethical factors are involved in choosing which research methods to use?
1) Informed Consent:
- Research participants should have the right to choose not to be involved.
- The researcher should tell the participants about all the relevant aspects of the research so that they can make an informed decision.
- Consent should be obtained before the research begins.
2) Vulnerable Groups:
- Extra care should be taken where participants are particularly vulnerable because of the following:
* Age
* Disability
* Physical or mental health
For example, when researching in schools, the researcher should obtain consent from both the children and their parents, using language appropriate for the children.
3) Covert Research:
- This can create serious ethical problems because it means that the participants are likely to be lied to or deceived in order to gain their trust or access to information.
- It is hard to gain informed consent when the research purpose is not disclosed.
4) Harm to participants:
- Researchers need to be aware of the effects of their work on the people they study.
- Wherever possible, participants should anticipate and prevent harm.
5) Confidentiality and Privacy:
- Researchers should keep the identity of the participants private to help prevent the research having negative effects on them.
- Personal information about participants should be kept private.
What theoretical factors are involved in choosing which research methods to use?
1) Methodological Perspective:
- This would be the researchers view of what society is like and how it should be studied.
- This influences the method used when research is conducted.
- Positivists prefer quantitive data and are keen to discover patterns of behaviour.
- Interpretivists prefer qualitative data.
2) Validity:
3) Reliability
4) Representativeness
Give two practical advantages of laboratory experiments.
At least two from:
- Easy to attract funding because of the widespread respect of science.
- These experiments are easy to conduct because it will take place in one place.
Give two practical disadvantages of laboratory experiments.
At least two from:
- It is not practical to observe a large scale social processes in laboratory.
- The researcher won’t be able to get enough people into the laboratory to be able to make accurate generalisations about the findings of the topics being researched.
- This method will require the researcher to have small samples at any one time.
- Gaining a larger overall sample size would take the research a long time.
Give two theoretical advantages of laboratory experiments.
At least two from:
- Researchers are able to precisely measure the exact effect of one thing on another.
- It has good reliability as researchers can easily repeat the exact same conditions and there is a good level of detachment between the researcher and participant.
Give two theoretical disadvantages of laboratory experiments.
At least two from:
- Human behaviour cannot be explained through simple cause and effect relationships and needs to be looked at in a more realistic setting.
- They lack external validity as the environment is artificial and far removed from real-life so the results tell us very little about how respondents would actually act in real life.
- The results may also lack validity because participants may act differently as they know they’re part of an experiment.
Give two practical advantages of questionnaires.
At least two from:
- One of the most affordable ways to conduct research and gain qualitative data.
- Online and mobile surveys have a very low cost and can reach a large amount of people.
- They are quick and easy for participants to complete, meaning that they are more likely to take the time to answer the questions.